I am at odds with certain opinions pertaining which are the better books out there. I have gotten a lot of mail on this, and wanted to check your views on this, your opinions are greatly valued.
Opinions on this will vary, but a book that has what you want and pays. A book that has been in the business for at least 5 years and answers to its customers!
I definitely hope people can defend and counter arguments on this, conflicting opinions usually shed light on subjectibe preferences like books, and which is better, good advice thank you all, i am writing down, the more you guys input the more valuable this is.
Top books are Pinnacle, Grande, Jazz, Cascade, Olympic.
Pinnacle is BIG. Their owner is known in the industry and I have talked to people who have been to their office which occupies a lot of space.
Greek has lost tonsssssssssssssss of business because they did not adjust to lower juice and othrs did. greek steals with price gouging and suckers bet into it and the Bitch (Spiro) cleans up!!!
They are only a square book now and big time players are not playing there because of of inflated numbers.
I would stay far away from them until they come into what the real market price is.
i think all the sportsbooks that advertise at this site are top books. i have researched each one as well as i possibly could, and i think its pretty obvious that a sportsbooks stature is a factor when being brought here to advertise.