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<st1:date Year="2009" Day="13" Month="3"><!-- / icon and title --><!-- message --><st1:date Year="2009" Day="10" Month="3">3/14/09</st1:date>
</st1:date>Time out Tavern Specials: 2289-3217
**All prices are IVI included
Soup: Asian Beef Noodle. 2,200
Ceasar Salad, w/ Blackened Corvina. 4,500
Red Curry Chicken, w/rice & veggies. 5,200
Pork Chops, w/cream of apple sauce w/potato pancake & veggies. 5,800
Salmon, in a orange vodka sauce w/risotto & veggies. 6,800
Tuna Melt. 4,500
*Cash Only*