Triple veteran ( ww2, Korea, Vietnam)....


Rx God
Nov 1, 2002
Wis. Man A Triple War Veteran

Clyde Jenkins Still Fits Into His Uniform From The 1940s

POSTED: 8:39 am EDT May 29, 2010
UPDATED: 8:46 am EDT May 29, 2010

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A Wisconsin man has served in not one, not two, but three U.S. wars -- World War II, the Korean War and the Vietnam War.Clyde Jenkins can even still wear his uniform from the 1940s, though he joked he has a secret to getting it on."Well, I have a can of grease and two pry bars," he said. "It does the trick."Jenkins' grandfather served in the Spanish-American War."This is my father, 19 years older than me," he said, pointing to a photograph. "He was in from 1942 through 1945. When he came home, this young fellow left."At just 17, Jenkins launched a military career that would continues for decades and span the globe.Friends said the triple war veteran still keeps active, exercising both his body and mind."We've know each other for a very long time," fellow veteran Ray Gass said. "Clyde is very active in the Legion. He walks four miles a day and exercises."Even after fighting in three wars, Jenkins admitted patriotism gets him every time -- like the spirit shown by hundreds of people last month welcoming Iraq war veterans home from Washington, D.C."I cried," he said. "These people now are starting to be like we were, the kids in World War II, looking out to the service people."<!--stopindex-->Copyright © 2010 CNN Networks, Inc. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

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New member
Mar 6, 2005
Uncle Ken did the same thing. When we buried him I was shoked to see the medals. A huge part of my life and a true American. I don't think people realize how imporant these people are to our lives. God Bless anyone that has servered (I love that) our country.

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