spredbeater-oh yeah its a go gl
3 units
balt-111 (sea nd pineiro overrated, he is getting creamed. dubose 25.7 inn 19 H is pitching well)
la/mets over 8-120 (WEAVER, and we will see the mets pen by the 5th)
2 units
pitt+140 (hey this might bite me in the ass but im going with wells at home vs pettitte just off the 15 day dl)
det+135 (another i dont get-det a dog at hm w/bonderman who is pitching well and washburn not)
ana/det over 9-120 (both can hit and score)
tb+135 (1st game) (zambrano over kim)
flo-105 (penny over williams, penny pitches well on rd)
good luck