Toronto Shooting

May 3, 2018
Jaguara hates anyone that criticizes Islam!!

The problem with your logic, is that the so-called "holy" prophet of Islam Mooohammad was a terrorist, and their so-called holy book the quran tells them to kill the non-believer,
so until the so-called moderate Muslims repudiate their prophet and remove those passages from the Quran, there will always be a certain group of Muslims that will
be obedient to the prophet and their holy book, and will seek to kill and destroy non-Muslims.

The fact is, you're just not very bright, and you don't do your research/homework.

I will help you.

This is the most important video you will ever watch on Islam.

Who's Jaguara?

Also you are the one that is clueless and not very bright. I will not click on your propaganda videos. Islam is a peaceful religion.

If you want to take the bible verbatim then it also preaches a hell of a lot of violence. Not to mention a lot of other whacky stuff. I'm glad you guys at least had the sense to ahem...amend it at least.

You're such a hypocrite dude. There's been more cases of white terrorism in the States than Muslim and you and I both know it. I'm more scared of a white dude shooting up a school or Vegas or something like that than a Muslim. FACTS DON'T LIE LOL.

The examples of the bad apples you keep posting in your idiotic tin foil hat thread in the garbage/politics forum is 95% from the Middle East where it's more about countries not being modernized and no opportunities.

What is going on with the Muslims in America and Canada? Oh that's right most of them are doctors and engineers and cabbies too lol. But you don't want to talk about those Muslims, the real Muslims do you? Doesn't fit your agenda.

Take the tin foil hat off.

The numbers speak for themselves. More white terrorism in the U.S then from Muslims or any other race. But you can try to spin it all you want. I'm not buying it.
May 3, 2018
Jaguara hates anyone that criticizes Islam!!

The problem with your logic, is that the so-called "holy" prophet of Islam Mooohammad was a terrorist, and their so-called holy book the quran tells them to kill the non-believer,
so until the so-called moderate Muslims repudiate their prophet and remove those passages from the Quran, there will always be a certain group of Muslims that will
be obedient to the prophet and their holy book, and will seek to kill and destroy non-Muslims.

The fact is, you're just not very bright, and you don't do your research/homework.

I will help you.

This is the most important video you will ever watch on Islam.

Copying and pasting bias articles and tin foil hat videos doesn't make you intelligent. That's the problem with the internet age. Everybody thinks they are intelligent because they can google things. Nothing replaces good old fashioned education. You are ignorant and not very well educated. You can copy and paste all the crap you want it doesn't make a difference.

I can post 2 videos and articles refuting everything you say. It's the internet. Bias videos and articles everywhere.

It's not moderate Muslims. It's just Muslims. The terrorists are extremists not Muslims.

Are you a moderate christian? Are you even christian since you aren't very tolerant and don't follow the bible to a tee?

Dude you don't even seem to know your own bible don't even begin to understand and comprehend the message of the Koran. You can translate and distort any thing from any holy book. These things were written so long ago and in savage times. Both the bible and koran are violent. You can't pick and choose old man.

The islamic religion was based on a pedophile and christianity was based on a 2 bit magician wannabe named jesus that fucked a hooker named mary and some other nonsense. Both religions are a joke. All religions are. Christians and Muslims have both committed violent savage atrocities throughout time. This country was founded by christians that did unspeakable things to the natives of this country.

Let's talk about present times in the U.S. What do you have to say about more white Americans committing terrorist acts than Muslims? You want me to list all the doctors and other law abiding and productive citizens that are Muslim in the U.S? Want me to list off all the good work they are involved in inside the U.S?

What do you really even know about the Muslims in America?

You're ignorant and you're a moron and a dying breed.

I'm not going to waste my time with a dying breed, ignorant, hate filled hypocritical bad christian like you.

For the record I think all religions are a sham. How many innocent kids have been raped and abused in the name of christianity? Give me a break.

Yeah mohamed was a pedophile way back then but let's talk about today how many priests and pastors are raping and abusing kids. Nevermind the cases that go unreported.

All the shootings in the schools but awkward angry pasty white boys and the whole Vegas incident and so on yet you rant on and on like a lunatic about Muslims who quietly go about their business in the U.S Lol. Ok.

Sep 21, 2012
Jaguara hates anyone that criticizes Islam!!

The problem with your logic, is that the so-called "holy" prophet of Islam Mooohammad was a terrorist, and their so-called holy book the quran tells them to kill the non-believer,
so until the so-called moderate Muslims repudiate their prophet and remove those passages from the Quran, there will always be a certain group of Muslims that will
be obedient to the prophet and their holy book, and will seek to kill and destroy non-Muslims.

The fact is, you're just not very bright, and you don't do your research/homework.

I will help you.

This is the most important video you will ever watch on Islam.

that guy went to jail for attempted murder on his father and was a diagnosed sociopath.........probably not the best person to use in an argument
Sep 21, 2004
Who's Jaguara?

Islam is a peaceful religion.

The religion of peace's killings in the last 30 days:

[h=2]List of Killings in
the Name of Islam:
Last 30 Days[/h]
This is part of the list of killings in the name of Islam maintained by Most of these incidents are terror attacks. A handful are honor killings or Sharia executions.During this time period, there were 155 Islamic attacks in 20 countries, in which 1244 people were killed and 1014 injured.

(TROP does not catch all attacks. Not all attacks are immediately posted).

2018.07.23NigerKonduga118Eleven worshippers at a mosque are sent straight to Allah by a co-religionist suicide bomber.
2018.07.23SomaliaKismayo630A suicide bomber slams into a local military base, killing six.
2018.07.23SyriaBab Limoun612A suicide bomber targets a post office, putting six patrons out of their misery.
2018.07.23SyriaAkhtarin123An innocent civilian is smoked by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2018.07.22AfghanistanKabul21Two children are pulled into pieces by an Islamist bomb blast.
2018.07.22AfghanistanMaani Kandao155A brutal attack by a Sunni group leaves fifteen border guards dead.
2018.07.22MaliMacina10One security personnel is killed during an al-Qaeda ambush.
2018.07.22AfghanistanSurkh Rod43Four worshippers at a mosque are shot to hell by Religion of Peace rivals.
2018.07.22PakistanDera Ismail Khan20A secular-leaning politician and his driver are blown to bits by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2018.07.22AfghanistanKabul23107Twenty-three people at an airport are flattened by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2018.07.22AfghanistanZawaka1412A series of Islamic Emirate attacks leaves fourteen dead.
2018.07.21IraqZanjili50A family of five returning refugees is vaporized by an ISIS bomb blast at their home.
2018.07.21SyriaHasakah12A Sunni IED claims a civilian.
2018.07.21AfghanistanArghandi60Six intelligence officers are ambushed and murdered by the Islamic Emirates.
2018.07.21SyriaIdlib11A civilian bleeds out following a Mujahideen bomb blast.
2018.07.21AfghanistanKala Sangar53Five Afghans are pumped full of holes by Taliban gunmen.
2018.07.21SomaliaMogadishu12A civilian is taken out by an al-Shabaab landmine.
2018.07.21SomaliaMogadishu12A bomb targeting a government official kills him and injures his mother and brother.
2018.07.21IndiaKulgam10An off-duty cop is abducted from his home by Islamists and tortured to death.
2018.07.20IraqHillah10A shepherd loses his life to Jihadi shrapnel.
2018.07.20PakistanCharikar37An Islamic group is suspected of shooting three people to death.
2018.07.20AfghanistanKunduz149A dozen security personnel are murdered at their post by the Taliban.
2018.07.20PakistanSokh20Two members of a peace committee are ambushed and killed by Lashkar-i-Islam.
2018.07.20NigeriaGajibo2740Boko Haram gunmen walk up and down a stalled line of cars and mow down over two dozen passengers.
2018.07.20IsraelBe'er Sheva10An Israeli border guard is killed by a Palestinian sniper.
2018.07.20DagestanKizilyurt21Two traffic cops sitting in their car are executed by suspected Muslim insurgents.
2018.07.20AfghanistanShahr-e Safa74An Islamic Emirate attack leaves seven dead.
2018.07.20IraqKhanaqin10A Kurdish citizen is shot in a driveby by Shiite militia.
2018.07.20YemenAden10A moderate cleric is assassinated by more radical members of his religion.
2018.07.20IndiaBarmer10A Hindu man is tied up and beaten to death for having a relationship with a Muslim woman.
2018.07.19ChadDaboua1812Islamists slit the throats of eighteen residents of a peaceful fishing community.
2018.07.19IraqMakhkour10A Kurdish man is abducted and slain by ISIS.
2018.07.19AfghanistanChako84Islamists murder eight local cops.
2018.07.19AfghanistanFarah65Islamic Emirates gunmen take down six Afghans.
2018.07.19YemenAden10An al-Qaeda linked group shoots a man several times in the chest.
2018.07.18AfghanistanKandahar1710Seventeen Afghans are cut down by the Taliban in two attacks.
2018.07.18IraqKirkuk129A Jihadi bomb placed outside a restaurant kills a bystander.
2018.07.18YemenMarib14Religious radicals are suspected in a remote-controlled bomb blast.
2018.07.17AfghanistanAjiram2223An Islamic State suicide bomber attacks a funeral at a rival mosque, killing twenty-two mourners.
2018.07.17YemenTaiz46Two children are among four dead when an Ansar Allah mortar hits a house.
2018.07.17IraqHawija20Two children are disassembled by a Sunni bomb blast.
2018.07.17AfghanistanChahar Shanba60Six local cops are machine-gunned point blank at their checkpoint by the Islamic Emirate.
2018.07.17NigeriaMussini60A woman is among six traders murdered by Boko Haram.
2018.07.16AfghanistanGhani Khel70Seven police are slaughtered by the Taliban.
2018.07.16IndiaMurran11Terrorists fire on a legislator's car, killing a guard.
2018.07.16MaliInjagalane140Jihadists open fire on fleeing villagers, bringing down at least fourteen.
2018.07.16AfghanistanNangarhar26A landmine planted by a Sunni group kills two civilians.
2018.07.16DRCKabasewa63A nurse is among six people murdered by ADF Islamists.
2018.07.15AfghanistanKabul715A suicide bomber on foot strikes a rural development agency, killing seven.
2018.07.15AfghanistanBalkh85Eight police officers are murdered by the Islamic Emirate in two attacks.
2018.07.15AfghanistanJawzjan30Three female captives are raped and killed by the Taliban.
2018.07.14AfghanistanBala Buluk114Eleven local security personnel lose their lives to a brutal Islamist attack.
2018.07.14AfghanistanLashkar Gah111One other person is killed by a suicide bomber.
2018.07.14SomaliaMogadishu520Five others are killed during a double suicide bomb attack by al-Shabaab.
2018.07.14NigeriaJilli6238Boko Haram overrun a local military base and massacre over sixty personnel.
2018.07.13SomaliaBaidoa34Three guards are murdered by a group fighting for Sharia.
2018.07.13SyriaDeir Maker24Muslim bombers take out two civilians.
2018.07.13AfghanistanKandahar30Islamic snipers take down three security personnel.
2018.07.13PakistanMastung149186One-hundred and fifty people at a political rally are wiped out by a suicide bomber.
2018.07.13IndiaAchabal21Lashkar-e-Toiba members assassinate two local cops.
2018.07.13PakistanBannu537An Islamist bomb targeting a politician leaves five dead.
2018.07.12SyriaHasakah30Terrorists gun down three civilians in cold blood.
2018.07.12SyriaIdlib14Islamists target a rival Sharia court judge with a bomb.
2018.07.12AfghanistanShesh Tapa42Four security personnel are murdered by the Islamic Emirate.
2018.07.12AfghanistanDasht-e Arch1513Fifteen others are killed when a group of religious radicals attack a local military base.
2018.07.11IraqKanaan22Two civilians are cut down by a Mujahideen bomb blast.
2018.07.11NigeriaTaraba420Forty-two people, mostly women and children, are massacred by Miyetti Allah.
2018.07.11AfghanistanNaw Abad30Three local cops are taken out by the Taliban.
2018.07.11IraqDibis42Four guards at an oil field are riddled with bullets by ISIS loyalists.
2018.07.11AfghanistanJalalabad1210A dozen people are killed when an Islamic group storms an education compound in a suicide attack.
2018.07.11AfghanistanKhak-I-Safid54Five civilians are eliminated by a roadside bomb blast.
2018.07.11PakistanSharifabad10An 18-year-old girl is honor killed by her family for having been raped.
2018.07.10NigeriaAdamawa500About fifty villagers are massacred by Miyetti Allah.
2018.07.10AzerbaijanGanja20Two police officers are stabbed to death by "a radical religious group."
2018.07.10PakistanPeshawar2062A secular politician and nineteen supporters are murdered by a suicide bomber at a rally.
2018.07.10AfghanistanKhogiani40A brutal attack by the Taliban claims the lives of four police.
2018.07.10ThailandNarathiwat10An off-duty soldier is gunned down on his way home by Muslim terrorists.
2018.07.10SyriaZaizun140A suicide car bomber takes fourteen other souls with him.
2018.07.10AfghanistanJalalabad125Children working at a car wash are vaporized by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2018.07.09IraqZirbani10ISIS kill a tribal leader and dump his body.
2018.07.09IraqBaiji35Three Shiites are ambushed and killed by Sunni Jihadists.
2018.07.09IndiaHajin10A woman's throat is slit in her own home by suspected militants.
2018.07.09SomaliaDabka10Pistol-wielding al-Shabaab gun down a tribal elder.
2018.07.09SomaliaMogadishu20Two security personnel are shot in the back along a city street by religious radicals.
2018.07.09IraqBaghdad10One other person is killed by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2018.07.08IndiaYaripora10The body of a carpenter is found following his abduction by militant Muslims.
2018.07.08AfghanistanShajoy54Five security personnel are ambushed and killed by the Islamic Emirate.
2018.07.08TunisiaAin Sultan60Islamists massacre a half-dozen border guards with a bomb and shooting attack.
2018.07.08Saudi ArabiaBuraidah20Terrorists open fire on a checkpoint, killing a civilian and a cop.
2018.07.08SyriaHasaka20Two sisters, one a student, are aerated when terrorists toss a grenade into their home.
2018.07.08AfghanistanJangle Bagh32An Islamic Emirates attack leaves three dead.
2018.07.08IraqRamadi53An Islamic State rocket claims five lives.
2018.07.07SomaliaBarawe13An al-Shabaab attack leaves a former government official dead.
2018.07.07AfghanistanTarinkot86Eight locals manning a checkpoint are murdered by the Islamic Emirate.
2018.07.07AfghanistanUruzgan42An Islamist in uniform fires on fellow soldiers, killing four.
2018.07.07SomaliaMogadishu921Nine office workers are killed during an Islamic extremist attack on a government building.
2018.07.07LibyaTazirbu22An engineer and a guard at a water plant are shot to death by religious radicals.
2018.07.07IraqSoussa33Three guards at an oil pipeline are gunned down in cold blood by Islamic State members.
2018.07.07IraqUthiya14Islamic State members gun down a villager.
2018.07.07IraqHawija30Three farmers are reduced to rubble by a Mujahideen bomb blast.
2018.07.07SyriaQabasin314Jihadis bomb a market, killing three patrons.
2018.07.06AfghanistanSancharak31A farming family suffers the death of three members at the hands of the Taliban.
2018.07.06IndiaShopian10A local cop is kidnapped and murdered in captivity by Islamic 'separatists'.
2018.07.06IraqHarz70Seven members of a family returning from a wedding are machine-gunned point-blank by the Islamic State.
2018.07.06AfghanistanGilan37Three children ripped apart by Taliban shrapnel.
2018.07.06AfghanistanChimtal511Five security personnel are killed in attacks by the Islamic Emirate.
2018.07.06SyriaBsayra1811Three children are among eighteen killed by a Jihadist car bomb blast.
2018.07.06MozambiqueQuiterajo51Islamists massacre five innocents on their way to a rice plantation.
2018.07.05NigeriaTiza31Three farmers are cut down by Miyetti Allah gunmen.
2018.07.05SyriaManbij122Terrorists bomb a demonstration near a school, killing one protester.
2018.07.05AfghanistanGhani Khel25Islamic Emirate members kill two local soldiers.
2018.07.05AfghanistanDeh Yak20Two policemen are brutally ambushed and killed by ISIS activists.
2018.07.05IraqBadush40A father and his three sons are brutally murdered in their own home by Islamic militants.
2018.07.05IranKhash10Sectarianism is suspected in the shooting death of a Sunni cleric.
2018.07.04IraqKhash10An aide to a Shiite cleric is assassinated by Religion of Peace rivals.
2018.07.04SyriaAjraf50Jaysh Khalid ibn al-Walid use a bomb to kill five rival Sunnis.
2018.07.04AfghanistanBurka32Islamic militants enter a house sheltering voter registration workers and kill three.
2018.07.04AfghanistanTor Kotal30Three Afghans are laid out by an Islamic State bomb blast.
2018.07.04IraqBaghdad111Muslim radicals set off a bomb that eliminates a bystander.
2018.07.04NigeriaMararaba Kola50A woman is among five shot to death by Miyetti Allah on motorcycles.
2018.07.03SomaliaGalmudug50Five villagers are killed by al-Shabaab for resisting having their children 'recruited'.
2018.07.03SomaliaSanguni32An Islamic group lobs a shell that claims three lives.
2018.07.03SyriaRaqqa20An ISIS IED takes out two members of a rival Sunni group.
2018.07.03AfghanistanAndar40The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan plant a bomb that claims four lives.
2018.07.03AfghanistanBaharak27The Taliban stage a brutal attack that leaves two others dead.
2018.07.03SomaliaHodan17A civilian is leveled by an al-Shabaab bomb blast.
2018.07.03AfghanistanPul-e-Alam23A woman and child are disassembled by fundamentalist bombers.
2018.07.02IraqMosul10A civilian is tortured to death by Islamic State loyalists.
2018.07.02PakistanBoya22An Islamist attack kills two and disfigures two others.
2018.07.02IraqHawija10A 17-year-old shepherd succumbs to Islamist shrapnel.
2018.07.01NigerBla Brin107Ten border guards are left dead following an attack by Boko Haram.
2018.07.01NigeriaSabon Angwa60Muslim terrorists kill six villagers and burn their church.
2018.07.01SomaliaMogadishu50al-Shabaab members send mortar rounds into a residential neighborhood, killing five.
2018.07.01IraqDiyala11A woman bleeds to death following an Islamic bomb attack.
2018.07.01IraqKirkuk120Jihadis set off a bomb near a ballot box site, killing one.
2018.07.01AfghanistanJalalabad1920A suicide bomber targets Sikh and Hindu minorities, killing nineteen.
2018.07.01MaliGao431Four civilians are blown to bits by a suicide car bomber.
2018.06.30IraqMakhus53The Islamic State set up a fake checkpoint from which they machine-gun five Sunnis.
2018.06.30AfghanistanNangarhar30Islamic State members burn down a school and behead three attendants.
2018.06.30SyriaMaarat al-Numaan11A civilian is taken apart by a Sunni IED
2018.06.30AfghanistanAikhanum24Sunni fundamentalists gun down two cops.
2018.06.30ThailandRueso10A 30-year-old man is shot twice in the neck by suspected 'separatists'.
2018.06.29SomaliaMogadishu30A student is among three people murdered by Islamic extremists.
2018.06.29AfghanistanHerat20Two civilians are killed by suspected Taliban.
2018.06.29IraqHawija20Two young farmers are dismantled by terrorist shrapnel.
2018.06.29MaliMopti60A suicide bomber detonates at the headquarters of a counter-terrorism force.
2018.06.29NigeriaBanki44Boko Haram invade a displaced persons camp and murder four refugees.
2018.06.29IraqBalad Ruz3Three farmers are kidnapped and murdered by ISIS.
2018.06.28AfghanistanKabul23The Taliban fire on a passing car, killing two Afghans.
2018.06.28SomaliaQoryoley53Five are left dead after an al-Shabaab attack near a small village.
2018.06.28AfghanistanTakhar162Sixteen border guards are massacred by Sunni fundamentalists.
2018.06.28AfghanistanLogar134Thirteen elders at a peace conference are vaporized by the Islamic State.
2018.06.28IraqTel Sharaf80Eight Iraqis captured by ISIS are found beaten and executed.
2018.06.27IraqBashir15One defender is left dead after the Islamic State attack a small town.
2018.06.27SomaliaMogadishu10A guard at a market is shot to death by Islamists.
2018.06.27SomaliaWanlaweyn37al-Shabaab murder three local soldiers with a bomb blast.
2018.06.27SyriaAleppo1320Two suicide bombers take out thirteen civilians.
2018.06.26PakistanDera Ismail Khan11Islamists send six bullets into two police officers, killing one.
2018.06.26CameroonOulfo31Religious extremists kill three men and kidnap a woman.
2018.06.26AfghanistanFarah10A government official is assassinated by suspected Sharia radicals.
2018.06.26NigeriaDamboa712Boko Haram slit the throats of seven villagers hunting for firewood.
2018.06.25PakistanLahore10An Ahmadi religious minority is shot in three times in the stomach by Sunni extremists.
2018.06.25IraqMutaibija16An ISIS attack on a security checkpoint leaves one dead.
2018.06.25AfghanistanBabar Tangai93A Fedayeen suicide bomber slaughters nine local cops.
2018.06.25IraqDaquq11A civilian is shot to death by the Islamic State.
2018.06.25SomaliaBalad20Two security personnel succumb to an al-Shabaab bomb blast.
2018.06.25AfghanistanTaber12An Afghan activist loses his life to a Taliban drive-by.
2018.06.24TunisiaKasserine10A young shepherd dies from injuries after being tortured and mutilated by Jihadis.
2018.06.24IraqHamrin31A mother and two daughters are viciously stabbed to death in their home by Islamists.
2018.06.24AfghanistanQala-e-Naw100Ten guards for a voter registration center are massacred by the Taliban.
2018.06.24NigeriaBekan340Thirty-four villagers are massacred by Miyetti Allah.
2018.06.24NigeriaKufang390Thirty-nine villagers are massacred by Miyetti Allah.
2018.06.24NigeriaRuku470Forty-seven villagers are massacred by Miyetti Allah.
2018.06.24NigeriaNghar700Seventy villagers are massacred by Miyetti Allah.
2018.06.24NigeriaXland250Twenty-five villagers are massacred by Miyetti Allah.
2018.06.24NigeriaGindin Akwati350Thirty-five villagers are massacred by Miyetti Allah.

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Sep 21, 2012
Look up ad hominem logical fallacy. Sigh.

before i follow a guy on the forum i like to see his record. before i take religious fact from a guy i like to know his credentials. people can come up with their own opinions. i know enough people of islam to know that if all 1.6 billion of them wanted us dead we would likely be in much more trouble than we are. this is a case of someone of mental illness, just like las vegas. not gonna do a whole religious debate in a thread because there are people in here who are close to the victims and i want to respect that. this is a tragedy and my thoughts and prayers are with the families involved.

Jul 14, 2007
before i follow a guy on the forum i like to see his record. before i take religious fact from a guy i like to know his credentials. people can come up with their own opinions. i know enough people of islam to know that if all 1.6 billion of them wanted us dead we would likely be in much more trouble than we are. this is a case of someone of mental illness, just like las vegas. not gonna do a whole religious debate in a thread because there are people in here who are close to the victims and i want to respect that. this is a tragedy and my thoughts and prayers are with the families involved.

Most are good but still a needless risk to want to mass integrate more into western civilization. What's the most successful majority-Muslim country? Turkey?

It's like throwing the ball in the 4th quarter up 3 TD's like Kyle Shanahan in the superbowl. Why risk it?

Jan 20, 2002
There is no defending islam. While the actual number of muslims that commit terrorism isn't that high, the numbers that believe that terrorism is justified is a majority. That is right, a majority of muslims worldwide think that suicide bombing and killing innocent people is acceptable. It is a gutter religion.
Sep 21, 2004
There is no defending islam. While the actual number of muslims that commit terrorism isn't that high, the numbers that believe that terrorism is justified is a majority. That is right, a majority of muslims worldwide think that suicide bombing and killing innocent people is acceptable. It is a gutter religion.

Gutter religion indeed.

May 3, 2018
There is no defending islam. While the actual number of muslims that commit terrorism isn't that high, the numbers that believe that terrorism is justified is a majority. That is right, a majority of muslims worldwide think that suicide bombing and killing innocent people is acceptable. It is a gutter religion.

And where do you get these assumptions and numbers from? It's all false. Especially when it's mostly Muslims dying from these terrorists attacks. You make no sense and you're not informed.

Most Muslims don't condone these actions.
May 3, 2018
Most are good but still a needless risk to want to mass integrate more into western civilization. What's the most successful majority-Muslim country? Turkey?

It's like throwing the ball in the 4th quarter up 3 TD's like Kyle Shanahan in the superbowl. Why risk it?

Well again, when more whites are shooting up American schools and places like Vegas, when more whites are committing terrorism inside the U.S then nobody has a leg to stand on when trying to argue against Muslims who are mostly and overwhelmingly good people.

America has done this in the past but it's surprising some are so ignorant even in 2018.

How many of you have Italian ancestors? Remember when they wanted to keep Italians out because apparently they are all violent gangsters? The Japanese during the war? We all know about the blacks and how they were treated. Now it's the Muslims that are the enemy while whites are shooting up America lol

That logic about why risk a few bad apples even if they are all mostly good is flawed because you get that with every group or race. I'm STILL more scared of white people in America with a gun especially high powered ones. When I'm out and about in busy areas if I see a Muslim and a white dude, I would be equally scared of them pulling out a gun and shooting everybody. Because I'm a numbers guy.

But then I don't live my life like that. I don't wear tin foil hats.

Festeringzit you're a backwards bible thumping hypocritical bad christian old coot and a clown. I'm not going to go at it with you because you are so far gone it's a waste. Lol. Whites shooting up schools and Vegas and America and this guy talking about Muslims being violent. Dude Muslims are some of the most quiet well behaved and ambitious, hard working Citizens in America. Do you know they among the most successful groups after Indians and the Chinese? I'm talking about accumulating first generation wealth when coming to America. Get out of your hole and explore America.

People like you just like to divide and spread hate. Whether it's blacks or Mexicans (and don't kid me, it's not just the illegals I've read the comments on here) or Muslims backwards people on this site just like to spread hate and divide. Yet when a white dude does something horrific then it's not about race anymore. They get a pass.

Hypocrites and evil clowns.

I'm done.

I've been avoiding the politics/cesspool of morons that pretend they know politics for this very reason. It's going in a circle arguing with these right wing extremists. Let's try to leave this junk out of the offshore at least. Lol.

See ya.

Sep 21, 2004
Muslims should not be killing the people and chopping off the heads of white males. They needs

to stop that their hobby of theirs ! azzkick(&^azzkick(&^azzkick(&^azzkick(&^azzkick(&^
May 3, 2018
before i follow a guy on the forum i like to see his record. before i take religious fact from a guy i like to know his credentials. people can come up with their own opinions. i know enough people of islam to know that if all 1.6 billion of them wanted us dead we would likely be in much more trouble than we are. this is a case of someone of mental illness, just like las vegas. not gonna do a whole religious debate in a thread because there are people in here who are close to the victims and i want to respect that. this is a tragedy and my thoughts and prayers are with the families involved.

I had somebody close to me die in 911. Why do you have to worry about people in here being close to victims of 911? It's a forum. It's the internet. Say what you want. Everybody else does without a filter. Nobody on here is that considerate so why should you be man?
May 3, 2018
Muslims should not be killing the people and chopping off the heads of white males. They needs

to stop that their hobby of theirs ! azzkick(&^azzkick(&^azzkick(&^azzkick(&^azzkick(&^

Whites shouldn't be shooting up innocent kids in schools. Whites should not be shooting up busy tourists areas in America like Vegas. Terrorists (not Muslims) should not be chopping up heads of ANY males or females. They chop heads off Muslims too you clown.

Talk like a man. You act is annoying and tired. Lol. Speak English. Be a man.
May 4, 2005
And where do you get these assumptions and numbers from? It's all false. Especially when it's mostly Muslims dying from these terrorists attacks. You make no sense and you're not informed.

Most Muslims don't condone these actions.

The difference is one of Christianity's most important teachings is to love your neighbor as you would love yourself. People who've committed school shootings in the United States aren't doing it in the name of religion, they're doing it because they're evil and they wanted to.

One of the main teachings of Islam is to kill all non-believers. Most Muslims don't act on this but it doesn't change the fact that it is one of their teachings. Why were the guys yelling Allah Akbar as they were crashing the planes on 911? They actually teach if you die like this you'll get 72 virgins in heaven. So one religion teaches you should love your neighbor as yourself and the other teaches to kill all people who don't think like a Muslim. I'm not sure why this is so hard for you to understand.

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