University of Wisconsin-La Crosse student 'very upset' over dorm's Harry Potter mural


May 27, 2007
A University of Wisconsin-La Crosse student had a serious complaint for his campus’ official “Hate Response Team”: he was “very upset” by a Harry Potter mural in a college dorm.

The mural, in the Laux Residence Hall, depicts Neville Longbottom, a character from the Harry Potter films. The nerdy Neville was played by actor Matthew Lewis, who blossomed into a notable hunk post-puberty. The mural shows him as both a geeky boy and an attractive young man — transformed, according to the mural’s caption, by a stay at the Laux Residence Hall itself.

The depiction of this metamorphosis “represents our ideal society and everything I am trying to fight against,” wrote the offended student, whose name is redacted. “It represents white power. Man power. Cis power. Able power. Class power. ECT [sic] ect. I am angry that I know the people who put this mural up, and I am anger [sic] because I know the people who let this mural be put up.

Like I said earlier, maybe I am being a little sensitive, but it is how I feel. This represents, to me, our society, and I do not want it up on this wall. Why do we need a BEFORE and AFTER?”

The complaint, unearthed by a Heat Street records request for reports of bias on UW-La Crosse’s campus, was filed in April. We confirmed the mural remains up, despite the student’s complaint. By deadline, neither of the students who painted Neville Longbottom’s poster had responded to Heat Street’s inquiry.

UW-La Crosse established its “Hate Response” Team more than a decade ago to address acts of bias, prejudice, intolerance and hate on campus. Over the same timeframe, more than 100 other colleges and universities also established similar bias response teams.

But recently, they’ve also come under fire in some places for restricting free speech and catering to the most easily offended students on campus.

New member
Sep 11, 2016
I hope this moron that complained about something so dumb has his identity exposed and that he gets bullied for the rest of his college tenure. What an idiot

Nov 16, 2008
What a Generation of Pussies this one is

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
destined to be a loser, have some empathy
May 8, 2014
That is 1 vote the Black party can always count on right there.

What a pathetic fag. You are in college speaking out about a kid's book. Hahaha.

Nov 4, 2009
On Thursday night protestors at KU (Kansas University) hijacked a Young Americans for Freedom (YAF) meeting after becoming completely enraged by KU YAF Chairman Gabe Lepinski posting the comment, “Facts don’t care about your feelings,” in a social media group promoting leftist campus protests for transgender rights.

The Leftist Snowflakes began screaming about a "White Privilege" that allows white people to walk un-harassed across campus solely bcuz they were born white and with a penis, that White People exist in a state of indebtedness to the descendants of Black Slaves and Native Americans, that white people continue to this day to reap the benefits of these people's sacrifice and threatened to tear this motherf***ing school up on a daily motherf****ing basis!!!!


I don’t study in the library because I don’t feel comfortable with people always wondering about my gender identity if I am a male or a female and how I express myself, and I don’t feel comfortable being in classrooms where I am supposed to speak as a trans-human and as a queer person as all queer people, one student whined. That shows you that there is a problem with this institution about there not being—that these students are not being taught that they are supposed to create safe spaces!!!!!


“Safe spaces are a necessity!!!”
, making clear that she would brook no dissent on the matter, the obese (possibly) black female declared further: “It's not a question. It's not for you to say. It's not for anyone else to say. Safe spaces are necessary because the institution that we’re at is not a safe space in its entirety,” she claimed. “We have to carve out places and fight for places that we feel safe because not only will we get harassed, we’ll be murdered, we’ll be all this stuff and discriminated against because we have to do that!!!!!

At one point when KU YAF Chairman Gabe Lepinski referred to the protesters as “you guys,” which was a dreadful error as one leftist completely exploded, screaming, “Do not call us guys! That is a micro aggression!


At another point, one of the protestors broke down when asked about safe spaces, pounding fists on the table and shouting, I am not retreating! I’m making myself safe and comfortable!!!!… If I want this space, I can have this space! It’s my right to have this space!”


The leftists screamed at the YAF students that they were “white supremacists” then stormed out of the meeting in a complete huff, totally enraged, screaming obscenities as they walked down the hallway.

Nov 4, 2009
KU staffer (!!!) : YAF Prez = 'garbage human being, 'motherf***er'

Cam Westbrook <time datetime="2016-09-26T16:46">on Sep 26, 2016 at 4:46 PM EDT</time>

KU staffer Mark White went off on KU YAF President Gabriel Lepinski on Twitter Sunday night.


Mark White, a complete and total idiot who is somehow (and inexplicably) employed at Kansas University as a Social Psychologist sent the tweet above.

This comes after Lepinski’s YAF chapter meeting was overrun by other students last week. At the meeting held by the University’s YAF chapter last Thursday, the protesters shouted about alleged forms of oppression they claim to face at KU.

Gabriel Lepinski, the club president who was present at the meeting, says he gave his email address to one of the protestor and asked for laws at KU that oppress minorities.

After 2 days and no emailed documents to back up the Snowflake's claim of "laws at KU that oppress minorities" Gabe posted:

“Over 2 days since I gave my email to a sjw and asked them to email me laws at ku oppressing minorities. Nothing yet!”

KU Social Psychologist Mark White, upon seeing this post, completely lost what little of his "mind" that he was in possession of before seeing Gabe's post so tweeted that “this motherfucker even tweeting like trump, shit. can’t wait to see you walking on campus with that red armband.” White also declared Lepinski a “garbage human being.”
The reference to a red armband is apparently a reference to the Nazi swastika.

Among other statements made by White were, “fuck off my campus, go study at Liberty University,” and, “I’m not here to make good arguments. I’m here to say: fuck you.” At one point White used the term, “…your lilly [sic] white dream,” to describe a Trump presidency.

Mark White, according to his KU bio, earned a B.A. in Psychology and a B.A. in Sociology at the University of Missouri :):)

and describes his research interests as follows:

“I study how people justify their prejudicial attitudes to themselves and others. Prejudice is everywhere, yet expressing prejudice is taboo—the primary question I investigate is, “How do people deal with this contradiction?” My research has found that people can use ideologies (e.g., non-egalitarianism) and social norms (e.g., freedom of speech) to justify feeling negatively about groups and expressing these negative feelings. I have also done research concerning sports, dehumanization, historical nostalgia, and collective guilt.”




White has since deleted his Twitter account.

(Probably the most intelligent thing this stupid fucking idiot has done in several years)

KU spokespersons did not respond to a request for comment in time for publication.


Nov 4, 2009

Umberto Cellini · Boston, Massachusetts

Whites owe blacks nothing. On the contrary, blacks owe whites for welfare, affirmative action, set-asides, EBT, huge police departments, Section-8 housing, wasted educational efforts, WIC, free health insurance, free cellphones, quotas, burned cities, a 74% bastardy rate, and huge medical bills due to being huge ham-planets and land-whales (diabetes, anyone?), indoor plumbing, internal combustion machines, electricity, jets, iPhones, the wheel, trains, the Industrial Revolution, modern management techniques, universities, written history, highways, brick homes, skyscrapers, elevators, air-conditioning, refrigerators, dishwashers, plate glass, suspension bridges, tunnels, television, radio, the Internet, computers, penicillin, sewage systems, frozen food, vaccines, microwaves, x-rays, and more.

Africa or other countries await BLM thugs who think they have more opportunities than in America (and who believe themselves so "Oppressed" here in USA).

Most Liberals have morph'd irrevocably into assholinity.

Nov 4, 2009
Bill Smith · UNC Greensboro

I know I am an old guy but...aren't these loud mouths goin off about safe spaces and all that other crap doing the very same thing that they are denouncing??!!?? to put it politely. This is not college. It's kindergarten.

Susan Thompson · Works at Homemaker

Whenever these intolerant and immature young racists make the news, it makes me wonder who raises these kids, what parents have given them the life values that they base this bigotry and racism on?

It's ironic that (the "Transgendered" person yelling's) father is a pastor.

This makes me search mine and my husband's raising of our children (who are in their mid to late 40s now and whose children are in college) and if anything we did or said, anything we might have passed on that could remotely contribute to our grandkids doing something as horrible as what we see now from college campuses today. It makes me wonder what parents and grandparents must think when they see their own children and grandchildren doing these things?

My husband has had the talk with all of our grand-kids who are in college. The word was, don't bring it here. Don't bring it to our home. And as soon as he finds out any of them are doing this kind of thing, the checks from home stop. No more helping with the phone bills, car payments, rent, books and fees, nothing. They can act out if they want but we are not going to help them do it. If they start with the white privilege and this racist PCness, it tells him they don't want his white privilege money or help. So they've been warned.

They are on notice and there won't be any do-overs.


The Great Govenor of California
Feb 21, 2001
we need all white university, imagine all the hot girls instead of the diversity dirtbags. back to the 1980s please

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