Steam play.....Nationals have gone from -130 to -151......21 cent hike.....Follow the steam.
Nationals -151.....$151.00/$100.00
Steam play.....Orioles have gone from -120 to -143.....23 cent hike.....Follow the steam.
Orioles -143.....$286.00/$200.00
I`ll try this fade the public play......Rockies 61%.....Fade!
Mariners +102.....$100.00/$102.00
I`ll try this fade the public,line drop play.....60% on the Marlins.....The line went from -120 to -110.....Fade!
Twins +100.....$100.00/$100.00
Nationals -151.....$151.00/$100.00
Steam play.....Orioles have gone from -120 to -143.....23 cent hike.....Follow the steam.
Orioles -143.....$286.00/$200.00
I`ll try this fade the public play......Rockies 61%.....Fade!
Mariners +102.....$100.00/$102.00
I`ll try this fade the public,line drop play.....60% on the Marlins.....The line went from -120 to -110.....Fade!
Twins +100.....$100.00/$100.00