DAMN, all but one.......not bad for AN old man, LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL! I've nursed more than one good friend back to full strength after a Cabbage (that's CABG for you laymen, lol). Worst part of it is the pain from that damn chainsaw they put through your sternum. Trust me, I've served pharmaceutical right hand man under some of the best thoracic/cardio surgeons in the country.....a long time ago. In my day, they gave the patients 1-2 weeks to get their ass moving.....now it's next day, LOL. I've watched so many of them, no way in hell I let myself get there, I know too much. First time I heard those rib-spreaders go into action, NEP, I don't give a shit, you're gonna have to shoot my ass to get me on that table, LOL. Glad you're doing so well, eat well and exercise till you're dogged each day.