
Aug 20, 2002



Sep 20, 2004

Sorry but if you need my plays any earlier than I release them, your just going to have to EMail Me.....Other than that, I would have to ask you to please wait patiently as I am taking care of other more important and respectful peoples needs and wants at the moments.....Oh and BTW, sorry for your

2W-9L= -22.04 Units the past two days.....

Dont worry we all have our losing and winning days.....I had a bad day yesterday too.....Its all part of this game....Cant win them all the time....You had a good run early in the year, and eventhough that has ended and your not winning lately....Your still up in units, so that is a positive thing for you at least and not for anyone who have followed you of late.....But who cares right, I know that you are in this just for yourself anyways, screw what other people think anyways, right.....You is all that matters to you......So keep your head up and go get em next time.....GL today and Aloha CC.

Aug 20, 2002

You are funny.

I am up over 25 units.

MadCapper___________178-156______+25.57 units

And thats counting each play as 1 unit.

How quickly you forget that over the weekend I went 19-4 for +25 units.

I am ABSOLUTELY SHOCKED you havent updated your YTD record and told people how YOU did lats night yet.


Sep 20, 2004
I wasnt trying to attack you just wanted to cheer you up.....I had a feeling you were going to take it the wrong way.....I even acknowledged how you were still up on the year in bases.....Many people here also are up on the year....Many many people here....

I dont follow you at all, so I have no knowledge of any of your records or plays, but only of what I viewed today at your place, on how you did the past two days.....Sorry but I dont follow you around the internet like you need to do with me......Just went there today out of curiousity because you seem to be attacking me these past I wanted to see how you did these past days, thats all.....

No one is questioning what you did in the past, my friend.....I think we all know that the past is the past, and it does not reflect or guarantee anything to anyone in the future......So no need to live in the past or on past hype.....Today and tomorrow is all that matters......Dont see how the past games will help you win money today.......

Stop getting so SHOCKED as you state you get everytime you view my post.....Hey, let me help you out a bit getting over your SHOCK, lol.....It makes me crack up everytime you mention you ARE

Here is what you do to get over being so shocked, whether it is from me or Kodiak or any other person you have a jealousy or insecurity against.....

Do this!....."Dont expect people to do and say what you think or want or even need them to do or say.....Accept that everyone is different and that you shouldn't be concerned with what someone does or doesn't do....This will only shows how weak and pathetic you really are, to everyone.....Just go about your business and be the BEST that YOU can be....LIVE you own LIFE on your own merit, accomplishments, and beliefs, and dont try to degrade yourself by taking away from someone else's....And lastly, dont act so Arrogant and expect that people will do as you do or say....You cannot change anyone but yourself....Stick to working on yourself and let others do the same.".....

Try it out MC, I think it might help you to live a fuller life and to accept YOU for who and what YOU are....Dont hate, it just does you no good.......Aloha CC.

Post Review
Dec 21, 2001
Ouch! looks like another brutal day with all 3 of your 3 unit plays going down in flames! its all good cappy, i'm sure things will turn for ya.

Sep 20, 2004
Yep...Ouch is right baganumbnuts.....I guess you were waiting all day just to be able to state the obvious, after the fact huh.....Just waiting in the wings for mE to have a bad day so you can throw it in my face....I hope you feel good now....

Well, losing is part of the game just like winning is....And I have done way more winning than losing in all sports combined, but I understand that things like these happen.....At least I along with the many posters here have the balls to post our plays....unlike some....Oh well, I guess we are not afraid to walk the walk and some are.....Also, at least no one hear got hurt or could of faded me.....So no harm no foul to anyone....That I am glad of....

BTW Joeybaganumbnuts......IDENTITY stated that you stiffed Kodiak after he crushed you in a head to head competition.....Why didnt you pay him when you lost?.....Thats shows no class when you stiff someone after you lost fair and square......If you play, you got to pay!.....Is IDENTITY lying about the fact that you stiffed Kody, or did you pay Kodiak the money after he beat you?

Post Review
Dec 21, 2001
Nice record the last two days. funny, you remind me of Kodiak. Both of you play all chalk, and lose consistently. keep up the good work guy.

Sep 20, 2004
joey.....I dont see a big deal with my record the last two days....So I lost, big deal....It is not my first time, and it wont be my last time either....And also what is the big deal with how we play....Brother, if you hadnt noticed by now, we win more times than not.....You know it and so do all the other people......So we are down at the moment...the last time I checked, the season is still new and not over yet....Right!...Please your statements and attempts is so obvious and misguided, and borderline pathetic!

As for Kodiak, I dont know his style of play as I dont follow anyones plays that committedly as you seem to do....I do my own work and live on my own merits and achievements and dont have a need to take away from anothers as well.....I stand on my own to feet and take whatevers comes my way winning and losing.....Hey, that is life and a part of life....What your daddy never thought you this?....

You act like a child with your insistant ranting of me and my record, and my choices concerning me.....Live you own Life brother and stand on your own two feet....Grow a back bone and stop showing your jealousy and insecurity towards others who are doing their best to be a winner.....Your unhappiness with yourself and your life is really starting to show.....

BTW...All I did was ask you, what IDENTITY asked you,....if you paid Kodiak the money after you lost your head to head competition with him.....Well, did you pay him?

"American Idol Capping Expert"
Jul 20, 2001
co-capt - he did NOT pay kodiak. he STIFFED him. go ask kodiak over at major wajor.

Sep 20, 2004
IDENTITY.....I dont need to ask anyone....I am asking joey....and if he is a Man, he will have no problem stating if he did or did not stiff Kodiak.....

I think we should all let him answer this question.....Well joey, we are all waiting.....Did you stiff Kodiak after he beat you or did you pay him?.....

Post Review
Dec 21, 2001
FTR, I never stiffed nor paid. We never finished the contest. Kodiak made threats to me and my family so I quit. And, yes, I was losing at the time. You really crack me up Co-Capt. I've never seen anyone so defensive. Do you enjoy writing all your long, pointless rants or do you just feel like you have to defend yourself all the time? And btw, you state that you win more often than you lose, I'd beg to differ. Take another look at your record....

Sep 20, 2004
Why do you take it as I am defending myself.....I am only stating what you are saying and doing, then giving it right back at you....Arent you able to see this.....Its no waste of time for me to communicate in length and with a lot of details....Thats why you go to school right to be able to communicate effectively and in a way that is understandable....

If you beg to differ on me and if I win, then you my friend are obviously very demented to think that you know every detail on what I do and how I do things.....Wake up!....You want to base your decisions and assumptions of me based on what is in a forum.....Get a grip!

And Kodiak threatened you, huh.....Why was this?...seems to me to be just a convienent way out of NOT paying someone...Looks and smells like a cop out......Dont you agree?

Furthermore, why dont you just show us how good you are.....You must be really good, as you act like your better than me and Kodiak....Post your plays and shut us all up.....C'mon lets see if you have any balls to post your plays.....I think even IDENTITY has more balls and can out cap you any day any time.......C'mon joey post your plays...or shut the fvck

[This message was edited by Co-Captain on May 20, 2004 at 03:41 PM.]

Post Review
Dec 21, 2001
LOL. ok tough guy. where did you go to school to learn how to write to communicate so "effectively"? LMFAO. you really, really, need some help buddy. and how is it than i am demented saying you lose more often than you win? answer this one simple question and i wont bother you anymore. ARE YOU UP OR DOWN UNITS IN BASEBALL THIS YEAR?
thanks guy

BTW, are you coming to the RX party in Vegas in August?

Sep 20, 2004
Down just recently as of Tuesday, right now.....but the season is still young and I havent yet seem to have found my groove.....

But dont count me out....When I find my groove you will know just like in CBB where I went on a tear winning my last 10 of 11 weeks....Also remember POPS69's POD tracking of me....Look below...

*Best Come Back (POPS69 POD's tracking)

Co-Captain - The captain started out at 33% as was one of my best cappers to fade, but closed out the season at 67%, and 53% for the season and was very solid at the end.

Ok, so that is why I am not afraid or ashame like your trying to make me out to be because I am down right now.....Remember it aint over yet, numbnuts....Also, not to make any excuses, but I have always stated that the bases is my third best Major Sport to sometimes slow starts are inevitable, but never a determinant of how it will end up....

Now here is my questions for you.....Why did Kodiak threaten you, and why were you afraid of a threat made over the internet?......Next, why dont you have the balls to post your plays and show us all how good you are?......Dont you know that you look like a fvckin fag attacking people who post their plays and you dont have the guts to post them yourself?....You cant be that stupid as not to see this can you?....

Now as far as the RX party is concerned, I am working on it right now, not sure as of the moment yet.......Why, do you want to BANG HEADS?

[This message was edited by Co-Captain on May 20, 2004 at 04:44 PM.]

Post Review
Dec 21, 2001
LOL, once again resorting to defending yourself and calling me names. Youre a joke kid. No, I dont want to "bang heads" I'm not really big into fighting people, esp. some dumbass from the internet. I was just curious if you were going to be in Vegas. I dont have a problem with you as a person, i dont even know you. I just cant stand the fake wannabe tout way your posting persona comes off.

Sep 20, 2004
Well, joey....I hate it when others wanna talk shit but dont have the guts to walk the walk like some of us.....So I guess we both have to just deal with it.....I am, but you wanna keep acting like a fvcking fag and keep attacking me.....and the more you do it, the more I will...tell you to put your money where your Big Mouth is....Just go ahead and post like the rest of us and I cant say shit to you about it.......But then again, dont forget the reasonings behind the plays as I will ask you for it......Good day, CC.

BTW, I really dont see how my so called wannabe tout way of posting should even bother you....Am I asking for you to pay me for my services, or better yet do you want to pay for my services.....I think both answers to these questions is NO right....Then great....Now why does it still bother you.....Explain to us why and how it bothers you.....Were you stupid enough to be swindled out of buying some scams picks and now feel so hurt and devastated that you just cant get over it.....and anyone that sounds remotely like them, makes you all weak inside and causes you to lose control of your pathetic self.....If so, then I will try to tone it down just for you and the other weak so called men out there....OK....

Now, I answered your question, are you going to answer mine.....

Sep 20, 2004
BTW...numbnuts, if you voluntarily quit a competition that has already started and that you agreed to be a part of.....Then numbnuts, you LOSE!...So pay Kodiak what you owe him....Dont Stiff the Man!

Post Review
Dec 21, 2001
nice <top pop> today on the cubs. LMFAO, is that 7 3 unit plays in a row youve lost? you must be choking on chalk guy.

"American Idol Capping Expert"
Jul 20, 2001
co-capt = he STIFFED him for a dime. and what happened was AFTER numbnuts said that he was quitting the competition, kody then tried to get paid, but he did NOT threaten numbuts. numbnuts simply STIFFED kody. i mean if you read above, you will see that numbnuts admits he was losing (and he was losing BIG TIME), and then he bowed out.

in short, numbnuts owes koke $1,000.00. but we both know numbnuts will not pay it cuz he doesnt have it!! lol

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