Trump at 33% even in GALLUP'S poll, lol


Dec 7, 2013
You know he is a scared little bitch, lol, he doesnt it want it posted. The only way he can feel like a tough guy is behind the anonymity of the internet. Do you actually think he tells men in real life to suck a cock, or fuck their sister to their face?

lmao, you know he doesnt.

BTW, how much $$ would it be worth to you to post it and get banned? LMAO kidding of course...

I probably wouldn't post it anyway but I can't stand people that continually talk shit and then run and hide when they get called out.

He makes being a bigger man a very difficult thing to do

New member
Aug 28, 2012
I probably wouldn't post it anyway but I can't stand people that continually talk shit and then run and hide when they get called out.

He makes being a bigger man a very difficult thing to do

Haha, yes he does run like a little bitch when he gets called out on things.

Like when he says I am stupid/moron/du,b etc... Then I call him out and tell him to meet me at the IQ testing center, we take a test, and post each others results here.... excuse after excuse and runs like a little bitch

Or when he said I have a criminal record of molestation or sexual assault... Told him to meet me at the Metro police station, I will pay for each of our background checks, and we can each post each others checks here..... He runs like a bitch again

And when he said I was psycho or mental, etc... I told him to pick any psychiatrist, and I will pay for both of us to get evaulated and post each others results here... You will never guess what he did.... Ran like a bitch lol

Pretty much sums up what he is about. A low IQ moron, with mental issues who projects he sexual desires of homo erotic love, child molestation or other sex crimes on others, all while acting like a tough guy cause he can say it in a forum and there are no repercussions

Sep 22, 2007
Lets go through your imaginary list of lies you are spewing.

Plenty of DAILYKos articles you posted, you believed... Lets go with the BEN CARSON LOST HIS LICENSE ... LIE

Hillary losing is ok, because of margin of error, and (laughing) Russian Influence? What proven influence? (another one of your lies)... BUT lets go back to margin of error shall we? ... What were you saying about RUMP and his supporters losing in a landslide? Historic loss, taking it in the RUMP? If you believed there was a margin of error, why all the lies and insults before the election?

<<The ENTIRE intelligence community, appx 16 divisions, say there was inteference, but YOU know better, right? 'Nuff said.>>

And comparing a sexual predator to another predator is 100% legitimate. They all should be castrated and killed. Preying on anyone, regardless of age, should hold the stiffest penalty.... So you think those they prey on adults are much better people than those that prey on children? Seriously? PREDATORS ARE THE LOWEST FORM OF HUMAN LIFE... deserve the death penalty

<<First of all, you ignored the one adult accuser vs NINE women and 30 odd corroborators, which already makes you a moron. Secondly, anybody who compares a sexual assaulter of one adult of another to a pedophile is even MORE fucked up.>>

And you never answered how Trump who was kissing a woman and then made a move to grab her "Pussy" should have gotten consent. What did you want him to do? You have danced around this questions for awhile... and you just deflect and insult (Cause you are proven to be a mental retard)

<<You're a steaming, fly infested, lying sack of shit, you didn't initially say, "how does TRUMP get consent," let alone mention grabbing somebody's crotch, you said, how do you get consent before an act? Don't try revisionist history, pyscho. C'mon, bring up that first question, the one I reposted about a dozen times, you gutless, lying ****.>>

Yep, I saw one post, reposted it and laughed... OH... and dont forget the moment I found out it was fake, I ADMITTED I was wrong. (Unlike you, I can admit that, instead of pretending it never happened and running away like a scared little bitch, isnt that right fatty?)

<<Nope, those were too stupid to resolve with a mere apology(and you didn't give one for Takei): like I said, anybody with a modicum of common sense could've figure out that the Gold Star widow Facebook post was a fake, let alone brazenly posting a 16,000 to 1 shot as FACT(who cares if you laughed about, schmuck?). A Special Kind of Moron...>>

Another thing, I just assumed Trump accusers were all democrats, and AGAIN, when I found out they werent, hey, I easily admitted I was wrong soon as I found out they werent. <<There's a reason for that, you're a Special Kind of Moron.>>

Dont have a sister, sorry to not be part of your incest fantasies... like you had with your mother... what was her name? Starts with an "F"... oh, and she didnt even want to be buried in the same state as you did she? She had her body taken clear across country, in fear of the sexual perversions you would do with her corpse... ISnt that right you sad fat homosexual retard, who also happens to be the biggest piece of shit coward on these boards.

<<...says the psychotic, obsessive stalker who follows me around into virtually every thread that I start. You have NO idea how sick you are, obviously. Why don't you bring up all times that I initially posted to you and the other way around to get an idea, psycho?. Oh, and, be sure to have that IQ test ready so that we can meet up, ROTFLMAO!!!!>>

BTW... you keep bringing up the 2 same things over and over and over again... YES, I did say that, and yes, pretty much the same day I admitted I was wrong lol.

Is that all you got Fatty McRetard?

Now, take your cowardly mentally handicapped ass down to some glory hole and suck that cock you love sooooo much... since you always bring it up, you must fantasize about it a lot. And being as fat and ugly as you are, I am sure you can only get cock thru a glory hole, cause if they saw your fat ass, they would run the other way... Since your family doesnt want anything to do with your perversions, homosexuality, incest and your mental retardation, they have to live AND get buried clear across the country from you.

(Lets bring up the same two things again in your next response ok, also, be sure to try and insult with lies... BUT when you are called out on them be sure you run like a bitch and make any excuse you can... IE: IQ test, Police background check, Psych exam. Isnt that weird that I am more than happy to prove I have a higher IQ, no police record, and a clean mental background... yet you run from proving that... and we know why you do, cause your IQ is probably around 60, you probably have some sort of sexual crime on your record, and you are mentally unstable or mentally disabled)

Say what you like, Short Eyes, all it is, is you flapping your gums in your creepy obsession with me, Whack Job. You think you're gonna hound me into leaving here, bitch? Think again.^^:):bigfinger:madasshol:trx-smly0:fckmad::Countdown^^:)

Sep 22, 2007
Nothing vague about it, you are playing poker with a losing hand. Post that you are ok with me posting your personal information and give me permission to post it and let's see.

I have to tell you that I am a little uncomfortable going down this path and it has nothing to do with being banned but if you insist, I can accommodate.

Let's see WHAT???? I gave you a specific phrase to post, and, for some strange reason, you keep dancing around it. Btw, got something to do, should be back in an hour. I eagerly await your response, for a change.

Sep 22, 2007
Let's see WHAT???? I gave you a specific phrase to post, and, for some strange reason, you keep dancing around it. Btw, got something to do, should be back in an hour. I eagerly await your response, for a change.

Actually, this is gonna take longer than I thought, when I get back, it's bedtime. I don't any fucking loopholes, some Righty Scum, was it Bodyforlife, welched, and I got another guy to self ban, can't remember his name, started whining about being permitted to post in other forums. No "misunderstandings," post the phrase that I said, we'll contact BAS to enforce, and that will be THAT. See ya tomorrow morning, pig fucker.

New member
Aug 28, 2012
Say what you like, Short Eyes, all it is, is you flapping your gums in your creepy obsession with me, Whack Job. You think you're gonna hound me into leaving here, bitch? Think again.^^:):bigfinger:madasshol:trx-smly0:fckmad::Countdown^^:)

Hound you into leaving? Nah... just more fun calling out your little bitch antics and lies, and watching you run.

New member
Aug 28, 2012
Let's see WHAT???? I gave you a specific phrase to post, and, for some strange reason, you keep dancing around it. Btw, got something to do, should be back in an hour. I eagerly await your response, for a change.

All you have to do is SAY "You have my permission to post what information you have"

its quite simple... unless you are going to dance around it and deflect like your cowardly ass always does.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Haha, yes he does run like a little bitch when he gets called out on things.

Like when he says I am stupid/moron/du,b etc... Then I call him out and tell him to meet me at the IQ testing center, we take a test, and post each others results here.... excuse after excuse and runs like a little bitch

Or when he said I have a criminal record of molestation or sexual assault... Told him to meet me at the Metro police station, I will pay for each of our background checks, and we can each post each others checks here..... He runs like a bitch again

And when he said I was psycho or mental, etc... I told him to pick any psychiatrist, and I will pay for both of us to get evaulated and post each others results here... You will never guess what he did.... Ran like a bitch lol

Pretty much sums up what he is about. A low IQ moron, with mental issues who projects he sexual desires of homo erotic love, child molestation or other sex crimes on others, all while acting like a tough guy cause he can say it in a forum and there are no repercussions

He is definitely projecting every time he launches his disturbing sexual accusations against anyone and everyone. I bet "Erv the perv" has an electronic bracelet around his ankle making sure he doesn't go near any schools and playgrounds.

Dec 7, 2013
Let's see WHAT???? I gave you a specific phrase to post, and, for some strange reason, you keep dancing around it. Btw, got something to do, should be back in an hour. I eagerly await your response, for a change.

Because I have a real job and don't sue people or companies for my livelihood, I have to get up in the morning so I won't be here when you return. Your success in your frivolous lawsuits have been as successful as your predictions on this site. There is a shit load of information on you that is public record and mirrors your persona at this site. Do you ever win at anything? You love screwing creditors don't you. None of this gives away any of your personal information but it is clear that you are an angry, frustrated individual in real life.

Names, addresses, race, job (if you call what you do a job) and age would be sharing personal information that could potentially do you harm and I won't share any of that. I have it, you know I have it and as much as I despise you as a poster I will keep that to myself. By the way, big birthday coming up on March 25th and why don't you update your Facebook page, it needs some work.

I'm going to let this shit go but if you insist on continuing..well that is up to you. You put a big ass proverbial target on your back but at your age you should know better. You provide absolutely nothing to this site except antagonistic posts that provide nothing but a narrow minded viewpoint from a narrow minded, bitter individual.

New member
Aug 28, 2012
How did that 2012 Bankruptcy work out for you DaFinch?

Or your many lawsuits the past few years? Not going so well huh?

No wonder you are miserable!!

Wife banging her ex-hubby behind your back too I see lmao

No wonder!!

Things just arent that great in your life, one bad decision after another, it doesnt help you have no IQ to think about things before doing them... Do I feel bad for you? HELL NO lmao.... you reap what you so

New member
Aug 28, 2012
How many times is DaFinch gonna report my above post?

I didnt break any rules, didnt release any personal info... Name/Address/DOB/SS

Just laughing at his miserable life and him trying to project it here. Quite comical now that I figured it out and know whats going on in his life.

No wonder he wont take an IQ test lmao

Jul 4, 2012
Like clockwork

[h=1]Trump's approval rating jumps to 45 percent, highest since September[/h]
President Trump's approval rating increased to 45 percent in the first week of December, the highest mark he's received since September, according to a Morning Consult/Politico poll released Wednesday.

Jul 4, 2012

Duh-felch is a bankrupt cuck!!!!!!


Sep 22, 2007
All you have to do is SAY "You have my permission to post what information you have"

its quite simple... unless you are going to dance around it and deflect like your cowardly ass always does.

Who the FUCK is talking to YOU, Short Eyes? Mind your own goddamn business, or go circle jerk A Sap Sucker.

Sep 22, 2007
Because I have a real job and don't sue people or companies for my livelihood, I have to get up in the morning so I won't be here when you return. Your success in your frivolous lawsuits have been as successful as your predictions on this site. There is a shit load of information on you that is public record and mirrors your persona at this site. Do you ever win at anything? You love screwing creditors don't you. None of this gives away any of your personal information but it is clear that you are an angry, frustrated individual in real life.

Names, addresses, race, job (if you call what you do a job) and age would be sharing personal information that could potentially do you harm and I won't share any of that. I have it, you know I have it and as much as I despise you as a poster I will keep that to myself. By the way, big birthday coming up on March 25th and why don't you update your Facebook page, it needs some work.

I'm going to let this shit go but if you insist on continuing..well that is up to you. You put a big ass proverbial target on your back but at your age you should know better. You provide absolutely nothing to this site except antagonistic posts that provide nothing but a narrow minded viewpoint from a narrow minded, bitter individual.

Tap dance HARD, you gutless bitch. Post the phrase: "I agree to be banned forever from the Rx forum immediately after posting personal information about the poster dafinch." What's so hard about that?

Sep 22, 2007
Like clockwork

Trump's approval rating jumps to 45 percent, highest since September

President Trump's approval rating increased to 45 percent in the first week of December, the highest mark he's received since September, according to a Morning Consult/Politico poll released Wednesday.


I guess you "forgot" to post the 2nd sentence of the article, A Sap Sucker:

"The majority of voters, 51 percent, did not approve of Trump's job in office."

Dishonest scumbag, you're lower than whale shit.^^:)Slapping-silly90)):fckmad:azzkick(&^:madasshol:trx-smly0:bigfinger

New member
Nov 10, 2010
CNBCVerified account @CNBCFollowFollow


[FONT=&quot]LinkedIn report shows a 26% rise in November hiring



Jul 4, 2012

I guess you "forgot" to post the 2nd sentence of the article, A Sap Sucker:

"The majority of voters, 51 percent, did not approve of Trump's job in office."

Uh, and?

You realize that isn't 33% right moron?

Gee, I'm shocked, totally stunned your wife went out and cheated on you.


Sep 22, 2007
Because I have a real job and don't sue people or companies for my livelihood, I have to get up in the morning so I won't be here when you return. Your success in your frivolous lawsuits have been as successful as your predictions on this site. There is a shit load of information on you that is public record and mirrors your persona at this site. Do you ever win at anything? You love screwing creditors don't you. None of this gives away any of your personal information but it is clear that you are an angry, frustrated individual in real life.

Names, addresses, race, job (if you call what you do a job) and age would be sharing personal information that could potentially do you harm and I won't share any of that. I have it, you know I have it and as much as I despise you as a poster I will keep that to myself. By the way, big birthday coming up on March 25th and why don't you update your Facebook page, it needs some work.

I'm going to let this shit go but if you insist on continuing..well that is up to you. You put a big ass proverbial target on your back but at your age you should know better. You provide absolutely nothing to this site except antagonistic posts that provide nothing but a narrow minded viewpoint from a narrow minded, bitter individual.

Oh, and, I forgot, while you're bragging about your wonderful ability to snoop around in people's business, ya know one thing that is NOT in public information without being revealed elsewhere? A name. I never gave my name to you or anybody else on here, so, how exactly do you explain obtaining that?

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