Els is close.. I also had him on my blog at top 10 +110.. forgot to post it here, he needs to not blow up on the last hole for it to cash
<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tbody><tr><td>
Play by Play for the Par 4, 455 yards 17th Hole</td><td onclick="javascript:tracker(6522,'P');" class="closetd" align="right">X
</td></tr></tbody></table>Shot 1 293 yds to left fairway, 153 yds to hole
Shot 2 154 yds to green, 5 ft to hole
Shot 3 putt 9 ft 0 in., 3 ft 6 in. to hole
Shot 4 putt 4 ft 2 in., 4 in. to hole
Shot 5 in the hole
Typical shit from him, that has kept him from being back to the old big easy.