Doubt it. He'll chase Shane all night, and then it will end with his wife going to the cops and a stay tuned for next week preview. How is this shit gonna end? All of them dead?i am so pumped about it tonight. i am thinking Vic gets taken out.
Wow, I had totally forgotten about Dutch's cat episode. That explains why he keeps going after that kid. Is Dutch a serial killer in the making?yea, someone needs to take his wife out... maybe dutch... gotta think that guy is gonna revisit the thrill he got out of the cat, right?
maybe ronnie knocks both shane and vic off?
I don't know why they are ending the show. This shit could go on for another 10 years. If it's the characters that want off the show, they could just replace them and move in a different direction. The writers are obviously top-notch.I thought I was the only one who watched this shit. Easily best show I've seen.
I actually think Ronnie will be the only one left at the end and start another strike team the Vic way.
There was a Dutch Boy spinoff in the works a few years back for when the show ended. Not sure if that's still in the works or not.there is no doubt they will revisit this cash cow in one way or another but i doubt it could ever be the same.
yea Illini, I don't think the cat was a one episode type of thing.