I have TiVo, and absolutely LOVE it, because I work at night and can come home and watch any of the games I want.
I don't know if it skips commercials, but when I watch them I just hit the fast forward button twice, and it takes like 3 seconds to get back to the game.
For example The Super Bowl was supposed to start at 3:30 here. I TiVo'ed it until 8:30 (just in case). I had to be at work at 7:30. I woke up around 5, watched the whole first half in 22 minutes (just the plays, no bs commentary or huddles or commercials). Then I went to the store to get stuff for a party at work, came home, showered and shaved, then went back to the game. I caught up to the 8 minutes mark in about 13 minutes. Then I watched it live until I had to go to work and saw the winning FG there.
My only regret is I deleted it after I had fast-forwarded through halftime and missed the infamous "breast in show".