Trump voters already suffering from Buyer's Remorse....


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Mar 17, 2015
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The Trump Faithful Are Already Expressing Buyer's Remorse

</header>By LeftOfCenter
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twitt12/02/16 7:31am

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Credit: Politico



Many of the most die-hard Trump supporters have seen the light that the rest of America saw so clearly. Draining the swamp was actually the last thing on Donald's to-do list. Steve Mnuchin, predatory lender and hedge-fund billionaire is his actual pick for Secretary of the Treasury? Oh dear. The draining of the swamp has revealed a very thick layer of scum. And now people are noticing their health insurance might be at risk?
In an interview with the Associated Press, Los Angeles resident Teena Colebrook now says, “I just wish that I had not voted.” She added, “”I have no faith in our government anymore at all. They all promise you the world at the end of a stick and take it away once they get in.”
Mnuchin and a team of investors ran OneWest, who foreclosed on Colebrook’s home during the Great Recession, taking over two units she rented – which were her primary sources of income.
Trump in the days leading up to the election had claimed that he was “draining the swamp” in Washington, D.C., but so far the bulk of his appointments have been millionaires and billionaires well entrenched in the swamp of corruption and cronyism that so many dislike about politics.
Sadly, Teena learned the truth far too late.
Speaking about Trump’s betrayal, Colebrook said, “He doesn’t want the truth. He’s now backing his buddies.”
It's not just the financial sector that will be suffering with these abhorrent choices made by Mike Pence and Cheeto Mussolini, it's the promise to take away millions of lower-income Americans' healthcare access. Granting rights and then rescinding them is not going to go over well, as residents of Teabagger Matt Bevin's state of Kentucky are beginning to realize.
NPR reports:
In a state as cash-strapped as Kentucky, the increased expenses ahead for Medicaid will be significant in Bevin's view — $1.2 billion from 2017 to 2021, according to the waiver request he's made to the Obama administration to change how Medicaid works in his state.

↓ Story continues below ↓

Trump's unexpected victory may help Bevin's chances of winning approval. Before the election, many analysts expected federal officials to reject the governor's plan by the end of the year on the grounds that it would roll back gains in expected coverage.
A Trump administration could decide the matter differently, said Emily Beauregard, executive director of Kentucky Voice for Health, an advocacy group that opposes most waiver changes because they could reduce access to care.
Trump actually promised NOT to mess with Medicare and SS, but here we are.
Congressman Tom Price, the HHS pick, is a vehemently anti-LGBT and leader in the repeal Obamacare fight.

Even some of the more well-known of Trump's supporters are beginning to show signs of dissent.
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Ann Coulter

Medicare IS NOT WHAT THE ELECTION WAS FOUGHT OVER. If Ryan wants to change Medicare, then run for president on that & see how far you get. …
10:08 PM - 26 Nov 2016

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What did they expect when they elected the most corrupt pathological liar to the most powerful position in the country? They're finding out what his Atlantic City Casino investors and students at his University found out too late... they've been bamboozled by a con-man.

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Crooks and Liars is a progressive news blog focusing on political events and the news coverage of them, founded by John Amato.[SUP][1][/SUP] Journalist Susan Madrak is the managing editor. Along with John Amato, frequent contributors include Nicole Belle, Logan Murphy, Mike Finnigan, David Neiwert, SilentPatriot, Fran Langum[SUP][2][/SUP][SUP][3][/SUP] Nonny Mouse,[SUP][4][/SUP] Kenneth Quinnell,[SUP][5][/SUP] and Howie Klein. :pointer:

Along with a variety of clips from television news media, the site frequently features clips from cable programs such as The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, The Colbert Report, Hardball with Chris Matthews, The Rachel Maddow Show (TV series), and Countdown with Keith Olbermann.

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005


Trump voters laughing their asses off at libtard nation

2009 RX Death Pool Champion
Apr 3, 2005
Yeah right...Post this shit in the political forum where it belongs....Are you that fucking stupid that you do not know?

New member
Mar 17, 2015
<header class="entry-header" style="box-sizing: border-box; border: 0px; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; vertical-align: baseline; color: rgb(68, 68, 68); font-family: Georgia, "Times New Roman", Times, serif;">Trump Reneging on His Campaign Promises to Voters

<time class="entry-time" itemprop="datePublished" datetime="2016-11-30T06:30:47+00:00" style="box-sizing: border-box; border: 0px; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; vertical-align: baseline;">NOVEMBER 30, 2016</time> BY JOHN LAWRENCE
</header>His Supporters Have Been Snookered!

By John Lawrence
In a 60 Minutes interview with Leslie Stahl, Trump back pedaled on his major campaign promises and a lot else. When asked what his sit-down with President Obama was like he replied, “I found him [President Obama] to be terrific. I found him to be– very smart and very nice. Great sense of humor, as much as you can have a sense of humor talking about tough subjects, but we were talking about some pretty tough subjects.” So no more questions about his legitimacy to be President? No more wondering whether he was born in Kenya? I guess not now that he, Trump, is a member of the club.
The interview went on:
Donald Trump: We never discussed what was said about each other. I said terrible things about him, he said terrible things about me. We never ever discussed what we said about each other—
Lesley Stahl: There was no awkwardness?
Donald Trump: I’ll be honest, from my standpoint zero, zero. And that’s strange. I’m actually surprised to tell you that. It’s– you know, a little bit strange.
OK. Well whether or not the country has come together it seems like President #45 has come together with President #44. Trump went on to say he respected President Obama.
“No, I think I’m a sober person. I think the press tries to make you into something a little bit different. In my case, a little bit of a wild man. I’m not. I’m actually not. I’m a very sober person. But it was respect for the office, it was respect for the president. Again, I never met him before, but we had– we had a very good chemistry going. And– and I really found—it might not be that I agree with him, but I really found the conversation unbelievably interesting.”
Somewhat different tone than was expected perhaps by his red meat Republican base. Also red meat Republican basers will probably not be getting a heapin’ helpin’ of red meat any more.
Lesley Stahl: Are you going to sometimes have that same rhetoric that you had on the stump? Or are you going to reign it in?
You Need a Certain Rhetoric to Get People Motivated

Donald Trump: Well, sometimes you need a certain rhetoric to get people motivated. I don’t want to be just a little nice monotone character and in many cases I will be.
Lesley Stahl: Can you be?
Donald Trump: Sure I can. I can be easily, that’s easier. Honestly to do that, it’s easier.
So Trump is now going to become a little monotone mouse. He might even start talking like a – God forbid – wishy washy Democrat! What are you red meaters going to do?
But now Leslie Stahl gets to the heart of the interview.
Lesley Stahl: So let’s go through very quickly some of the promises you made and tell us if you’re going to do what you said or you’re going to change it in any way. Are you really going to build a wall?
Donald Trump: Yes.
U.S.-Mexican border fence. (Steve Hillebrand, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service/Wikimedia Commons)
Lesley Stahl: They’re talking about a fence in the Republican Congress, would you accept a fence?
Donald Trump: For certain areas I would, but certain areas, a wall is more appropriate. I’m very good at this, it’s called construction.
BorderfenceLesley Stahl: So part wall, part fence?
Donald Trump: Yeah, it could be – it could be some fencing.
Oh no…. From a mighty wall, Trump is now considering just a flimsy fence? There’s a fence already there in many places, certainly in San Diego County along the border. You mean this would be acceptable to Trump? But the larger point is that most illegals don’t come over a fence or a wall. They simply come here legally and overstay their visas so all the chanting red meaters (“Build a Wall. Build a Wall”) are going to have to settle for just a fence. What a let-down!
But it gets worse … for the red meaters, that is. Better for the Hillary supporters though.
Trump: “Undocumented Immigrants Are Terrific People”

Lesley Stahl: What about the pledge to deport millions and millions of undocumented immigrants?
Donald Trump: What we are going to do is get the people that are criminal and have criminal records, gang members, drug dealers, we have a lot of these people, probably two million, it could be even three million, we are getting them out of our country or we are going to incarcerate. But we’re getting them out of our country, they’re here illegally. After the border is secured and after everything gets normalized, we’re going to make a determination on the people that you’re talking about who are terrific people, they’re terrific people but we are gonna make a determination at that– But before we make that determination– Lesley, it’s very important, we want to secure our border.
So it’s just a continuation of the Obama policy: deport criminals. Obama has been doing this for years!
From the LA Times: “The Obama administration set a priority in his second term of deporting migrants with criminal convictions, and it has expelled 530,000 convicted criminals since 2013. Since taking office in 2009, Obama has expelled 2.5 million people, more than any other president.”
And then there’s the “people that you’re talking about who are terrific people, they’re terrific people”. They’re not murderers or rapists like the Donald referred to them as before? The people you’re talking about – you mean all those dreamers, all the DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) people, all the people Obama was trying to protect? Is Trump totally backing down on deporting all illegals? If so, bad news for the red meaters. Another campaign promise broken. All of a sudden the 30 million (according to Trump) illegals are “terrific people.” The red meaters’ collective heads must be spinning.
It’s the Republican Same Ol, Same Ol: Lower Taxes on the Wealthy

By Thomas L Hungerford (find the full report here:
But according to the interview one of the things Trump wants to do right away is lowering taxes especially on the wealthy but he won’t say that. Donald Trump, welcome to the Republican club! It’s the thing you and House Speaker Paul Ryan have most in common. It’s the old Republican mantra: lower taxes (on the wealthy). The Trump brand will never be more valuable. By the way how about drilling a few more loopholes in the tax code so all those smart people can take advantage of them and not pay anything at all like Trump evidently did for many years. But we don’t know that for sure because he still hasn’t released his tax returns like all those aspiring Presidential chumps before him. Four years from now the audit will probably still not be finished.
It’s the bottom line for Republicans: lower taxes (on the wealthy) while giving a few pennies to the red meaters. This will drive up the national debt even more to the point where government can be drowned in a bathtub which is their final goal, a goal shared by most Republicans including Grover Norquist. (Grover Norquist Quotes. My goal is to cut government in half in twenty-five years, to get it down to the size where we can drown it in the bathtub.)
So Donald Trump is not so radical after all. Probably he won’t represent the “forgotten people” so much as he will become a traditional Republican and grow his fortune while residing in the White House if Melania can stand the lack of amenities there compared to Trump Tower. She’s already not joining him there at least initially. Probably the servants aren’t as good there as they are at Trump Tower. Like Nancy Reagan before her she’ll probably have to order a whole new set of dishware. Probably couldn’t stand to eat off the same plates as that Kenyan ate off of.
Finally, all the campaign brou ha ha about Hillary – “Lock her up. Lock her up” – and appointing a special prosecutor to look into her alleged crimes, Trump has had nothing but nice things to say about Hillary and even about Bill since his putative election. After all he is now a member of the club that Bill’s in, the club of ex-Presidents, which hopefully he will be in about four years.
Lock Her Up! Lock Her Up!

Oh, how the red meaters are going to be disappointed that Donald Trump is not going to pursue a criminal investigation against “Crooked Hillary.” On Tuesday, November 22, the New York Times reported that Trump so much as said “Nyah, never mind.” How can he let all the nefarious activities of the Clinton Foundation and Hillary’s numerous crimes go unpunished? His rabid supporters are going to be very upset. Trump had said that Hillary’s lies and deception rivaled Watergate.
The New York Times reported:
In an appearance on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” program, Kellyanne Conway, the former Trump campaign manager and a senior adviser to his transition, said the president-elect wanted to “move beyond the issues of the campaign” and confirmed that Mr. Trump did not want his promised Clinton investigations to take place.
“If Donald Trump can help her heal, then perhaps that’s a good thing,” Ms. Conway said. …
But it could deeply disappoint many of the voters whose anger against Mrs. Clinton he helped stoke throughout a bitter and divisive campaign. During the second debate between the two candidates, Mr. Trump turned to Mrs. Clinton and vowed that “if I win I am going to instruct my attorney general to get a special prosecutor to look into your situation, because there’s never been so many lies, so much deception.”
Now even the FBI is disappointed. Trump was only using this to fire everybody up and now he wants to “help her heal”? What kind of BS is this? All the red meaters want Hillary to rot in jail for her many lies, crimes and deceptions. They want the Clinton Foundation investigated. The FBI still has an ongoing investigation against that. Now Trump is telling them all to just cool it. It was only so much campaign rhetoric. Red meaters – I say again – you’ve been snookered!
Newsflash: Maybe there’s hope for the “lock her up” red meaters after all. Since Hillary’s team has joined Jill Stein’s efforts to do a recount in three battleground states, Trump has changed his tune about helping Hillary heal. He may just have to lock her up after all.
My prediction is that Trump will end up being co-opted by Paul Ryan. He will become a traditional Republican and will end up destroying the Federal government with his tax cuts. Medicare will be privatized with resultant higher costs for Medicare recipients. Public schools will be privatized according to the new Secretary of Education, Betsy DeVos’s, wishes. The military-industrial complex will get everything they want, and this will suck all the air out of any other government programs to help the needy including social security. No good paying jobs will come back from overseas, but a privatized infrastructure program may provide some half way decent, slightly over minimum wage, jobs while contractors and investors will make a fortune. Red meaters will have to be satisfied with that.

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
Trump voters roll call

How do you feel about DT today? for me, it's all so much better than I even imagined. The same can be said about every Trump voter I know. We're elated

Anyone who's trying to sell this poppycock is as delusional and uninformed as Nancy Pelosi

It's like they don't know how we're laughing at this shit, seriously. We laugh at their tears, we laugh at their anger, we laugh at their protests, we laugh at them keeping the always losing Nancy Pelosi as their leader, and we wear their hate like a badge of honor

Carry on, I love laughing

New member
Jan 11, 2015
Trump voters roll call

How do you feel about DT today? for me, it's all so much better than I even imagined. The same can be said about every Trump voter I know. We're elated

Anyone who's trying to sell this poppycock is as delusional and uninformed as Nancy Pelosi

It's like they don't know how we're laughing at this shit, seriously. We laugh at their tears, we laugh at their anger, we laugh at their protests, we laugh at them keeping the always losing Nancy Pelosi as their leader, and we wear their hate like a badge of honor

Carry on, I love laughing

100% nailed it.

The man is a businessman who gets shit done. I thought, well, likely he's not gonna do shit once he's in.... but he's a man of action. I think he's actually going to build a fucking wall and start deporting.

And the media keeps attacking same as pre-November.

The results remain to be seen.. but I am elated as well. I have a strange feeling he's actually going to go on an achieving rampage.

Never bet against America.
Jul 3, 2014
I'd give this thread title and that article some credit if it was April 1st.

Active member
Jun 18, 2007
Dems are looking real good in 4 years......Poppa Joe will challenge the Donald at 78 years old dbanana0-9:):):nohead:

New member
Mar 17, 2015
Trump may not even get the opportunity to destroy America....

Petition to Reverse Election Results Is Popular

There's a lot of people out there who don't want Donald Trump to be President of the United States. (Maybe that's because he lost the popular vote by more than 2.5 million? Hmmm.)

Over 4.7 million people have signed a petition calling on the Electoral College to stop Donald Trump from being President. And that's something that could happen; it is actually possible for members of the Electoral college to vote for person they believe is most fit to become President. As The Independent points out, "Hillary Clinton won millions more votes than Donald Trump, but Mr Trump became President-elect because of the voting system."

“On December 19, the Electors of the Electoral College will cast their ballots,” the petition writes. “If they all vote the way their states voted, Donald Trump will win. However, in 14 of the states in Trump’s column, they can vote for Hillary Clinton without any legal penalty if they choose.”

It goes on to say that Hillary won the popular vote, and should therefore be President.

“But the Electoral College can actually give the White House to either candidate. So why not use this most undemocratic of our institutions to ensure a democratic result?”

REPUBLICAN ELECTOR: We 'should reject' Trump

Christopher Suprun, a Republican elector who is one of the 538 people tasked with casting votes to officially appoint the next president of the United States, says he will not vote for President-elect Donald Trump.

He's also urging the Electoral College at large to reject Trump when they convene on December 19.

In a New York Times column published on Monday, Suprun argued that Trump has done little to reach beyond his base of supporters since winning the election last month, and called it troubling that the president-elect has chosen to lean further into the controversial bombast that defined his raucous campaign.

"He does not encourage civil discourse, but chooses to stoke fear and create outrage," Suprun wrote.

Many who have opposed Trump offered arguments based on his policy positions or his defeat in the popular vote to Democrat Hillary Clinton. For Suprun's part, he says "I am asked to cast a vote on Dec. 19 for someone who shows daily he is not qualified for the office."
Suprun runs through a litany of what he characterizes as Trump's missteps and shortcomings — many of which are derived from Trump's own words and actions on the campaign trail and during his ongoing post-election transition.

He punctuates his argument here: "The election of the next president is not yet a done deal. Electors of conscience can still do the right thing for the good of the country."

Never bet against America.
Jul 3, 2014
Trump may not even get the opportunity to destroy America....

Petition to Reverse Election Results Is Popular

There's a lot of people out there who don't want Donald Trump to be President of the United States. (Maybe that's because he lost the popular vote by more than 2.5 million? Hmmm.)

Over 4.7 million people have signed a petition calling on the Electoral College to stop Donald Trump from being President. And that's something that could happen; it is actually possible for members of the Electoral college to vote for person they believe is most fit to become President. As The Independent points out, "Hillary Clinton won millions more votes than Donald Trump, but Mr Trump became President-elect because of the voting system."

“On December 19, the Electors of the Electoral College will cast their ballots,” the petition writes. “If they all vote the way their states voted, Donald Trump will win. However, in 14 of the states in Trump’s column, they can vote for Hillary Clinton without any legal penalty if they choose.”

It goes on to say that Hillary won the popular vote, and should therefore be President.

“But the Electoral College can actually give the White House to either candidate. So why not use this most undemocratic of our institutions to ensure a democratic result?”

REPUBLICAN ELECTOR: We 'should reject' Trump

Christopher Suprun, a Republican elector who is one of the 538 people tasked with casting votes to officially appoint the next president of the United States, says he will not vote for President-elect Donald Trump.

He's also urging the Electoral College at large to reject Trump when they convene on December 19.

In a New York Times column published on Monday, Suprun argued that Trump has done little to reach beyond his base of supporters since winning the election last month, and called it troubling that the president-elect has chosen to lean further into the controversial bombast that defined his raucous campaign.

"He does not encourage civil discourse, but chooses to stoke fear and create outrage," Suprun wrote.

Many who have opposed Trump offered arguments based on his policy positions or his defeat in the popular vote to Democrat Hillary Clinton. For Suprun's part, he says "I am asked to cast a vote on Dec. 19 for someone who shows daily he is not qualified for the office."
Suprun runs through a litany of what he characterizes as Trump's missteps and shortcomings — many of which are derived from Trump's own words and actions on the campaign trail and during his ongoing post-election transition.

He punctuates his argument here: "The election of the next president is not yet a done deal. Electors of conscience can still do the right thing for the good of the country."


Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
duuuuuhfinch anyone?

Sep 21, 2004
Trump will do a great job imo, im leaving here today for a trip down to fayetteville nc for a trump event tonite.

Jan 20, 2002
I have no buyer's remorse. The alternative was Hillary? Are you fucking kidding me?

Nirvana Shill
Oct 20, 2001
Trump might go down as the greatest president in modern times

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