TIME magazine cover kicks Trump in the balls even harder than they did with the "Stormy" cover


New member
Aug 28, 2012
Nobody made it an issue? You're a liar, what about "Trump is now trying to regain the legal authority to do what Obama tried to do but was stopped from doing" is too hard for you to understand? An example of your talking out of your ass:


Gutierrez: We Challenged Obama On Immigration, But "Obama Had A Soul"

Posted By Tim Hains
On Date June 21, 2018

CHRIS HAYES, MSNBC: Joining me now to talk about all that, Congressman Luis Gutierrez, Democrat of Illinois.

Why was it -- the White House seemed unprepared for the blowback to this. And I think it's because they thought no one would care that these kids were being taken from their parents.​
REP. LUIS GUTIERREZ, (D) ILLINOIS: This one it blew up on them because the -- you're right, Chris. So, when we had the attack against Muslims and the Muslim ban, they said they won, right. We're in court. We're fighting it. Transgender community is said to be locked out of the military. They do things. But in this case, the American people really came through, and really came through this weekend and had a strong pushback. And so I think that's why they had to reconsider.

So here's what I think, Chris. A, they knew -- they didn't care that it was inhumane. They didn't care it was cruel. Here's what they cared -- it was not popular.

Here's what happened, they were speaking to Trump's base, right, but the American people said no. So, there's a disconnect between the Republican Party talking to their base and the majority of the American people. And so they had to.

But let's not -- let's be clear, they haven't changed the fundamental policy. We're not reuniting those thousands of kids back with their parents, and Jeff Sessions, the attorney general, still has it on the books that if you apply for asylum, if you apply for asylum, and you're a mother, and you're a woman fleeing abuse, rape, torture by someone, that that is a private matter.

In America, that's a very public matter. It's a very public matter that any prosecutor in any jurisdiction takes very seriously because the American people do not tolerate abuse of women.

And let's remember that's still in place.

So, what they're going to try to do is, what, bring families together.

And let's -- I want to say something, you know, a lot of people bet on one thing, because you saw the stocks. And I think this is an important element, the stocks of the private jail industry, right, went soaring after Donald Trump's election. You know why? Because they bet he was going to be mean and nasty and ruthless with immigrants and he was going to take all of these protections that we had put in place.

I was in San Antonio Father's Day 2015. We challenged Obama. He agreed to the consent decree, the Flores consent decree. And I want to say one last thing, because I know time is running out, you know, Jeh Johnson, the secretary of homeland security, said I only can keep children in detention for 20 days. I will resign as secretary of homeland security if I can't release the moms along with them.

And here's what the Obama administration began to do, 20 days detention for children as they apply for their asylum request, right, and the children and the moms were released together. That's the way you do things -- transparent, open.

We did challenge Obama, but you know what, Obama had a heart. He had a soul. He had a heart. He had a center. He had convictions. And we could speak to those.

HAYES: I will say -- just a final thought here -- that for all the people saying where were you when Barack Obama was doing family detention. You, Congressman Gutierrez, activist, organizer, a lot of people were there challenging him on this. You're someone who has been extremely consistent about this. Thank you for joining me tonight.

GUTIERREZ: Thank you, Chris. Keep telling us what's going on.

(You were saying, Jagoff?)

Last week, a federal judge ruled that family-unit detention centers violate immigrant children's rights. The Department of Homeland Security has 90 days to reform the detention centers or release detainees.
JUL 29, 2015


New member
Aug 28, 2012
Nobody made it an issue? You're a liar, what about "Trump is now trying to regain the legal authority to do what Obama tried to do but was stopped from doing" is too hard for you to understand? An example of your talking out of your ass:


Gutierrez: We Challenged Obama On Immigration, But "Obama Had A Soul"

Posted By Tim Hains
On Date June 21, 2018

CHRIS HAYES, MSNBC: Joining me now to talk about all that, Congressman Luis Gutierrez, Democrat of Illinois.

Why was it -- the White House seemed unprepared for the blowback to this. And I think it's because they thought no one would care that these kids were being taken from their parents.​
REP. LUIS GUTIERREZ, (D) ILLINOIS: This one it blew up on them because the -- you're right, Chris. So, when we had the attack against Muslims and the Muslim ban, they said they won, right. We're in court. We're fighting it. Transgender community is said to be locked out of the military. They do things. But in this case, the American people really came through, and really came through this weekend and had a strong pushback. And so I think that's why they had to reconsider.

So here's what I think, Chris. A, they knew -- they didn't care that it was inhumane. They didn't care it was cruel. Here's what they cared -- it was not popular.

Here's what happened, they were speaking to Trump's base, right, but the American people said no. So, there's a disconnect between the Republican Party talking to their base and the majority of the American people. And so they had to.

But let's not -- let's be clear, they haven't changed the fundamental policy. We're not reuniting those thousands of kids back with their parents, and Jeff Sessions, the attorney general, still has it on the books that if you apply for asylum, if you apply for asylum, and you're a mother, and you're a woman fleeing abuse, rape, torture by someone, that that is a private matter.

In America, that's a very public matter. It's a very public matter that any prosecutor in any jurisdiction takes very seriously because the American people do not tolerate abuse of women.

And let's remember that's still in place.

So, what they're going to try to do is, what, bring families together.

And let's -- I want to say something, you know, a lot of people bet on one thing, because you saw the stocks. And I think this is an important element, the stocks of the private jail industry, right, went soaring after Donald Trump's election. You know why? Because they bet he was going to be mean and nasty and ruthless with immigrants and he was going to take all of these protections that we had put in place.

I was in San Antonio Father's Day 2015. We challenged Obama. He agreed to the consent decree, the Flores consent decree. And I want to say one last thing, because I know time is running out, you know, Jeh Johnson, the secretary of homeland security, said I only can keep children in detention for 20 days. I will resign as secretary of homeland security if I can't release the moms along with them.

And here's what the Obama administration began to do, 20 days detention for children as they apply for their asylum request, right, and the children and the moms were released together. That's the way you do things -- transparent, open.

We did challenge Obama, but you know what, Obama had a heart. He had a soul. He had a heart. He had a center. He had convictions. And we could speak to those.

HAYES: I will say -- just a final thought here -- that for all the people saying where were you when Barack Obama was doing family detention. You, Congressman Gutierrez, activist, organizer, a lot of people were there challenging him on this. You're someone who has been extremely consistent about this. Thank you for joining me tonight.

GUTIERREZ: Thank you, Chris. Keep telling us what's going on.

(You were saying, Jagoff?)


In 2015, a federal judge in California ruled that the Obama administration’s detention of children and their mothers who were caught crossing the border illegally is a serious violation of a longstanding court settlement.

Judge Gee also found that migrant children had been held in “widespread deplorable conditions” in Border Patrol stations after they were first caught, and she said the authorities had “wholly failed” to provide the “safe and sanitary” conditions required for children even in temporary cells.

The opinion was a significant legal blow to detention policies ordered by Obamas' Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson in response to an influx of children and parents, mostly from Central America.

In her 25-page ruling, Judge Gee gave a withering critique of the Obama administration’s positions, declaring them “unpersuasive” and “dubious,” saying Obama officials had ignored “unambiguous” terms of the settlement.

The Obama administration struggled with a series of setbacks in the federal courts for its immigration policies.


Sep 22, 2007

In 2015, a federal judge in California ruled that the Obama administration’s detention of children and their mothers who were caught crossing the border illegally is a serious violation of a longstanding court settlement.

Judge Gee also found that migrant children had been held in “widespread deplorable conditions” in Border Patrol stations after they were first caught, and she said the authorities had “wholly failed” to provide the “safe and sanitary” conditions required for children even in temporary cells.

The opinion was a significant legal blow to detention policies ordered by Obamas' Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson in response to an influx of children and parents, mostly from Central America.

In her 25-page ruling, Judge Gee gave a withering critique of the Obama administration’s positions, declaring them “unpersuasive” and “dubious,” saying Obama officials had ignored “unambiguous” terms of the settlement.

The Obama administration struggled with a series of setbacks in the federal courts for its immigration policies.


Once again, somebody who lacks simple comprehension skills: I have to say the same thing to you that I said to the other genius: what about "Trump is now trying to regain the legal authority to do what Obama tried to do but was stopped from doing" is too hard for you to understand?

I even UNDERLINED the pertinent part to let it sink in, but, obviously that wasn't enough. The fact that you're too stupid to understand the Fact Checker article AND the interview with Gutierrez above is not my concern, ESPECIALLY since you're ignoring that Obama's acts had a plan in place to reunite the children with their families after 20 days, whereas, Numbnuts HAS no plan, and many of the children may NEVER be reunited with their parent, so, Example One of your being a moron. Plus, you're still s deflecting runt. C'mon, run that poll, Smart Guy, see how many people agree with your brilliant conclusion "...except for this new one(charge vs Manafort for tampering with witnesses), which is more than likely to be dropped or unproven." ROTFLMAO!!!!! Yeah, two different people-neither of whom happened to be facing about 100 years in jail-just both happened to have reported that Mr. double-jail-anklet-converted-to-handcuffs tried to suborn perjury, but, don't tell me, let me guess, THEY are both lying, and the freshly minted jailbird facing 40 counts is the Shining Beacon of Truth, right?

Your stupidity really knows no bounds, does it?

What happened to ignoring my posts?

Why does Dump care if Cohen flips if he's innocent? You've been running away from THAT question like the gutless twat that you are for weeks, I wonder why?

And, why was Dump paying Cohen's legal fees, when Cohen 1) isn't a part of Dump's administration 2) wasn't a part of his campaign 3) did only a tiny fraction of work(according to Dump) for him? Oh, and, why does Cohen feel that Dump should pay his legal fees, scumbag? Slapping-silly90))Loser!@#0kth)(&^azzkick(&^:madasshol:trx-smly0:fckmad::tongue2::Countdown

New member
Aug 28, 2012
Once again, somebody who lacks simple comprehension skills: I have to say the same thing to you that I said to the other genius: what about "Trump is now trying to regain the legal authority to do what Obama tried to do but was stopped from doing" is too hard for you to understand?

I even UNDERLINED the pertinent part to let it sink in, but, obviously that wasn't enough. The fact that you're too stupid to understand the Fact Checker article AND the interview with Gutierrez above is not my concern, ESPECIALLY since you're ignoring that Obama's acts had a plan in place to reunite the children with their families after 20 days, whereas, Numbnuts HAS no plan, and many of the children may NEVER be reunited with their parent, so, Example One of your being a moron. Plus, you're still s deflecting runt. C'mon, run that poll, Smart Guy, see how many people agree with your brilliant conclusion "...except for this new one(charge vs Manafort for tampering with witnesses), which is more than likely to be dropped or unproven." ROTFLMAO!!!!! Yeah, two different people-neither of whom happened to be facing about 100 years in jail-just both happened to have reported that Mr. double-jail-anklet-converted-to-handcuffs tried to suborn perjury, but, don't tell me, let me guess, THEY are both lying, and the freshly minted jailbird facing 40 counts is the Shining Beacon of Truth, right?

Your stupidity really knows no bounds, does it?

What happened to ignoring my posts?

Why does Dump care if Cohen flips if he's innocent? You've been running away from THAT question like the gutless twat that you are for weeks, I wonder why?

And, why was Dump paying Cohen's legal fees, when Cohen 1) isn't a part of Dump's administration 2) wasn't a part of his campaign 3) did only a tiny fraction of work(according to Dump) for him? Oh, and, why does Cohen feel that Dump should pay his legal fees, scumbag? Slapping-silly90))Loser!@#0kth)(&^azzkick(&^:madasshol:trx-smly0:fckmad::tongue2::Countdown

What ACTS did OBAMA have in place to prevent this, and WHAT POLICY did Obama put in place? (Claims you have made)

Sep 22, 2007
What ACTS did OBAMA have in place to prevent this, and WHAT POLICY did Obama put in place? (Claims you have made)

Don't try to weasel out of the fact that you just made a complete and utter fool of yourself: you sprayed your shorts showing the courts stopping Obama when I said that he wasn't blameless and had been stopped from doing what Dump is trying to get the rights to do, and you were too stupid to understand that. Plus, what about "Trump is now trying to regain the legal authority to do what Obama tried to do but was stopped from doing" is too hard for you to understand?

I even UNDERLINED the pertinent part to let it sink in, but, obviously that wasn't enough. The fact that you're too stupid to understand the Fact Checker article AND the interview with Gutierrez above is not my concern, ESPECIALLY since you're ignoring that Obama's acts had a plan in place to reunite the children with their families after 20 days, whereas, Numbnuts HAS no plan, and many of the children may NEVER be reunited with their parent, so, Example One of your being a moron. Plus, you're still s deflecting runt. C'mon, run that poll, Smart Guy, see how many people agree with Claims you have made "...except for this new one(charge vs Manafort for tampering with witnesses), which is more than likely to be dropped or unproven." ROTFLMAO!!!!! Yeah, two different people-neither of whom happened to be facing about 100 years in jail-just both happened to have reported that Mr. double-jail-anklet-converted-to-handcuffs tried to suborn perjury, but, don't tell me, let me guess, THEY are both lying, and the freshly minted jailbird facing 40 counts is the Shining Beacon of Truth, right?

Your stupidity really knows no bounds, does it?

What happened to ignoring my posts?

Why does Dump care if Cohen flips if he's innocent? You've been running away from THAT question like the gutless twat that you are for weeks, I wonder why?

And, why was Dump paying Cohen's legal fees, when Cohen 1) isn't a part of Dump's administration 2) wasn't a part of his campaign 3) did only a tiny fraction of work(according to Dump) for him? Oh, and, why does Cohen feel that Dump should pay his legal fees, scumbag? Slapping-silly90))Loser!@#0kth)(&^azzkick(&^:madasshol:trx-smly0:fckmad::tongue2::Countdown

New member
Aug 28, 2012
Don't try to weasel out of the fact that you just made a complete and utter fool of yourself: you sprayed your shorts showing the courts stopping Obama when I said that he wasn't blameless and had been stopped from doing what Dump is trying to get the rights to do, and you were too stupid to understand that. Plus, what about "Trump is now trying to regain the legal authority to do what Obama tried to do but was stopped from doing" is too hard for you to understand?

I even UNDERLINED the pertinent part to let it sink in, but, obviously that wasn't enough. The fact that you're too stupid to understand the Fact Checker article AND the interview with Gutierrez above is not my concern, ESPECIALLY since you're ignoring that Obama's acts had a plan in place to reunite the children with their families after 20 days, whereas, Numbnuts HAS no plan, and many of the children may NEVER be reunited with their parent, so, Example One of your being a moron. Plus, you're still s deflecting runt. C'mon, run that poll, Smart Guy, see how many people agree with Claims you have made "...except for this new one(charge vs Manafort for tampering with witnesses), which is more than likely to be dropped or unproven." ROTFLMAO!!!!! Yeah, two different people-neither of whom happened to be facing about 100 years in jail-just both happened to have reported that Mr. double-jail-anklet-converted-to-handcuffs tried to suborn perjury, but, don't tell me, let me guess, THEY are both lying, and the freshly minted jailbird facing 40 counts is the Shining Beacon of Truth, right?

Your stupidity really knows no bounds, does it?

What happened to ignoring my posts?

Why does Dump care if Cohen flips if he's innocent? You've been running away from THAT question like the gutless twat that you are for weeks, I wonder why?

And, why was Dump paying Cohen's legal fees, when Cohen 1) isn't a part of Dump's administration 2) wasn't a part of his campaign 3) did only a tiny fraction of work(according to Dump) for him? Oh, and, why does Cohen feel that Dump should pay his legal fees, scumbag? Slapping-silly90))Loser!@#0kth)(&^azzkick(&^:madasshol:trx-smly0:fckmad::tongue2::Countdown

Ok, its settled... Cant name one ACT, PLAN or POLICY Obama had in place like you claimed.

Got it..... Its easy to see, you write whole paragraphs, instead of just simply pointing out the name of the ACT, PLAN and POLICY.

KNOCKOUT! Im done, I have no more need to respond to your LIES and MADE UP acts, plans and polices that OBAMA never had.

Typical lying liberal lol

Active member
Jun 18, 2007

New member
Aug 28, 2012

Yep... Got caught in his lies of "that Obama's acts had a plan in place to reunite the children with their families after 20 days..."

Lmao, lying liberalism at its best. If you dont have an argument, just deflect, insult or make one up. Liberalism 101

Active member
Nov 23, 2011
Bahahahaha. DaStupidAss

Father says little Honduran girl on Time cover was not taken from mother

ReutersJune 22, 2018


Time Magazine cover shows Trump looking down on crying migrant toddlerBy Gustavo Palencia
TEGUCIGALPA (Reuters) - The Honduran toddler pictured sobbing in a pink jacket before U.S. President Donald Trump on an upcoming cover of Time magazine was not separated from her mother at the U.S. border, according to a man who says he is the girl's father.
The powerful original photograph, taken at the scene of a border detention by Getty Images photographer John Moore, became one of the iconic images in the flurry of media coverage about the separation of families by the Trump administration.

Dozens of newspapers and magazines around the globe published the picture, swelling the tide of outrage that pushed Trump to back down Wednesday and say families would no longer be separated.
"My daughter has become a symbol of the ... separation of children at the U.S. border. She may have even touched President Trump's heart," Denis Valera told Reuters in a telephone interview.
Valera said the little girl and her mother, Sandra Sanchez, have been detained together in the Texas border town of McAllen, where Sanchez has applied for asylum, and they were not separated after being detained near the border.
Honduran deputy foreign minister Nelly Jerez confirmed Valera's version of events

I'm from the government and I'm here to help
Sep 21, 2004

I'm from the government and I'm here to help
Sep 21, 2004
this is the image they used. the girl was with her mother who was being questioned by border control. disingenuous race baiters


Two-year-old Yanela, a Honduran asylum seeker, has become the face of the child separation crisis after she was photographed crying in McAllen, Texas, as Border Control agents searched her mother

Jul 4, 2012
"Powerful Cover!!"


Um, the mom separated the girl from her dad, didn't tell anyone, and illegally crossed into America.

Liberals are the dumbest people in the history of mankind.
Oct 30, 2006
Obama was by no means blameless in the way that he handled this issue, but Dump's handling has been worse. Pull your head outta your ass and read the following, and the following quote from the story doesn't reflect well on either of them:

"Trump is now trying to regain the legal authority to do what Obama tried to do but was stopped from doing"

Plus, Dump lied and said only Congress had the power to stop things. Then, what did he just sign? He also said there was no policy to separate families. Once again, what did he sign?


Executive order is just a band aid....Another President can come in & shitcan any of Trumps orders.....Congress needs to get up off their ass especially the Communist Democrat traitors & put a bill together that Trump will sign....

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