Kentucky clerk ordered to jail
1) Planned Parenthood allowed to violate federal law regarding selling of baby body parts. Nothing happens.
2) Sanctuary cities violate federal immigration laws - EVERY SINGLE DAY. Nothing happens.
3) Two states violate federal drug laws. Zip.
4) Hillary is a criminal...but running for POTUS!
5) Holder in contempt of Congress. No problem.
6) Lois Lerner...
A lowly county clerk refuses to issue fag 'marriage' licenses. Immediate jailing!
Welcome to Obama's America.
And libtards like poker fraud vtard call this 'progress'
wonder why none of these people you claim break the law ever get prosecuted.....or even questioned. Oh, it's because you morons just make up shit. Planned parenthood lying edited videos. That fell apart didn't it?
wonder why none of these people you claim break the law ever get prosecuted.....or even questioned. Oh, it's because you morons just make up shit. Planned parenthood lying edited videos. That fell apart didn't it?
No for real she needs to do 45 days or so - that should be enough for her to waken up - and she needs to find a new job - gays getting married is odd - i understand - but it is the law
No for real she needs to do 45 days or so - that should be enough for her to waken up - and she needs to find a new job - gays getting married is odd - i understand - but it is the law
It’s because Obama won’t allow it. No other way around it.
He covers their ass because they do his bidding.
If ur adamantly opposed to gay marriage and u really want the world to know ur position just do what I'm gonna do and don't get one
If ur adamantly opposed to gay marriage and u really want the world to know ur position just do what I'm gonna do and don't get one I can yell fire in crowded restaurant and I can yell whatever I want to incite riots?
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.