1. ESPN call Ravich....After watching him tonight pls e=mail him and tell him-"Call the hair club immediately, you got the wrong one"
2. Charleton Heston...RIP..One of my all time favorite actors..But sorry guys, Moses...Ben Hurr...The Omega Man..Brad (Greatest Show on Earth...Major Dundee..Soylent Green and Taylor from Planet of the Apes were all wearing wigs..
3...William Shattner...Sorry trekkies..Capt Kirk was wearing a wig...
4. Burt Reynolds...Former Seminole Star and Movie Actor is bald as a cue ball
5. Marv Albert..The Biting Pervert..Rather obvious...
6.Ron Santo..God Bless him...60 year old guy cant keep wearing 18 year old head of hair...
7. 80% of the players in the WNBA...nuff said
8. Pat Boone..Earns this spot for losing his head of hair on national TV in the following video...
2. Charleton Heston...RIP..One of my all time favorite actors..But sorry guys, Moses...Ben Hurr...The Omega Man..Brad (Greatest Show on Earth...Major Dundee..Soylent Green and Taylor from Planet of the Apes were all wearing wigs..
3...William Shattner...Sorry trekkies..Capt Kirk was wearing a wig...
4. Burt Reynolds...Former Seminole Star and Movie Actor is bald as a cue ball
5. Marv Albert..The Biting Pervert..Rather obvious...
6.Ron Santo..God Bless him...60 year old guy cant keep wearing 18 year old head of hair...
7. 80% of the players in the WNBA...nuff said
8. Pat Boone..Earns this spot for losing his head of hair on national TV in the following video...