Held at Peepsplace and the poster signed on as TEST is Bill from PanAm,
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>
test Msg:Hey guys this is Bill
moe_green Msg:dont forget major
bigboydan Msg:hi bill
bigboydan Msg:lol
raiders72001 Msg:he should be the last guy to complain
moe_green Msg:hi
test Msg:Here's the situation -
bigboydan Msg:well peep, when your ready
Peep Msg:Is test responding yet
test Msg:I'm in
Peep Msg:Cool. Welcome Bill.
bigboydan Msg:above he was going to explain everything
bigboydan Msg:raiders, down 9 at the half
raiders72001 Msg:grrr
test Msg:1. There is more than enough money in investor funds to cover all customer balances.
test Msg:2. Everyone will get paid.
test Msg:3. Situation has been caused by a shareholder fight that has lasted for two weeks.
Peep Msg:Welcome all. Bill from BetPanAm is signed in as "test".
bigboydan Msg:raiders is the first on up with a question go raiders
Insomniac Msg:Is BetPanAm currently a profitable entity?
raiders72001 Msg:Scooty told us on Tues that everyone would be paid by today. What is the current time table?
test Msg:Every month except December.
bigboydan Msg:insomnic, your up after raiders and next time please PM me if you have any questions for bill
test Msg:Got beaten up some in December, so initiated a cash call on the investors.
bigboydan Msg:anyone have any questions for bill please PM me
Rocky Msg:not a q but follow up- what did you get hit on? foots?
bigboydan Msg:well, i didnt mean to run off insomnic
test Msg:Which was trigger for minority investors to demand audit and force major shareholders to give up seats on board.
test Msg:football mostly
bigboydan Msg
k, a follow up on raiders ?
moe_green Msg:when do the payouts/neteller start
bigboydan Msg:mone, wait
raiders72001 Msg:someone else can go
test Msg:24 hours after escrowed funds are released to us.
bigboydan Msg:let bill answer the follow up ? first and next time please PM me with any question you might have for bill thank you
Peep Msg:Welcome everyone. Bill from BetPanAm is signed in as "test".
bigboydan Msg:anyone having any questions please pm me
test Msg:which might be tomorrow. emphasis on the might.
moe_green Msg:how do i pm
bigboydan Msg:double click on my nick on the right side of the chat
bigboydan Msg:moe, your up next
dante Msg:hey billy
BillDozer Msg
ry your eyes, I'm here
bigboydan Msg:hi bill
BillDozer Msg:=P
dante Msg:im drying
Peep Msg:Welcome everyone. Bill from Panam is signed is as "Test".
moe_green Msg:neteller doesnt have the money now
test Msg:true
bigboydan Msg:your up next dante
BillDozer Msg:Test is my middle name
dante Msg:IS the bet panam SB party still going and was there a big turnout? just curious
bigboydan Msg:anyone having any question for bill please PMme
test Msg:still going on, but very low key. not big turn out.
moe_green Msg:so when you get the money from the investers-it will take few more days to get into neteller
bigboydan Msg:dantes up and then raiders
test Msg:mostly being used for planning for the coming year
dante Msg:thanks bill..I really hope you guys do th right thing here
dante Msg:thanks for answering
test Msg:we will. not going out of business.
bigboydan Msg:JW is up after raiders
raiders72001 Msg:Is there a 500k bond and who would this be used to pay?
bigboydan Msg:raiders your turn
bigboydan Msg:and then JW is up next
test Msg:Yes, but a bond is a very inefficient method for prtecting customers
bigboydan Msg:anyone else having any questions for bill please PM me
raiders72001 Msg:can you expand?
test Msg:Betpanam would have to go out of business, then commission would have to decide how to allocate money, etc.
raiders72001 Msg:thanks
test Msg:gaming commissionis going to change to an escrow account requirement
bigboydan Msg:JW your up
bigboydan Msg:anyone else having any questions for bill please PM me
jwunderdog Msg:Are you guys planning on staying in the post-up business?
test Msg:yes
bigboydan Msg:bill your up next sir
jwunderdog Msg
O you think this was the best way to handle this situation
BillDozer Msg:What do you think the minimum % of deposits should be
BillDozer Msg:that is on hand for a book to be safe
BillDozer Msg:?
bigboydan Msg:anyone else having any questions for bill please PM me
test Msg:Well, obviously 100% would be the best answer.
test Msg
f actual deposits.
BillDozer Msg:Well, I would consider that way too low
bigboydan Msg:anyone else having any questions for bill please PM me
BillDozer Msg:especially for a new book. Wouldnt you?
BillDozer Msg:Long term %?
test Msg:However, the requirement may be set lower, use a formula based on expected rollover, % of hold
BillDozer Msg:It sounds like you folks had insufficient funding even after considering the investor issues. I was curious if you have a new standard
test Msg:Gaming Commission and UK company they have haired are working on that issue now.
bigboydan Msg:anyone else having any questions for bill please PM me
test Msg:No, we actually have more investor funds committed than balance of players.
test Msg:Isue is access right now.
bigboydan Msg:slash is up next followed by raiders
test Msg:Minority shareholders locked down account as means of forcing concessions from larger shareholders.
slash Msg:Hi Bill, sorry if this has already been answered, but - has the funds been wired to NETeller already and if yes, can you pay all players with the amount sent?
Peep Msg:Welcome. Bill from BetPanAm is posting as "test".
test Msg:No, wire has not been sent
Peep Msg:We will have a full transcript tomorrow.
slash Msg
k, how come you promised to pay people Friday??
slash Msg:seems quite impossible
test Msg:True
slash Msg
k, thanks
raiders72001 Msg
oes the money in the neteller escrow acct set up by OGD protect the player? If yes, does it protect winnings or just post up money?
bigboydan Msg:anyone else having any questions for bill please PM me
test Msg:Based on schedule given to us by the investor's point man, we had hoped to have funds transferred to us today.
test Msg
id not happen. I am told it will be tomorrow. We will see.
slash Msg:but you didn't get them, I guess?
Peep Msg:Welcome. Bill from BetPanAm is posting as "test". Full transcript tomorrow.
test Msg:Today, no.
slash Msg
raiders72001 Msg:money in the neteller scrow acct set up by OGD protect the player? If yes, does it protect winnings or just post up money?
bigboydan Msg:anyone else having any questions for bill please PM me
test Msg:Both.
bigboydan Msg
lasmaman is up next after raiders and then billdozier
test Msgeep and I do a weekly settle on the account.
raiders72001 Msg:Is there a limit?
test Msg:Currently has a surplus.
test Msg:For now, we plan to keep it at $2500.
test Msg
er player
raiders72001 Msg:thanks
PlasmaMan Msg:Just got here and not sure if this was asked but with the constant delaying and seemingly deception going on, how can you guys expect to turn things around. It seems as if alot of damage has been done.
bigboydan Msg:anyone having any questions for bill please PM me
test Msg:Absoluetely true.
Peep Msg:Welcome. Bill from BetPanAM is posting as "test". A full transcript will be posted tomorrow.
test Msg:Minority investors were willing to bring everything to a halt in order to force changes they thought were needed to ensure longterm success of business.
bigboydan Msg:bill dozier is up next followed by thrawn
PlasmaMan Msg:but at what espense
test Msg:somewhat like burning a house down to kill the roaches
test Msg:effective, but a little expensive.
BillDozer Msg:To expand on my last question, How much do you think should be kept on reserve as far as %s of player funds? How much do you think should be on hold
PlasmaMan Msg:is seems as if its at the cost of killing any further layers from joining
PlasmaMan Msg:thanks in advance for the answer
BillDozer Msg:to insure stability through tough times
test Msg:Easy answer would be 100%.
bigboydan Msg:anyone else having any questions for bill please PM me
Thrawn Msg:When will you send in the long overdue information on my alleged scam to the MW mediators?
BillDozer Msg:What happens after a bad stretch you would be below that instantly?
test Msg:However, banks and other ensured institutions do it with less.
Peep Msg:Welcome. Bill from Bet Pan AM is posting as "test". A full transcript will be posted tomorrow.
BillDozer Msg:=O
bigboydan Msg
k guys, lets let bill answer these two questions before we proceed and if anyone else has any questions for bill please PM me
test Msg:True. There would have to be a regular adjustment, based on outside audit by independent agency.
bigboydan Msg:slash is up next
BillDozer Msg:banks?
BillDozer Msg:OK , thank you
bigboydan Msg:anyone else having any questions for bill please PM me
bigboydan Msg:slash, your up sir
Thrawn Msg:he didnt answer me
bigboydan Msg:my bad thrawn
bigboydan Msg:sorry
bigboydan Msg
lease re ask the question thrawn in case bill missed it
test Msglasma - excellent point. Getting future players will depned on us getting everyone paid and then offering measures to give players confidence in the security of their funds through escrow accounts, etc.
test Msg:saw it, but have no clue who he is
Thrawn Msg:think
test Msg:Is there a question?
skyweasel Msg:I have one if no one else does
bigboydan Msg:thrawns question is still being waited on
bigboydan Msg:sky, slash is up next
bigboydan Msg:followed by plasmaman
test Msg:Well, I o not know who he is. A little tough to answer.
Thrawn Msg:how many people have you needing mediators assistance
bigboydan Msg:and then you will be after them skyweasel
test Msg:Well, Shrink likes to send them in by the bucket load, so could be one of many.
Thrawn Msg:wouldnt surprise me
Halifax Msg:LMAO
bigboydan Msg:slash is up next followed by plasmaman and then skyweasel and then JW
Rocky Msg:was this asked and answered yesterday at MW chat?
slash Msg:I'll pass... on the phone
PlasmaMan Msg:Scotty has mentioned that he will be taking time off in feb. Is he leaving the company, being let go or is he actually taking a vacation?
bigboydan Msg:noted slash, plasmaman your up next sir
test Msg:His baby is due and he is going to take a vacation.
bigboydan Msg:anyone else having any questions for bill please pm me
bigboydan Msg:skyweasels up next after plasmaman and then JW is after him
PlasmaMan Msg:at what point did you guys realize that you wouldn't be able to make payments and did you still take on new customers at that point
test Msg
id not become a big issue until last Friday after Shrink's post.
test Msg:Which caused a run.
PlasmaMan Msg:run = How Much?
PlasmaMan Msg:tx
test Msg:Customers will get paid, though I did not expect the shareholder's fight to last this long.
bigboydan Msg:JW, your up next after plasmaman is finished sir
test Msg:I expected it to be resolved in a day or two.
bigboydan Msg:anyone else having any questions for bill please PM me
jwunderdog Msg:Heard that you guys had changed your head linesmaker True? Why?anything to do with current situation?
bigboydan Msg:anyone else having any questions for bill pleasePM me
test Msg:No. Chester is still here. We did bring in Candy to handle more of the day to day ops
test Msg:Chester is going to focus on integrating new software for next couple of weeks.
bigboydan Msg:anyone else having any questions for bill please PM me
Halifax Msg:Any hints on the new software paclkage
bigboydan Msg:halifax your up
test Msg:Not yet.
bigboydan Msg:anyone else having any questions for bill please PM me
test Msg:But feedback from books currently using it has been very positive.
bigboydan Msg:anyone else having any questions for bill please PM me
Peep Msg:Welcome. BIll from BetPanAM is posting as "test". Transcripts will be out tomorrow.
skyweasel Msg:what are the investors re-investing in (if they do so)? The same business model? If so, what would prevent the same thing from happening again (not counting manipulation by Shrink)?
test Msg:Not reinvesting. Releasing funds already allocated.
test Msg:Business model has been readjusted to reflect realities of the marketplace.
test Msg:Smart bonus policies, keeping wise guys under control, shifting marketing away from forums.
bigboydan Msg
lasman is up next
skyweasel Msg:thx
PlasmaMan Msg:If betting ended at this minute, what result in the Superbowl is least favorable to PanAm, is the money slanted to a side or total and are there any futures you might get hit hard on?
bigboydan Msg:anyone else having any questions for bill please PM me
test Msg:Change to software that allows us to be more flexible in our product.
test Msg:Big win by New England.
test Msg:But we are not that long.
PlasmaMan Msg:that would hurt?
test Msg:no, not hurt
PlasmaMan Msg:what I meant is you would prefer Carolina
PlasmaMan Msg:at this point
test Msg:small loss. pretty balanced on totals and money line right now.
test Msg:yes
bigboydan Msg:anyone else having any questions for bill please PM me
PlasmaMan Msg:tx
PlasmaMan Msg:you mentioned that you are looking to get away from the forums, does that mean the when contracts end with MW and THERX you will not be renewing
test Msg:Yes.
bigboydan Msg:slash is up next followed by plasman and then rockey
slash Msg:Bill, you said that the investor hadn't released the funds yet (or something like that)... what if you don't get them tomorrow either? And what if you don't get them Monday??
test Msg:I'll be in jail for having murdered 10 Panamanians.
slash Msg:LOL
bigboydan Msg:lol
slash Msg:I will check out the news the next couple of days then...
slash Msg:could make quite a headline
bigboydan Msg:rocky is up next
bigboydan Msg:anyone else having any questions for bill please PM me
Rocky Msg:I think it was said earlier- es.crow planned on guar.2500 per player- what is your limit on a game? Actually Id like a 3digit box to put my wagers in to insure I dont fup when Ive ...
Rocky Msg:follow up- thanks for your foots contest sponsorship- (I suck at foots tho,lol)
bigboydan Msg:anyone else having any questions for bill please PM me
test Msg:I'll discuss the issue with Peep later. That is the current plan. Based on patterns we have seen with players who typically post more than that via Neteller.
test Msg:Your welcome. Thanks for playing.
test Msg:We are not interested in setting up escrow protection for all of BW's guys.
bigboydan Msg:that was gonna be my question at the end bill
test Msg:I believe we willlook at increasing the cap on a player by player basis.
moe_green Msg:just got back in sorry ; is neteller payout friday
Rocky Msg
k, Im prim a 1-400 player- most in the 1-2 range,thanks for your answer
test Msg:I do not think so. Would have to get funds early tomorrow and have NT credit transfer same day.
moe_green Msg:so when
bigboydan Msg:sorry guys, lost connection
bigboydan Msg:anyone have any questions that needed to be answered please PM me
test Msg:First business day after we have transfer from investment fund.
moe_green Msg:no idea the transfer date from invester fund
test Msg:Could be tomorrow, but I do not want to make any promises.
bigboydan Msg:anyone having any questions for bill please PM me
moe_green Msg:is it on its way
test Msg:Other than the funds are there and everyone will get paid.
Peep Msg:Welcome. Bill from BetPanAm is posting as "test" A full transcript will be posted tomorrow.
moe_green Msg:funds are going into your escrow as we speak
moe_green Msg:how long does that take and when was it
test Msg:The OGP escrow fund?
moe_green Msg:no your panam account
moe_green Msg:you said your waiting from investment fund to panam account
test Msg:My understanding is that once the new shareholder agreement has been filed, funds will transfer that day.
moe_green Msg:then to neteeler
test Msg:Yes, then a wire transfer will be made to Neteller.
Thrawn Msg:regarding the 500k bond, why haven't questions about it been answered this past week, and what reinsurances do we have for it's existence?
moe_green Msg:agreement more meetings
bigboydan Msg:thrawn is up next after moe
Rocky Msg:Thanks Bill- GL,Live long and prosper
moe_green Msg:what if the agreement lasts 3 weeks
test Msg:No, I am told there are no more meetings. Official filing of the document is to be done tomorrow I am told.
moe_green Msg:bill thats good news
bigboydan Msg:anyone else having any questions for bill please PM me
test Msg:That is what I am told. However, this is Panama.
moe_green Msg:so it is a offical panaman contract
test Msg:Yes.
test Msg:Would stand up in a court.
Oldfriend Msg:THIS IS ALL BULLSHIT! You heard it first from MR OLDFRIEND
moe_green Msg:you will post when its official?
bigboydan Msg:OF, wait your turn buddy LOL
test Msg:Evening. Been drinking again?
test Msg:Good question Moe. I will ask. Would be a good idea.
bigboydan Msg:anyone else having any questions for bill please PM me
cecil Msg:we have been down this road so many times with books I know what oldfriend is saying
test Msg:At least have it on file with the gaming commission so that is it in public domain.
moe_green Msg:neteller will get it then it will take 2-3 more days
Thrawn Msg:regarding the 500k bond, why haven't questions about it been answered this past week, and what reinsurances do we have for it's existence?
test Msg:Once funds are at Neteller? No, they normally credit a wire next day.
test Msg:I wasn't aware of questions last week.
moe_green Msg:and this credit to neteller can happen even sat or sun
Halifax Msg:moe green - bottom line - no soup for you until next week at the earliest
test Msg:I do not think so Moe.
test Msg:Sorry.
test Msg:I assume it would have to be a business day.
bigboydan Msg:keep it nice and civil guys please
Thrawn Msg
k then, but what reinsurances do we have for it's existence?
moe_green Msg:bill this superbowl sun and not being paid is scary
test Msg:Will have to check with the gaming commission and see what proof the master license holder had to put up.
test Msg:I do not have answer other than that Thrawn.
Thrawn Msg:thanks
Halifax Msg:Who (or what) is the Master License Holder ?
test Msg:Understand. Obviously, we will have very little action on the game, so is not a good situation for us either.
moe_green Msg:bill why didnt you post this info to the other sites today at all
test Msg:Cybergaming International is the license holder.
bigboydan Msg:guys, one by one please is all i ask on this subject just don't keep firing away at bill with 2 or 3 questions at a time please
test Msg:Frankly, I don't plan on having any further contact with the other sites until we are actually paying all customers.
test Msg:And none at all after that.
Halifax Msg
Halifax Msg:Were the rumpurs true that IQL had some sort of official monopoly on the software for Panama ??
test Msg:The unfortunate truth is that most of the owners and moderators of those sites use their positions and access to send syndicate and mover action into a book.
Halifax Msg:rumours
moe_green Msg:so how wil;l you communicate w/ those who have money in panam
test Msg
irectly whenever possible.
moe_green Msg:email????
test Msg:No, no monopoly for IQL>
TTinCO Msg
an, I have one to toss out
test Msg:Or phone calls if required.
bigboydan Msg:ttinco, your up sir
test Msg:Of course, it may be tough to keep Scotty and Marty off the forums. So we will see.
bigboydan Msg:Ttinco is up guys so let him ask his question please
moe_green Msg:so if they sign tomorrow how quickly to neteller
TTinCO Msg:Bill, given the state of things right now, it would a LOT to settle players nerves if someone could post some type of proof of the bond
test Msg:Next business day after funds are moved to our accounts.
moe_green Msg:how quick is that
Oldfriend Msg:Sorry man..I will not talk anymore! lol..i'm sure many of us feel better now that test should up
Halifax Msg:moe - you've asked the same damn question 50 times
moe_green Msg:wrong 51 lol
bigboydan Msg:lol
bigboydan Msg:well, if it was asked 60 times moe i think you either got your answer or bill refuses to answer the question so lets please move on sir
Halifax Msg:I never was good with numbers - that's why I gamble
playersonly69 Msg:so whats up, what did I miss?
bigboydan Msg:hi player69, you missed everything lol
playersonly69 Msg:happens to me all of thetime
bigboydan Msg:but a transscript will be avail. tommarrow
Peep Msg:Wecome. Bill from BetPanAM is posting as "test". A full transcript will be out tomorrow.
TTinCO Msg:Actually Bill, I can rephrase that......Is there $500K "on deposit" as a bond? If so, that should settle everyone down
test Msg:Let's take a couple of more and then wrap it up.
bigboydan Msg
bigboydan Msg:anyone having any question for bill please PM me
bigboydan Msg
lasman your up sir
PlasmaMan Msg:would you say in hindsight that advertising at MW and The RX proved to be detrimental to PanAms business plan
test Msg:I will have to check with the folks at the gaming commission. My guess is that is was structured as an insurance type bond - gurantee backed by assets.
PlasmaMan Msg:i.e Bonus whores, sharps
PlasmaMan Msg:etc
cecil Msg:great question plasma
test Msg:Ans the plan is to change requiremnt to escrow account.
PlasmaMan Msg:tx cecil
test Msg:Absolutely.
PlasmaMan Msg:has Panams relationship with Shrink soured?
test Msg:Basically, taking all profits made from 1/2 your customer base and giving them to other hald is not a successful strategy.
bigboydan Msg:anyone else having any questions for bill please PM me
playersonly69 Msg:the $500,000 bond was put in place to cover assets owed to the Panamanian government only, for such things as paying workers at betpanam and taxes etc in case they are insolvnet at some time, that money doesnt go to the players I dont think, or at last cred
bigboydan Msg
layer, next time PM me but your up
test Msg:Stand by player.
playersonly69 Msg
h sorry, i didnt know the format, i am just going to watch anyway
bigboydan Msg:np sir just trying to keep things in order is all
test Msg:We do not plan on advertising at the RX in the future.
PlasmaMan Msg:I will take that as a YES
PlasmaMan Msg:TX
TTinCO Msg
Peep just wrecked his shorts...lol)
cecil Msg:lol
bigboydan Msg:no advertising at the RX ? what about MW ?
bigboydan Msg
r even gambling 911 for that matter ?
test Msg:I don't think paying someone for the privledge of having a long list of BW movers paly into you is a good marketing paln.
PlasmaMan Msg:lol
cecil Msg:never was, funny none of the new books have figured that out
PlasmaMan Msg:very good answer
test Msg:We would prefer to not advertise on any of them frankly.
moe_green Msg:why are you telling your customer service you guys are paying friday
jerseymike Msg:Instead of asking for my payout,can i get my acct added to the ogd escrow fund.Doesn't make sense to to take out my money-then send it back to you.that's what it would take right?After all you you still want post up players and i would feel better!
PlasmaMan Msg:good question mike
moe_green Msg:me too
test Msg:Sure Mike. That would be a good option for us and you.
bigboydan Msg:anyone else having any questions for bill please PM me
jerseymike Msg:good thanks
test Msg:Okay, I'll check with Peep tomorrow. We still have some excess left in the OGD escrow account.
test Msg:I think.
moe_green Msg
eep i want in
PlasmaMan Msg:Seeing as your banner has been taken down at both MW and RX, have they offered to send back the unused portion of the prepaid advertising money they received
jerseymike Msg:Thanks peep got my acct #
moe_green Msg:who do i talk to
test Msg:Moe, sorry I just saw that question.
Peep Msg:Glad to see the OGD escrow account has appeal with the players. After Major's torching to day I was starting to wonder..
test Msg:I think the CSD folks have had a tough few days and have said some things just to get people off teh phone.
moe_green Msg:bill i can transfer my account to peeps escrow
bigboydan Msg
eep, me too
jerseymike Msgeep should i send you my acct # again
cecil Msg:stampede lol
test Msg:Okay, please give the info to Peep and he and I will talk tomorrow.
bigboydan Msg:lol
test Msg:It is a good plan.
jerseymike Msg
k thanks
Peep Msg:I will BRB.
Peep Msg:Have to put kids to bed.
bigboydan Msg:so, let me get this straight anyone who already has an account with you can opt. into the escrow program right now
bigboydan Msg:?
Peep Msg:everyone can PM me after that. Thank you for being here Bill. Appreciated.
PlasmaMan Msg:have Russ and Ken offered to send back unused advertising dollars now that they have taken your banners down?
moe_green Msg:thanks bill i think lol
bigboydan Msg:thank you bill for taking the time out of your schedual for being here tonight sir
test Msg:Sure. Sorry for the problems. I appreciate the time to talk to everyone.
cecil Msg:yeah, waiting to hear that one answered plasma
test Msg:Ah, misse that too.
test Msg:Not yet. But we have asked.
bigboydan Msg:sorry guys if im a little slow right now but i gotta call my bookie and get these late games in
bigboydan Msg:brb
moe_green Msg:ill call you tomorrow
PlasmaMan Msg:good luck with that bill
PlasmaMan Msg:I do hope you guys make it thru this tough stretch and best of luck this year
test Msg:Yea thanks. Maybe we will just deduct it from the account sof the BW guys Shrink sent in here.
PlasmaMan Msg:lol
test Msg:Kidding. Thanks Plasma.
test Msg:Good night.
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>
test Msg:Hey guys this is Bill
moe_green Msg:dont forget major
bigboydan Msg:hi bill
bigboydan Msg:lol
raiders72001 Msg:he should be the last guy to complain
moe_green Msg:hi
test Msg:Here's the situation -
bigboydan Msg:well peep, when your ready
Peep Msg:Is test responding yet
test Msg:I'm in
Peep Msg:Cool. Welcome Bill.
bigboydan Msg:above he was going to explain everything
bigboydan Msg:raiders, down 9 at the half
raiders72001 Msg:grrr
test Msg:1. There is more than enough money in investor funds to cover all customer balances.
test Msg:2. Everyone will get paid.
test Msg:3. Situation has been caused by a shareholder fight that has lasted for two weeks.
Peep Msg:Welcome all. Bill from BetPanAm is signed in as "test".
bigboydan Msg:raiders is the first on up with a question go raiders
Insomniac Msg:Is BetPanAm currently a profitable entity?
raiders72001 Msg:Scooty told us on Tues that everyone would be paid by today. What is the current time table?
test Msg:Every month except December.
bigboydan Msg:insomnic, your up after raiders and next time please PM me if you have any questions for bill
test Msg:Got beaten up some in December, so initiated a cash call on the investors.
bigboydan Msg:anyone have any questions for bill please PM me
Rocky Msg:not a q but follow up- what did you get hit on? foots?
bigboydan Msg:well, i didnt mean to run off insomnic
test Msg:Which was trigger for minority investors to demand audit and force major shareholders to give up seats on board.
test Msg:football mostly
bigboydan Msg
moe_green Msg:when do the payouts/neteller start
bigboydan Msg:mone, wait
raiders72001 Msg:someone else can go
test Msg:24 hours after escrowed funds are released to us.
bigboydan Msg:let bill answer the follow up ? first and next time please PM me with any question you might have for bill thank you
Peep Msg:Welcome everyone. Bill from BetPanAm is signed in as "test".
bigboydan Msg:anyone having any questions please pm me
test Msg:which might be tomorrow. emphasis on the might.
moe_green Msg:how do i pm
bigboydan Msg:double click on my nick on the right side of the chat
bigboydan Msg:moe, your up next
dante Msg:hey billy
BillDozer Msg
bigboydan Msg:hi bill
BillDozer Msg:=P
dante Msg:im drying
Peep Msg:Welcome everyone. Bill from Panam is signed is as "Test".
moe_green Msg:neteller doesnt have the money now
test Msg:true
bigboydan Msg:your up next dante
BillDozer Msg:Test is my middle name
dante Msg:IS the bet panam SB party still going and was there a big turnout? just curious
bigboydan Msg:anyone having any question for bill please PMme
test Msg:still going on, but very low key. not big turn out.
moe_green Msg:so when you get the money from the investers-it will take few more days to get into neteller
bigboydan Msg:dantes up and then raiders
test Msg:mostly being used for planning for the coming year
dante Msg:thanks bill..I really hope you guys do th right thing here
dante Msg:thanks for answering
test Msg:we will. not going out of business.
bigboydan Msg:JW is up after raiders
raiders72001 Msg:Is there a 500k bond and who would this be used to pay?
bigboydan Msg:raiders your turn
bigboydan Msg:and then JW is up next
test Msg:Yes, but a bond is a very inefficient method for prtecting customers
bigboydan Msg:anyone else having any questions for bill please PM me
raiders72001 Msg:can you expand?
test Msg:Betpanam would have to go out of business, then commission would have to decide how to allocate money, etc.
raiders72001 Msg:thanks
test Msg:gaming commissionis going to change to an escrow account requirement
bigboydan Msg:JW your up
bigboydan Msg:anyone else having any questions for bill please PM me
jwunderdog Msg:Are you guys planning on staying in the post-up business?
test Msg:yes
bigboydan Msg:bill your up next sir
jwunderdog Msg
BillDozer Msg:What do you think the minimum % of deposits should be
BillDozer Msg:that is on hand for a book to be safe
BillDozer Msg:?
bigboydan Msg:anyone else having any questions for bill please PM me
test Msg:Well, obviously 100% would be the best answer.
test Msg
BillDozer Msg:Well, I would consider that way too low
bigboydan Msg:anyone else having any questions for bill please PM me
BillDozer Msg:especially for a new book. Wouldnt you?
BillDozer Msg:Long term %?
test Msg:However, the requirement may be set lower, use a formula based on expected rollover, % of hold
BillDozer Msg:It sounds like you folks had insufficient funding even after considering the investor issues. I was curious if you have a new standard
test Msg:Gaming Commission and UK company they have haired are working on that issue now.
bigboydan Msg:anyone else having any questions for bill please PM me
test Msg:No, we actually have more investor funds committed than balance of players.
test Msg:Isue is access right now.
bigboydan Msg:slash is up next followed by raiders
test Msg:Minority shareholders locked down account as means of forcing concessions from larger shareholders.
slash Msg:Hi Bill, sorry if this has already been answered, but - has the funds been wired to NETeller already and if yes, can you pay all players with the amount sent?
Peep Msg:Welcome. Bill from BetPanAm is posting as "test".
test Msg:No, wire has not been sent
Peep Msg:We will have a full transcript tomorrow.
slash Msg
slash Msg:seems quite impossible
test Msg:True
slash Msg
raiders72001 Msg
bigboydan Msg:anyone else having any questions for bill please PM me
test Msg:Based on schedule given to us by the investor's point man, we had hoped to have funds transferred to us today.
test Msg
slash Msg:but you didn't get them, I guess?
Peep Msg:Welcome. Bill from BetPanAm is posting as "test". Full transcript tomorrow.
test Msg:Today, no.
slash Msg
raiders72001 Msg:money in the neteller scrow acct set up by OGD protect the player? If yes, does it protect winnings or just post up money?
bigboydan Msg:anyone else having any questions for bill please PM me
test Msg:Both.
bigboydan Msg
test Msgeep and I do a weekly settle on the account.
raiders72001 Msg:Is there a limit?
test Msg:Currently has a surplus.
test Msg:For now, we plan to keep it at $2500.
test Msg
raiders72001 Msg:thanks
PlasmaMan Msg:Just got here and not sure if this was asked but with the constant delaying and seemingly deception going on, how can you guys expect to turn things around. It seems as if alot of damage has been done.
bigboydan Msg:anyone having any questions for bill please PM me
test Msg:Absoluetely true.
Peep Msg:Welcome. Bill from BetPanAM is posting as "test". A full transcript will be posted tomorrow.
test Msg:Minority investors were willing to bring everything to a halt in order to force changes they thought were needed to ensure longterm success of business.
bigboydan Msg:bill dozier is up next followed by thrawn
PlasmaMan Msg:but at what espense
test Msg:somewhat like burning a house down to kill the roaches
test Msg:effective, but a little expensive.
BillDozer Msg:To expand on my last question, How much do you think should be kept on reserve as far as %s of player funds? How much do you think should be on hold
PlasmaMan Msg:is seems as if its at the cost of killing any further layers from joining
PlasmaMan Msg:thanks in advance for the answer
BillDozer Msg:to insure stability through tough times
test Msg:Easy answer would be 100%.
bigboydan Msg:anyone else having any questions for bill please PM me
Thrawn Msg:When will you send in the long overdue information on my alleged scam to the MW mediators?
BillDozer Msg:What happens after a bad stretch you would be below that instantly?
test Msg:However, banks and other ensured institutions do it with less.
Peep Msg:Welcome. Bill from Bet Pan AM is posting as "test". A full transcript will be posted tomorrow.
BillDozer Msg:=O
bigboydan Msg
test Msg:True. There would have to be a regular adjustment, based on outside audit by independent agency.
bigboydan Msg:slash is up next
BillDozer Msg:banks?
BillDozer Msg:OK , thank you
bigboydan Msg:anyone else having any questions for bill please PM me
bigboydan Msg:slash, your up sir
Thrawn Msg:he didnt answer me
bigboydan Msg:my bad thrawn
bigboydan Msg:sorry
bigboydan Msg
test Msglasma - excellent point. Getting future players will depned on us getting everyone paid and then offering measures to give players confidence in the security of their funds through escrow accounts, etc.
test Msg:saw it, but have no clue who he is
Thrawn Msg:think
test Msg:Is there a question?
skyweasel Msg:I have one if no one else does
bigboydan Msg:thrawns question is still being waited on
bigboydan Msg:sky, slash is up next
bigboydan Msg:followed by plasmaman
test Msg:Well, I o not know who he is. A little tough to answer.
Thrawn Msg:how many people have you needing mediators assistance
bigboydan Msg:and then you will be after them skyweasel
test Msg:Well, Shrink likes to send them in by the bucket load, so could be one of many.
Thrawn Msg:wouldnt surprise me
Halifax Msg:LMAO
bigboydan Msg:slash is up next followed by plasmaman and then skyweasel and then JW
Rocky Msg:was this asked and answered yesterday at MW chat?
slash Msg:I'll pass... on the phone
PlasmaMan Msg:Scotty has mentioned that he will be taking time off in feb. Is he leaving the company, being let go or is he actually taking a vacation?
bigboydan Msg:noted slash, plasmaman your up next sir
test Msg:His baby is due and he is going to take a vacation.
bigboydan Msg:anyone else having any questions for bill please pm me
bigboydan Msg:skyweasels up next after plasmaman and then JW is after him
PlasmaMan Msg:at what point did you guys realize that you wouldn't be able to make payments and did you still take on new customers at that point
test Msg
test Msg:Which caused a run.
PlasmaMan Msg:run = How Much?
PlasmaMan Msg:tx
test Msg:Customers will get paid, though I did not expect the shareholder's fight to last this long.
bigboydan Msg:JW, your up next after plasmaman is finished sir
test Msg:I expected it to be resolved in a day or two.
bigboydan Msg:anyone else having any questions for bill please PM me
jwunderdog Msg:Heard that you guys had changed your head linesmaker True? Why?anything to do with current situation?
bigboydan Msg:anyone else having any questions for bill pleasePM me
test Msg:No. Chester is still here. We did bring in Candy to handle more of the day to day ops
test Msg:Chester is going to focus on integrating new software for next couple of weeks.
bigboydan Msg:anyone else having any questions for bill please PM me
Halifax Msg:Any hints on the new software paclkage
bigboydan Msg:halifax your up
test Msg:Not yet.
bigboydan Msg:anyone else having any questions for bill please PM me
test Msg:But feedback from books currently using it has been very positive.
bigboydan Msg:anyone else having any questions for bill please PM me
Peep Msg:Welcome. BIll from BetPanAM is posting as "test". Transcripts will be out tomorrow.
skyweasel Msg:what are the investors re-investing in (if they do so)? The same business model? If so, what would prevent the same thing from happening again (not counting manipulation by Shrink)?
test Msg:Not reinvesting. Releasing funds already allocated.
test Msg:Business model has been readjusted to reflect realities of the marketplace.
test Msg:Smart bonus policies, keeping wise guys under control, shifting marketing away from forums.
bigboydan Msg
skyweasel Msg:thx
PlasmaMan Msg:If betting ended at this minute, what result in the Superbowl is least favorable to PanAm, is the money slanted to a side or total and are there any futures you might get hit hard on?
bigboydan Msg:anyone else having any questions for bill please PM me
test Msg:Change to software that allows us to be more flexible in our product.
test Msg:Big win by New England.
test Msg:But we are not that long.
PlasmaMan Msg:that would hurt?
test Msg:no, not hurt
PlasmaMan Msg:what I meant is you would prefer Carolina
PlasmaMan Msg:at this point
test Msg:small loss. pretty balanced on totals and money line right now.
test Msg:yes
bigboydan Msg:anyone else having any questions for bill please PM me
PlasmaMan Msg:tx
PlasmaMan Msg:you mentioned that you are looking to get away from the forums, does that mean the when contracts end with MW and THERX you will not be renewing
test Msg:Yes.
bigboydan Msg:slash is up next followed by plasman and then rockey
slash Msg:Bill, you said that the investor hadn't released the funds yet (or something like that)... what if you don't get them tomorrow either? And what if you don't get them Monday??
test Msg:I'll be in jail for having murdered 10 Panamanians.
slash Msg:LOL
bigboydan Msg:lol
slash Msg:I will check out the news the next couple of days then...
slash Msg:could make quite a headline
bigboydan Msg:rocky is up next
bigboydan Msg:anyone else having any questions for bill please PM me
Rocky Msg:I think it was said earlier- es.crow planned on guar.2500 per player- what is your limit on a game? Actually Id like a 3digit box to put my wagers in to insure I dont fup when Ive ...
Rocky Msg:follow up- thanks for your foots contest sponsorship- (I suck at foots tho,lol)
bigboydan Msg:anyone else having any questions for bill please PM me
test Msg:I'll discuss the issue with Peep later. That is the current plan. Based on patterns we have seen with players who typically post more than that via Neteller.
test Msg:Your welcome. Thanks for playing.
test Msg:We are not interested in setting up escrow protection for all of BW's guys.
bigboydan Msg:that was gonna be my question at the end bill
test Msg:I believe we willlook at increasing the cap on a player by player basis.
moe_green Msg:just got back in sorry ; is neteller payout friday
Rocky Msg
test Msg:I do not think so. Would have to get funds early tomorrow and have NT credit transfer same day.
moe_green Msg:so when
bigboydan Msg:sorry guys, lost connection
bigboydan Msg:anyone have any questions that needed to be answered please PM me
test Msg:First business day after we have transfer from investment fund.
moe_green Msg:no idea the transfer date from invester fund
test Msg:Could be tomorrow, but I do not want to make any promises.
bigboydan Msg:anyone having any questions for bill please PM me
moe_green Msg:is it on its way
test Msg:Other than the funds are there and everyone will get paid.
Peep Msg:Welcome. Bill from BetPanAm is posting as "test" A full transcript will be posted tomorrow.
moe_green Msg:funds are going into your escrow as we speak
moe_green Msg:how long does that take and when was it
test Msg:The OGP escrow fund?
moe_green Msg:no your panam account
moe_green Msg:you said your waiting from investment fund to panam account
test Msg:My understanding is that once the new shareholder agreement has been filed, funds will transfer that day.
moe_green Msg:then to neteeler
test Msg:Yes, then a wire transfer will be made to Neteller.
Thrawn Msg:regarding the 500k bond, why haven't questions about it been answered this past week, and what reinsurances do we have for it's existence?
moe_green Msg:agreement more meetings
bigboydan Msg:thrawn is up next after moe
Rocky Msg:Thanks Bill- GL,Live long and prosper
moe_green Msg:what if the agreement lasts 3 weeks
test Msg:No, I am told there are no more meetings. Official filing of the document is to be done tomorrow I am told.
moe_green Msg:bill thats good news
bigboydan Msg:anyone else having any questions for bill please PM me
test Msg:That is what I am told. However, this is Panama.
moe_green Msg:so it is a offical panaman contract
test Msg:Yes.
test Msg:Would stand up in a court.
Oldfriend Msg:THIS IS ALL BULLSHIT! You heard it first from MR OLDFRIEND
moe_green Msg:you will post when its official?
bigboydan Msg:OF, wait your turn buddy LOL
test Msg:Evening. Been drinking again?
test Msg:Good question Moe. I will ask. Would be a good idea.
bigboydan Msg:anyone else having any questions for bill please PM me
cecil Msg:we have been down this road so many times with books I know what oldfriend is saying
test Msg:At least have it on file with the gaming commission so that is it in public domain.
moe_green Msg:neteller will get it then it will take 2-3 more days
Thrawn Msg:regarding the 500k bond, why haven't questions about it been answered this past week, and what reinsurances do we have for it's existence?
test Msg:Once funds are at Neteller? No, they normally credit a wire next day.
test Msg:I wasn't aware of questions last week.
moe_green Msg:and this credit to neteller can happen even sat or sun
Halifax Msg:moe green - bottom line - no soup for you until next week at the earliest
test Msg:I do not think so Moe.
test Msg:Sorry.
test Msg:I assume it would have to be a business day.
bigboydan Msg:keep it nice and civil guys please
Thrawn Msg
moe_green Msg:bill this superbowl sun and not being paid is scary
test Msg:Will have to check with the gaming commission and see what proof the master license holder had to put up.
test Msg:I do not have answer other than that Thrawn.
Thrawn Msg:thanks
Halifax Msg:Who (or what) is the Master License Holder ?
test Msg:Understand. Obviously, we will have very little action on the game, so is not a good situation for us either.
moe_green Msg:bill why didnt you post this info to the other sites today at all
test Msg:Cybergaming International is the license holder.
bigboydan Msg:guys, one by one please is all i ask on this subject just don't keep firing away at bill with 2 or 3 questions at a time please
test Msg:Frankly, I don't plan on having any further contact with the other sites until we are actually paying all customers.
test Msg:And none at all after that.
Halifax Msg
Halifax Msg:Were the rumpurs true that IQL had some sort of official monopoly on the software for Panama ??
test Msg:The unfortunate truth is that most of the owners and moderators of those sites use their positions and access to send syndicate and mover action into a book.
Halifax Msg:rumours
moe_green Msg:so how wil;l you communicate w/ those who have money in panam
test Msg
moe_green Msg:email????
test Msg:No, no monopoly for IQL>
TTinCO Msg
test Msg:Or phone calls if required.
bigboydan Msg:ttinco, your up sir
test Msg:Of course, it may be tough to keep Scotty and Marty off the forums. So we will see.
bigboydan Msg:Ttinco is up guys so let him ask his question please
moe_green Msg:so if they sign tomorrow how quickly to neteller
TTinCO Msg:Bill, given the state of things right now, it would a LOT to settle players nerves if someone could post some type of proof of the bond
test Msg:Next business day after funds are moved to our accounts.
moe_green Msg:how quick is that
Oldfriend Msg:Sorry man..I will not talk anymore! lol..i'm sure many of us feel better now that test should up
Halifax Msg:moe - you've asked the same damn question 50 times
moe_green Msg:wrong 51 lol
bigboydan Msg:lol
bigboydan Msg:well, if it was asked 60 times moe i think you either got your answer or bill refuses to answer the question so lets please move on sir
Halifax Msg:I never was good with numbers - that's why I gamble
playersonly69 Msg:so whats up, what did I miss?
bigboydan Msg:hi player69, you missed everything lol
playersonly69 Msg:happens to me all of thetime
bigboydan Msg:but a transscript will be avail. tommarrow
Peep Msg:Wecome. Bill from BetPanAM is posting as "test". A full transcript will be out tomorrow.
TTinCO Msg:Actually Bill, I can rephrase that......Is there $500K "on deposit" as a bond? If so, that should settle everyone down
test Msg:Let's take a couple of more and then wrap it up.
bigboydan Msg
bigboydan Msg:anyone having any question for bill please PM me
bigboydan Msg
PlasmaMan Msg:would you say in hindsight that advertising at MW and The RX proved to be detrimental to PanAms business plan
test Msg:I will have to check with the folks at the gaming commission. My guess is that is was structured as an insurance type bond - gurantee backed by assets.
PlasmaMan Msg:i.e Bonus whores, sharps
PlasmaMan Msg:etc
cecil Msg:great question plasma
test Msg:Ans the plan is to change requiremnt to escrow account.
PlasmaMan Msg:tx cecil
test Msg:Absolutely.
PlasmaMan Msg:has Panams relationship with Shrink soured?
test Msg:Basically, taking all profits made from 1/2 your customer base and giving them to other hald is not a successful strategy.
bigboydan Msg:anyone else having any questions for bill please PM me
playersonly69 Msg:the $500,000 bond was put in place to cover assets owed to the Panamanian government only, for such things as paying workers at betpanam and taxes etc in case they are insolvnet at some time, that money doesnt go to the players I dont think, or at last cred
bigboydan Msg
test Msg:Stand by player.
playersonly69 Msg
bigboydan Msg:np sir just trying to keep things in order is all
test Msg:We do not plan on advertising at the RX in the future.
PlasmaMan Msg:I will take that as a YES
PlasmaMan Msg:TX
TTinCO Msg
cecil Msg:lol
bigboydan Msg:no advertising at the RX ? what about MW ?
bigboydan Msg
test Msg:I don't think paying someone for the privledge of having a long list of BW movers paly into you is a good marketing paln.
PlasmaMan Msg:lol
cecil Msg:never was, funny none of the new books have figured that out
PlasmaMan Msg:very good answer
test Msg:We would prefer to not advertise on any of them frankly.
moe_green Msg:why are you telling your customer service you guys are paying friday
jerseymike Msg:Instead of asking for my payout,can i get my acct added to the ogd escrow fund.Doesn't make sense to to take out my money-then send it back to you.that's what it would take right?After all you you still want post up players and i would feel better!
PlasmaMan Msg:good question mike
moe_green Msg:me too
test Msg:Sure Mike. That would be a good option for us and you.
bigboydan Msg:anyone else having any questions for bill please PM me
jerseymike Msg:good thanks
test Msg:Okay, I'll check with Peep tomorrow. We still have some excess left in the OGD escrow account.
test Msg:I think.
moe_green Msg
PlasmaMan Msg:Seeing as your banner has been taken down at both MW and RX, have they offered to send back the unused portion of the prepaid advertising money they received
jerseymike Msg:Thanks peep got my acct #
moe_green Msg:who do i talk to
test Msg:Moe, sorry I just saw that question.
Peep Msg:Glad to see the OGD escrow account has appeal with the players. After Major's torching to day I was starting to wonder..
test Msg:I think the CSD folks have had a tough few days and have said some things just to get people off teh phone.
moe_green Msg:bill i can transfer my account to peeps escrow
bigboydan Msg
jerseymike Msgeep should i send you my acct # again
cecil Msg:stampede lol
test Msg:Okay, please give the info to Peep and he and I will talk tomorrow.
bigboydan Msg:lol
test Msg:It is a good plan.
jerseymike Msg
Peep Msg:I will BRB.
Peep Msg:Have to put kids to bed.
bigboydan Msg:so, let me get this straight anyone who already has an account with you can opt. into the escrow program right now
bigboydan Msg:?
Peep Msg:everyone can PM me after that. Thank you for being here Bill. Appreciated.
PlasmaMan Msg:have Russ and Ken offered to send back unused advertising dollars now that they have taken your banners down?
moe_green Msg:thanks bill i think lol
bigboydan Msg:thank you bill for taking the time out of your schedual for being here tonight sir
test Msg:Sure. Sorry for the problems. I appreciate the time to talk to everyone.
cecil Msg:yeah, waiting to hear that one answered plasma
test Msg:Ah, misse that too.
test Msg:Not yet. But we have asked.
bigboydan Msg:sorry guys if im a little slow right now but i gotta call my bookie and get these late games in
bigboydan Msg:brb
moe_green Msg:ill call you tomorrow
PlasmaMan Msg:good luck with that bill
PlasmaMan Msg:I do hope you guys make it thru this tough stretch and best of luck this year
test Msg:Yea thanks. Maybe we will just deduct it from the account sof the BW guys Shrink sent in here.
PlasmaMan Msg:lol
test Msg:Kidding. Thanks Plasma.
test Msg:Good night.