I have been reading the Prescription for about six months. I decided today when I woke up I was going to register. I feel like I know everybody. Shrink, Fishead, General, and I dont want to leave out JJ. I just want to let everyone know I really enjoy reading the prescription everyday. I live here in Costa Rica. I married a Costa Rican girl on my birthday last June. I really like it here I am a recovering alcolholic, I attend AA meetings here, I dont care who drinks and who doesnt I love to gamble and I love to be around gamblers. I been down every street,it took me a long time to realize what money management was. I can remember when I was a kid my Dad use to tell me if I ever had a resentment against anybody just pray that they bet horses. he said son you can beat a race but you cant beat the races. I use to let it go in one ear and out the other. I believe I was was one of the worst money managers at a racetrack, I would go to the track with like 500 and after the 4th or 5th race I was borrowing money. I am just glad to have the opportunity to read the prescription everyday for free thanks.