Ah, yes - the '68 convention -It was in Chicago wasn't it? Burning the draft cards, and all of that crap. Mayor Daly and the Daly political machine. LBJ was giving up the office after making a mess that still isn't cleaned up!
Race riots, Black Panthers, war protests and marches.
Tet and the Pueblo crisis in February and January - George Wallace running as a Dixiecrat - riots in DC that summer - "burn baby burn" still a war cry!
The NG and Regular Military patroling the streets of some cities.
That's when I figured out that the government ain't your friend - after they asked me to0 either patrol the streets of DC or build a tent city on the mall - I opted for the tent city - thre were a lot of black people in the military then, and they were about ready to riot if the military tiold them to patrol DC - luckily many of the military heads had a lot more brains than the political heads - the dems were in charge of everything at that time, and they road roughshod over anyone who got in their way.
That was not a good period in our history!