UK Supreme Court to hear Phil Ivey's Baccarat Case


May 16, 2007
Rx Farm Historian presents, with a Valid Ask via PM that I am going to Address Here, before and in front of the public, bcuz I have nothing to hide: "How tf did you manage to Collapse & Lose Outright That Rx College Bowl Game Contest? If You have figured out Value of "Connection", giving it all up crushing Ego effacement?"

Great Fucking Question. I know I was up 2 games with only 4 games to go...leading by TWO and just FOUR GAMES left to be played and I remember there was 42 fucking bowl games and I had 'Capped 38 of them like really really GOOD so I recall thinking:

Bcuz I had come out, within those 38 games Siding with, like, 27 Dogs or maybe more.....that I wasn't gonna even be in it, I could barely keep my eyes open

I relented, saying to myself I would 'Cap those last 4 Games...

that Final Bowl Game Day......


End of College Football.

The Last Day. 4 Games.

I never 'Capped those games. :( Got Distracted by "Life" I said....never ever did I Imagine I would be In It. For $2670 or whatever.

Actual Answer is though:

To answer that question from the Longtime & sharp as a razr Member.....of RX Farm:

"The Guy who won that deserved it more than I did."

Which is the whole point of this Post: "Connection" with what your people have had connection with Forever:

Your Grandfather, his Grandad, his Grandad all the way back to "82112 B.C". as long as we've Hoped.....

...that some thing would come "easy", it hardly ever did and Faith, "Connecting" with Pure Love, what You came from

doesn't automatically equal you just Win, from that Moment that you Connect with what those who gave birth to You Here, have Believed.

And Trusted more than you will ever be able to Know.......

What was it like for that girl, in such pain with have summoned the strength to try again, after that child was Stillborn?

What does it mean that the Daughter she then gave birth to was your Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great Grandmother

the one and only path to you being Born?

What does it mean that a Bear tried to Attack Her, when she was 9

but she was fast as fuck and knew the forest better than that fucking Bear?

If Only You Knew

You came like that Camel thru an eye of the Needle to get here. For you to even be alive today:


If Only You Knew.

The "turn on a dime" Chance that Preceded

Your Birth.


"never ever about Man's Religions" with ML Dog.

This is about You Conquering. What You were meant to do but "The World life women blah" may be knocked you Off Course from...


Devoid of Ego.

Imagine That.





The FUCK is that SHIT anyways? "Ego"


what the fuck? Sincerely?!!? You are Here and make your FOCUS on a Shell that will slough off like a Moth die decay pass away be


Have You "Dreamed" where you've Flown Across The Sky?

Like: HIGH

Weightless Really Fuckin HIGH and looked down upon a World Below?

sailing Above.....

If So, if you've "Dreamed" and Flown, Free Above like a Bird

and felt True Beauty, what it is to be free'd of "this weight"

then you should know: Not Yet an Instant Improvement to your Winning Percentage, just because you have managed to comprehend how Defeat of The ID

could maybe turn out to be Beneficial......

Eventually, +EV or Minus at Sports Betting some of you will see that The Ego of Men

"who" guys thought they were here, has caused 73% of the suffering on this planet.

In My Dying Days.........

perhaps not what you would have expected.....

but this guy is "famous", cuz he was a drummer in a Band. His first solo album.....if you can find

if you have

within you

a desire to adventure

and get Free of this Place

"this mortal coil"

READ the Lyrics the WORDS this guy wrote then find the First Solo Albums of his Bandmates

in that "famous" band

Path been Carved Here. Pomegranates have tiny seeds in them to illustrate Glory, that those were good for Blood Flow, Humongous Hard PIT in the middle of an Avocado to show you Pregnant Females should eat that. Exalt. Eye of a fucking Carrot? Cut a Carrot open, sit it a place where you can Stare Down that Fucking Carrot.

any fucking Carrot.


You'll never ever Be Strong Enough to Win a Stare Down with a Carrot.

No one is demanding you do that though. Just if you feel like traveling into that Centre of the picture up there, hurtling thru Space of The Human Mind with No Direction landing somewhere AMAZING like you are in a Douglass Adams book...

Do This:

Listen to each of these guy's Initial Solo Albums.

Just listen to them, totally don't even try to learn words of these albums.

Just Listen. What do you Hear?

Soul, I said: Equipped You Came with Path.

Your Angels Speak to You. Hear....there will be

Oh Fuck Look At This: Flowery Language yet ya'll just wind up in the same place.

Ya Wanna Expand Your Mind?

Morrison said:

"lets start a new religion."

ALL of the Artists that were in that Famous Band, with this amazing Artist:

1. Find Complete Albums that Play Through all 54 minutes or whatever

2. Listen to each one of those, Individually then locate the Full Lyrics to that Album

3. Read what The Artist wrote, what He felt most important to Impart....on his very first Solo (Alone, By Himself) effort

4. Listen that Album. Without reading along....the Words

5. But You Know them, cuz if you did Step "know them" but you Advance along this path via "knowing" The Artist's words, to some degree but more at this Step 5: Appreciating how exactly The Artist expresses what (s)he felt most "sacred".......their Best

that they had when they were Young.

When they were ablaze with Vision. Hope......whatever....some of these guys might have been Crashing & Burning cuz like again: Morrison Described: "A Burning Blazing Star

Shooting across the sky."

Now: Path: Remember Grasshopper:

Solo Albums of ALL who came from whatever band it was this guy came from: Read The Lyrics. Really Read Them.

If "You" want Sincerely to Advance

Two Bands, Fucking Enmeshment.

Step 6: Indeed to Listen Again to The Artist, their Solo (First Album) Effort......

while reading along with the words. They Wrote.

Do this out of Order and you've Voluntarily tossed your dumb log Body off of The Ship.

Do This, for both bands members First Solo Albums.....

really make an effort to Grasp what they wrote

then groove, along with them: Marriage. Words and Music.

Take this Journey.......

its one way I made that Eye of that Needle bigger lol

as big, this me presenting an option to that squeezing thru an "Eye of a Needle" shit Disaster

alternative for Your Soul to BOUNCE within a Bouncy House, straight up.

kind of long

May 16, 2007
Rx Farm Historian presents, with a Valid Ask via PM that I am going to Address Here, before and in front of the public, bcuz I have nothing to hide: "How tf did you manage to Collapse & Lose Outright That Rx College Bowl Game Contest? If You have figured out Value of "Connection", giving it all up crushing Ego effacement?"

Great Fucking Question. I know I was up 2 games with only 4 games to go...leading by TWO and just FOUR GAMES left to be played and I remember there was 42 fucking bowl games and I had 'Capped 38 of them like really really GOOD so I recall thinking:

Bcuz I had come out, within those 38 games Siding with, like, 27 Dogs or maybe more.....that I wasn't gonna even be in it, I could barely keep my eyes open

I relented, saying to myself I would 'Cap those last 4 Games...

that Final Bowl Game Day......


End of College Football.

The Last Day. 4 Games.

I never 'Capped those games. :( Got Distracted by "Life" I said....never ever did I Imagine I would be In It. For $2670 or whatever.

Actual Answer is though:

To answer that question from the Longtime & sharp as a razr Member.....of RX Farm:

"The Guy who won that deserved it more than I did."

Which is the whole point of this Post: "Connection" with what your people have had connection with Forever:

Your Grandfather, his Grandad, his Grandad all the way back to "82112 B.C". as long as we've Hoped.....

...that some thing would come "easy", it hardly ever did and Faith, "Connecting" with Pure Love, what You came from

doesn't automatically equal you just Win, from that Moment that you Connect with what those who gave birth to You Here, have Believed.

And Trusted more than you will ever be able to Know.......

What was it like for that girl, in such pain with have summoned the strength to try again, after that child was Stillborn?

What does it mean that the Daughter she then gave birth to was your Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great Grandmother

the one and only path to you being Born?

What does it mean that a Bear tried to Attack Her, when she was 9

but she was fast as fuck and knew the forest better than that fucking Bear?

If Only You Knew

You came like that Camel thru an eye of the Needle to get here. For you to even be alive today:


If Only You Knew.

The "turn on a dime" Chance that Preceded

Your Birth.


"never ever about Man's Religions" with ML Dog.

This is about You Conquering. What You were meant to do but "The World life women blah" may be knocked you Off Course from...


Devoid of Ego.

Imagine That.





The FUCK is that SHIT anyways? "Ego"


what the fuck? Sincerely?!!? You are Here and make your FOCUS on a Shell that will slough off like a Moth die decay pass away be


Have You "Dreamed" where you've Flown Across The Sky?

Like: HIGH

Weightless Really Fuckin HIGH and looked down upon a World Below?

sailing Above.....

If So, if you've "Dreamed" and Flown, Free Above like a Bird

and felt True Beauty, what it is to be free'd of "this weight"

then you should know: Not Yet an Instant Improvement to your Winning Percentage, just because you have managed to comprehend how Defeat of The ID

could maybe turn out to be Beneficial......

Eventually, +EV or Minus at Sports Betting some of you will see that The Ego of Men

"who" guys thought they were here, has caused 73% of the suffering on this planet.

In My Dying Days.........

perhaps not what you would have expected.....

but this guy is "famous", cuz he was a drummer in a Band. His first solo album.....if you can find

if you have

within you

a desire to adventure

and get Free of this Place

"this mortal coil"

READ the Lyrics the WORDS this guy wrote then find the First Solo Albums of his Bandmates

in that "famous" band

Path been Carved Here. Pomegranates have tiny seeds in them to illustrate Glory, that those were good for Blood Flow, Humongous Hard PIT in the middle of an Avocado to show you Pregnant Females should eat that. Exalt. Eye of a fucking Carrot? Cut a Carrot open, sit it a place where you can Stare Down that Fucking Carrot.

any fucking Carrot.


You'll never ever Be Strong Enough to Win a Stare Down with a Carrot.

No one is demanding you do that though. Just if you feel like traveling into that Centre of the picture up there, hurtling thru Space of The Human Mind with No Direction landing somewhere AMAZING like you are in a Douglass Adams book...

Do This:

Listen to each of these guy's Initial Solo Albums.

Just listen to them, totally don't even try to learn words of these albums.

Just Listen. What do you Hear?

Soul, I said: Equipped You Came with Path.

Your Angels Speak to You. Hear....there will be

Oh Fuck Look At This: Flowery Language yet ya'll just wind up in the same place.

Ya Wanna Expand Your Mind?

Morrison said:

"lets start a new religion."

ALL of the Artists that were in that Famous Band, with this amazing Artist:

1. Find Complete Albums that Play Through all 54 minutes or whatever

2. Listen to each one of those, Individually then locate the Full Lyrics to that Album

3. Read what The Artist wrote, what He felt most important to Impart....on his very first Solo (Alone, By Himself) effort

4. Listen that Album. Without reading along....the Words

5. But You Know them, cuz if you did Step "know them" but you Advance along this path via "knowing" The Artist's words, to some degree but more at this Step 5: Appreciating how exactly The Artist expresses what (s)he felt most "sacred".......their Best

that they had when they were Young.

When they were ablaze with Vision. Hope......whatever....some of these guys might have been Crashing & Burning cuz like again: Morrison Described: "A Burning Blazing Star

Shooting across the sky."

Now: Path: Remember Grasshopper:

Solo Albums of ALL who came from whatever band it was this guy came from: Read The Lyrics. Really Read Them.

If "You" want Sincerely to Advance

Two Bands, Fucking Enmeshment.

Step 6: Indeed to Listen Again to The Artist, their Solo (First Album) Effort......

while reading along with the words. They Wrote.

Do this out of Order and you've Voluntarily tossed your dumb log Body off of The Ship.

Do This, for both bands members First Solo Albums.....

really make an effort to Grasp what they wrote

then groove, along with them: Marriage. Words and Music.

Take this Journey.......

its one way I made that Eye of that Needle bigger lol

as big, this me presenting an option to that squeezing thru an "Eye of a Needle" shit Disaster

alternative for Your Soul to BOUNCE within a Bouncy House, straight up.

and don't relate at all to the subject

Nov 4, 2009
Second Band:

You Must Search Out and Listen, Learn every member of that Bands ^^^ First Solo Albums

Its Vital that you, if You really wanna Explore...."you" in that sense of "Significance" when this you does not even come remotely close to making a mark on the span of time, its Vital that you Search Beyond the Longtime Members, "known members" of the band that Tony up there ^^^ was in

find out who all was ever in these 2 bands and Listen to their First Solo Albums.....observing Steps 1 thru 6 up there.


Cuz any Book, any Teacher, any Philosopher that has ever Lived came nowhere even CLOSE to Imparting what you'll hear/see/feel.

No One.

History Glorifies.....

"Plato", "Aristotle" and that other (similar) Dude whose Entire Accomplishment in Life was falling asleep beneath a tree and having an Apple fall down and land on his head

which led him to figure out" that objects that weigh more than air: FALL.

Oh Wow major breakthrough that. Fuck. What Year was this? That this guy figured this out?

One would think it was Day 2

that Humans were on this planet.

Anyways....I Digress :(

Just uncover what Band that guy up there was in then do whats said up there for each & every guy who played in that band's Initial (First) Solo Albums....


there was One Girl, who "joined" one of these bands.....she was a member of one of these bands for awhile.....she made a Solo Album....

definitely don't miss her cuz

this equivalent of $124,000 Four Years at College for you becomes Welcome Mat of Master's Degree

if you can find out who she was

and hear what she wrote

what she most wanted to say

when given the Greatest Stage

Woops, Wait I can't for some reason find this man's entire first solo Album

but I found The Song.

This means: You'll have to Spend Money.

You Know how people give money to a Church to.......bcuz they're Great People?

You know how "Manna from Heaven" plopped down sometimes bouncing off of folk's heads?

Buy The Fucking Album, trip him out lol

Express Lane to Heaven.

Toss these Few Sheckles into the Direction of this Fountain I mean wtf

wishes might

come true

You'll prolly have even worse Challenges with Syd's Album lol

and Roger's....oh mah lord....

You do this though: Take This Journey. All of them.

Hear what they "said."


an answer


Sep 21, 2004
phil did NOT CHEAT the game, the courts have confirmed this and if
he had don't you think the casinos would have filed criminal charges
if they could (even if the charges were weak).

do you think that the high roller area in a casino which is private
has LESS scrutiny and surveilance than a regular table? seriously?

this whole case reminds of a recent event. ben affleck was barred
from a casino in vegas ( i think hard rock or planet hollywood) for
counting cards in blackjack. the casino spun this story to say or
imply that affleck was cheating or cheated the casino by doing
this. by impugning a customer's reputation for counting shows
you how the casinos view and treat gamblers who actually try
to lower the house edge against them and god forbid actually
try to win. shame on you phil ivey and ben affleck for trying to win.

RX Senior
Sep 20, 2000
Ivey played within rules the casino themselves set and agreed to in the US and the UK. Casinos are very sore losers if they discover they lost to a smart person. Of course Ivey should be paid.

Sep 21, 2004
and how is ivey a con artist? please illuminate.
ivey trying to win a court decision in the UK or
in New Jersey where the casinos have more input
towards writing and interpreting the gambling
laws/regulations with the courts and "neutral" gambling
commissions is like trying to win a road game in
college basketball in the most hostile arena.

did you read about the court decision in baccarat
a few years ago in new jersey . evidently the casino started to
use unshuffled cards instead of shuffled cards.
amazingly enough the players figured this out
way before the house, supervisors, and surveillance
caught on. naturally the players started winning
(you can bet either way in that game) and of course
increased their bets quite accordingly. I believe the
players total win was north of 7 figures. the casino,
realizing that they had erred, offered the players
a decent settlement on their wins. some of the players
wanted everything and the settlement was rejected.
the case went to trial, the casino won, the players were
found guilty of something (I have no idea what), and were
ordered to return ALL of their winnings from that session.
this shows how skewed the laws and interpretations
are in the casinos favor. if I have misstated any details,
please feel free to correct the errors
Sep 21, 2004
Not sure how true, but someone posted this on another forum:

"The known cheater triad Asian woman had a connect with the company made the cards. That was established in court. That's why the knew exactly where the cards were used. In fact, Phil was the way in. The connect to the casinos. If you google this woman you will see she was in prison and studied thousands of hours to do this edge sorting. She admits it and is very proud of it.
Her father was also affiliated with the gang in Macau that Ivey and dean are in debt too.
Phil asked for a dealer who spoke mandarin because of her. Ivey is. It the one doing it but, with that said, he knew what he was doing, he knew she was a known cheater.
The judge said they insulted the courts intelligence saying they just happened upon these cards. The judge was right.
Also, they went to other casinos that had these cards that did not sue them. One of the casinos notice the known cheater and the others cut them off before big money was played. She was in disguise.

Again, Ivey would have never been around this known cheater but, he was forced. No gambler wants to be seen with her that's for sure."

Their undisputed masterpiece is "Hip to be Square.
Dec 29, 2005
^^^interesting. But outside of the dealer actually messing with the cards or giving signs, etc to the still can't side with the casino bec they actually jumped through of all the requested hoops to take the action.
Sep 21, 2004

Legal battle over Vegas cheating takes hilarious $27-turn

[FONT=&quot]By Associated Press

March 29, 2018 | 11:28am

ATLANTIC CITY, NJ — A casino where pro poker champ Phil Ivey and a companion won nearly $10 million playing baccarat with flawed cards wanted the manufacturer to pay it that amount in damages, arguing the asymmetrical cards led to its large losses, but a federal court judge disagreed, ruling the cards were only one of several factors.
U.S. District Court Judge Noel Hillman dealt the Borgata casino a truly bad hand on Monday, ruling that the most the casino could win at trial from card manufacturer Gemaco was the cost of replacing the cards: about $27.
It was the latest in a high-stakes legal battle now in its sixth year involving Atlantic City’s top casino, the 10-time World Series of Poker bracelet winner and a Missouri card company that had already been sued in another high-stakes Atlantic City casino case involving unshuffled cards.
Lawyers for the Borgata and Gemaco would not comment Wednesday on the latest ruling, largely because each has important legal decisions to make in the next two weeks.
The Borgata claimed Ivey and companion player Cheng Yin Sun exploited a flaw in the cards’ back-side pattern, enabling them to sort and arrange good cards in a technique called edge sorting.
The judge had previously ruled Ivey and Sun didn’t meet their obligation to follow gambling regulations on four occasions in 2012 by having a dealer at the Borgata arrange baccarat cards so they could tell what kind of card was coming next, and he ordered them to return $10.1 million to the casino.
The order essentially returned both sides to where they were before Ivey and Sun began gambling at the Borgata. That judgment remains in effect.

The Borgata had sought similar damages from Kansas City-based Gemaco. But the judge gave the casino and the card company three choices: Have the Borgata proceed to trial against Gemaco for damages; affirm the judgment against Ivey and Sun to let them begin their planned appeal; or give the Borgata and Gemaco time to settle their differences.
When the ruling went against Ivey in 2016, a lawyer for him stressed that the judge affirmed that he had followed every rule of baccarat and did not commit fraud.
Gemaco also was at the center of a court battle involving the Golden Nugget casino, where gamblers who realized cards were coming out of the deck in a predictable pattern won $1.5 million during 41 straight hands of mini-baccarat in 2012. That case was settled without the casino suffering a financial loss, its parent company said Wednesday.
Sep 21, 2004
[h=1]Phil Ivey Loses Fight For Stay On $10 Million Judgement Pending Appeal In Borgata Case[/h][h=2]Poker Hall Of Famer Runs Out Of Options In NJ District Court[/h]
by Brian Pempus | Published: Aug 30, 2018 | E-mail Author

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Poker legend Phil Ivey was dealt more bad news in New Jersey this week.
U.S. District Court Judge Noel Hillman on Tuesday denied the Poker Hall of Famer’s motion to stay a $10.1 million judgement without bond pending an appeal to a higher court. In late 2016, Hillman ruled that Ivey and fellow high-stakes gambler Cheung Yin “Kelly” Sun must return the millions of dollars they won in 2012 at baccarat using a technique called edge-sorting. The federal court in New Jersey determined that Ivey and Sun breached their contract with the Borgata casino-hotel in Atlantic City when they gained a small edge on the house.
Ivey’s legal team has a 30-day window from the date of Hillman’s order this week to appeal, Jeremy Klausner, Borgata’s attorney, told Card Player Magazine. “They can appeal without posting a bond, but if they don’t, then Borgata can try and collect on the judgement while the appeal is pending,” Klausner said of the procedural process.
Lawyers for Ivey and Sun still say that the court’s finding of breach of contract is erroneous. They asked the court to delay enforcement of the judgement pending an appeal for several additional legal reasons, including a claim that forking over the $10.1 million would cause “irreparable harm” because it would impact their careers as professional gamblers.
The Borgata’s legal team hit back hard in an Aug. 4 response to Ivey’s motion to stay the judgement without bond pending appeal. The casino said Ivey “is not in danger of being prevented from playing poker,” even pointing out in court documents that “one can play online poker with initial deposits of under $100.”
Judge Hillman sided with the Borgata.
“Defendants [Ivey and Sun] have provided no proof to show how the ‘purely economic injury, compensable in money’ would ‘threaten the existence of’ their business,” he wrote. “Defendants simply say that returning the $10,130,000 [Borgata] paid them to them in the first instance would have a ‘devastating impact’ on them. Without any evidence to support their claim that they will be irreparably harmed if the Court does not stay the judgment pending appeal, Defendants have not met their burden…to warrant a stay of the judgment pending their appeal.”
Specifically, Ivey’s legal team’s claim that the judgement would be “devastating” failed to meet the standard of an “actual and imminent” injury, rather than “remote” and “speculative,” Hillman wrote.
The Borgata pointed to Ivey’s return to high-stakes tournament poker in Las Vegas this summer as evidence that his career as a professional gambler is alive and well. Ivey, winner of 10 World Series of Poker bracelets, has so far cashed for $2.3 million in tournaments in 2018.
The casino’s legal team also claimed that Ivey has the cash on hand to pay.
Hillman certified the $10.1 million judgement as final, according to court documents.
Borgata argued in court documents that Ivey and Sun’s appeal to a higher court isn’t likely to be successful. A similar edge-sorting case at a U.K. casino involving the gamblers went all the way to the U.K. Supreme Court. Ivey and Sun lost, though the high court said Ivey was “clever and skillful” in outsmarting the casino. That court also said Ivey had “remarkably sharp eyes.”
The Borgata says Ivey’s odds are long. The casino said that fewer than 15 percent of private civil cases between 2011 and 2015 were reversed on appeal.
Card Player’s request for comment from Ivey’s lawyer wasn’t immediately returned on Thursday.

Sep 21, 2004
the laws in new jersey are written with protecting the casino in mind. between this case and
the other outrageous decision involving the unshuffled decks; the courts decisions are essentially
mind boggling allowing the casino to essentially have a free roll against their customers
in scenarios that are out of the ordinary. in both of these decisions the court should of
ruled in favor of the gambler(s) with all the liability to the card manufacturers whose idea
of quality control must of come from the makers of the YUGO. in addition the floor people
and surveillance did little or nothing to protect their casino's interests and their inaction
which allowed these losses to occur is not only inexcusable, but should of worked towards
a fairer resolution in the judicial system. I AM OUTRAGED!!

Medium Rare
Mar 12, 2007
Phil brought the bad cards into the game knowing the were bad these were not the casino cards

Phil brought the dealer into the game

who could speak Mandarin and his girl would speak to him and no one knew what the hell they were talking about

like some bad mojo thing that he would believe because of how he was brought up he would turn the cards

Phil brought the shuffle into the game so cards were not washed or turned back around

why did Phil do all of this to play a honest game


If this is all true, how the heck did the casino accommodate all that, and on top of that wait until he won 7+ millions to catch on?!

Sep 21, 2004
most if not all of the terms were agreed upon in advance. in many cases
casinos will do things to "accommodate" large gamblers such as giving
a % of the losses back to the player, things that appeal to a player's
superstitions, and other sometimes peculiar/specific requests. it is
the casino's expectation of winning or greed that motivates them to do this.
in the case of a large blackjack player, I think his name was don Johnson,
the casino(s) made so many concessions that he was able to beat the house(s)
for multiple millions and they cried like schoolgirls. in phil's case, the casino's
greed and incompetence blinded them to the fact that they were getting the
worst of it. afterwards, it was claimed that he was cheating even though he
was very transparent about his requests up front including that a specific brand
of cards be used. amazingly only he and a few others, but not the manufacturer
nor the casino, knew of the defect in the cards. his actions were specifically
designed to maximize his ability to take advantage of that defect.
May 4, 2005
Once Ivey started asking to have the cards turned a certain way for "good luck", anyone with a shred of common sense should have known that something shady was going on.

New member
Aug 29, 2018
No matter what the final result after appeal, Ivey, like Erick Lingdren, and many others, has really crashed and burned. When you consider how much money these guys were making, and how messed up their lives are now, and it hard to believe. Neither can have assets in their own name, either. Ivey, if he doesn't pay this judgment, will never be able to put assets in his own name. Just a living Hell. But that is the end game for 99 percent of poker players, so it is ironic, and fitting, that Ivey goes down in flames. His legal bills alone, are certainly in the low millions during this. And imagine if he already spent the money. He basically cannot win, will lose the appeal, and have to dodge creditors forever. Not fun.

Sep 21, 2004
actually it was his partner who asked the dealers in mandarin to turn the cards. i believe
they only asked for the 7,8, and 9s turned a certain way. that way if the
defect as seen on the visible top card in the shoe was on one side it was an
advantageous card and if on the other side it was more likely a stiff.
this would affect whether he bet player or bank.

Sep 21, 2004
at this time both ivey and the Borgata have appealed the 10 million and change judgement.
ivey, who was never charged with cheating by the new jersey state gambling commission, feels that the
judgement for him to return his winning was in error. the judgement includes that he return
about 9.6 million he won in baccarat IN ADDITION TO THE HALF A MILLION HE WON AT
THE CRAPS TABLE! this judgement seems to be wrong on so many levels that one
understand why he's appealing. the Borgata is countersuing because it's already going
to be there and because it can. it wants ivey to repay any comps he received, the amount
of money he would have been the expected to lose if he hadn't gamed the baccarat table,
lawyers fees, AND TRIPLE DAMAGES. all I can say is that the borgatas' lawyers must of
been much better than ivey's lawyers along with a favorable judge for this case to be
in this position.

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