Can anyone provide more details to this? Who was the women? I watch this show almost everyday and have never seen him get mad about anything. What was the topic that pissed him off?
Jackie McMullen the sports writer representing I believe the New England (east coast) section. Anyhow, the topic was on Bill Parcells, and she was making her point. Sounded like, Riali (spelling) had to move on to the rest of the guys and she was trying to get in her last 2 points. They went back and forth before he muted her mid sentence. She came back to wrap up her point. Riali tries to clear up muting her in the beginning and clearly irritated McMullen says, "I don't wanna hear it" So he mutes her again goin into the commercial break.
when they get back and go into the next topic, he gives her time...they get into it agian, so he mutes her. Woody Paige (Denver) mutters, "Take his outside." or "Take his off the air". LOL it was pretty funny actually cause it seemed like whenever she wanted to say something he'd hit the mute button.
When she didn't make enough points to make it to the 2nd round, she was saying she pretty much didn't care and said something to the effect of "your just irritating".
I couldn't catch the exact wording because I'm in the office and on the phone. But it was pretty much the jest of it all.
If i'm inaccurate on this, feel free to clear up what I said. But i was pretty interesting to see the rest of the guys react. Wonder what was said during the commercial breaks. LOL