I tried so hard to stay out of this, as I have done when you have taken your cheap shots in the past...but I just cannot. Tell me, those 175 other books, are those the ones that pay for advertising deals based on net losses of the clients? I thought your site did not take $$ from books...yet I can name you 10 books who do pay you, including one of the most well-known and respected books.
Perhaps your comments are based on your enormous personal knowledge of our, that can't be, as you have never played here. See, RPM plays with do quite a few posters here. I am constantly hearing from satisfied PLAYERS who continuously compliment our CS...including 3 solid emails yesterday. These are actual players. People who interact with our company on a daily basis. They are new clients who are satisfied with our service. THEY are the people whose feedback has validity....unlike yours. You are paid to endorse books. You might not charge a fee the way the RX does...but you collect on what the people you send to those books lose. FACT.
Fellow Posters,
I apologize for the rant, and I assure you I tried to stay out of it. However, my CS Department has taken a lot of flack and they have responded to the pressure. We are training to improve on a daily basis, and lately we have seen that it is really paying off. They work too hard to let some biased poster, who bases his comments on HERESAY, continuously bash them. So I am here, standing up for me, my companies, and my CS Department and letting you all know the truth.
Have a good day and thanks for taking the time to read this post.
Jake Slater
General Manager