This Pandemic Is Over. Let's Stop the Economic Suicide, and Get Back to Work (one author's opinion)


Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
I know too many people around here don't know the difference between fact and opinion, so I'm trying to make it obvious for them (although I suppose they'll still fuck it up)


With the latest reports of plummeting death rates from all causes, this crisis is over. The pandemic of doom erupted as a panic of pols and is now a comedy of Mash-minded med admins and stooges, covering their ifs ands and butts with ever more morbid and distorted statistics.

The crisis now will hit the politicians and political Doctor Faucis who gullibly accepted and trumpeted what statistician William Briggs calls “the most colossal and costly blown forecast of all time.”

An egregious statistical horror story of millions of projected deaths, suffused with incense and lugubrious accents from Imperial College of London to Harvard School of Public Health, prompted the pols to impose a vandalistic lockdown on the economy. It would have been an outrage even if the assumptions were not wildly astronomically wrong.

Flattening the curve was always a fool’s errand that widened the damage.

President Trump had better take notice. He will soon own this gigantic botch of policy and leadership. No one will notice that his opponents urged even more panicky blunders.

The latest figures on overall death rates from all causes show no increase at all. Deaths are lower than in 2019, 2018, 2017 and 2015, slightly higher than in 2016. Any upward bias is imparted by population growth.

Now writing a book on the crisis with bestselling author Jay Richards, Briggs concludes: “Since pneumonia deaths are up, yet all deaths are down, it must mean people are being recorded as dying from other things at smaller rates than usual.” Deaths from other causes are simply being ascribed to the coronavirus.

As usual every year, deaths began trending downward in January. It’s an annual pattern. Look it up. Since the lockdown began in mid-March, the politicians cannot claim that their policies had anything to do with the declining death rate.

A global study published in Israel by Professor Isaac Ben-Israel, chairman of the Israeli Space Agency and Council on Research and Development, shows that “the spread of the coronavirus declines to almost zero after 70 days—no matter where it strikes, and no matter what measures governments impose to try to thwart it.”

In fact, by impeding herd immunity, particularly among students and other non-susceptible young people, the lockdown in the U.S. has prolonged and exacerbated the medical problem. As Briggs concludes, “People need to get out into virus-killing sunshine and germicidal air.”

This flu like all previous viral flues will give way only to herd immunity, whether through natural propagation of an extremely infectious pathogen, or through the success of one of the hundreds of vaccine projects.

No evidence indicates that this flu was exceptionally dangerous. On March 20[SUP]th[/SUP], the French published a major controlled study that shows no excess mortality at all from coronavirus compared to other flues. SARS and Mers were both much more lethal and did not occasion what Briggs’ reader “Uncle Dave” described as “taking a hammer and sickle to the economy.”

We now know that the crisis was a comedy of errors. The Chinese let it get going in the raw bat markets of Wuhan. But together with the Koreans, the Chinese dithered and demurred and allowed six weeks of rampant propagation to create herd immunity before they began locking everyone up. Therefore, the Chinese and Koreans were among the first to recover.

The Italians scared everybody with their haphazard health system and smoking fogies. Crammed together in subways and tenements, the New Yorkers registered a brief blip of extreme cases. Intubations and ventilators turned out not to help (80 percent died). This sowed fear and frustration among medical personnel slow to see that the problem was impaired hemogloblin in the blood rather than lung damage.

The New York media piled on with panic, with bogus reports of rising deaths. “Coronavirus deaths” soared by assuming that people dying with the virus were dying from it and then by ascribing to the coronavirus other deaths among people with symptoms of pulmonary distress, even without being tested.

Now jacking up the case rate will be further pointless testing. As Briggs points out, “Fauci is calling for ‘tripling’ of testing, which can only boost these dailies [case totals]. And make it seem like there’s a genuine increase occurring. Oh my! The daily reported cases are up! It must mean the disease is spreading!

“No. It could also mean, and probably does given all the other evidence we now have from sampling, that the disease was already there, and we just now have measured it.”

The death rate rises with further reclassification of pneumonia and other pulmonary deaths. When we reach herd immunity, and nearly everyone has the antigen, nearly all deaths can be chalked up to COVID19. Hey, it will be Quod Erat Demonstrandum for the panic mongers.

In a fascinating open letter to German Prime Minister Angela Merkel, epidemiologist Mihai Grigorius concludes that with the French study, corroborated by findings from a Stanford antibody seroprevalence study in Santa Clara county, “the case for extreme measures collapses like a house of cards.” Grigorius says that since the virus has already spread widely in the general population, efforts to stop further spread are both futile and destructive.

So let’s stop pretending that our policies have been rational and need to be phased out, as if they once had a purpose. They should be reversed summarily and acknowledged to be a mistake, perpetrated by statisticians with erroneous computer models.
Perhaps then we can learn from this experience with the flaws of expertise not to shut down the economy again for the totally bogus “crisis” of climate change.

George Gilder is the author numerous books, including Wealth and Poverty, Knowledge and Power, and Telecosm.

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
I'm NOT going to call it over yet, but I can say I'm much closer to this guy's opinion than I am to the hundreds of opinions posted on this forum by those suffering from TDS, most of the time the posters don't even know what their authors are saying

We're opening much sooner than later, I'd say almost the entire nation can open no later than June first but there are several democratic governors will kick and scream in resistance. I'm concerned my governor will extend the stay closed order as he fails to help any business that really needs it

I have been critical of the slow responses by the feds, but they have a much more daunting task and money is starting to get out

I don't think our state has delivered a single penny of relief to the business community, other than to say they don't have to pay taxes until July 15th. Total and complete bureaucratic incompetence
Feb 20, 2002
"The latest figures on overall death rates from all causes show no increase at all."

The author failed to mention &/or realize that car deaths must be way down. And that the lockdown & social distancing measures have greatly reduced flu deaths. But C-19 deaths push the number of deaths back up.
Feb 20, 2002
We're opening much sooner than later, I'd say almost the entire nation can open no later than June first but there are several democratic governors will kick and scream in resistance. I'm concerned my governor will extend the stay closed order as he fails to help any business that really needs it

I wonder how many cities, counties and states will close up again when a second wave hits, possibly in the fall or winter.

In any case, don't be so distressed. Opinions on this forum won't affect governmental decision making.

New member
Mar 17, 2015
Yeah, let's put our lives in the hands of a moron wackjob99 who said there would be less Coronavirus deaths than the common flu with no need for lock-down and social distancing.

Sep 21, 2004
In my county of 600,000+ people there have been a grand total of 6 deaths.

Time to open shit up where I am.

Rx. Senior
Nov 8, 2007
In my county of 600,000+ people there have been a grand total of 6 deaths.

Time to open shit up where I am.

These liberal governments closing everything down when the problem is so small are way out of control. We need to protest against all government abuse and vote them all out of office.

Nov 17, 2004
In my county of 600,000+ people there have been a grand total of 6 deaths.

Time to open shit up where I am.

Yep, obviously there's a big difference where we're at and places like New York (nice to have wide open spaces...many homes with some one's living on top of each other). There are many areas of the country like that. Hell, many people here have been unintentionally social distancing for years. This is why it's so dumb to treat all areas the same.

P.S. Disregard Tom and his asinine remarks. He likes making ambiguous, generic statements.

New member
Mar 17, 2015
In my county of 600,000+ people there have been a grand total of 6 deaths.

Time to open shit up where I am.

Sounds familiar....

Sep 21, 2004
Yep, obviously there's a big difference where we're at and places like New York (nice to have wide open spaces...many homes with some one's living on top of each other). There are many areas of the country like that. Hell, many people here have been unintentionally social distancing for years. This is why it's so dumb to treat all areas the same.

P.S. Disregard Tom and his asinine remarks. He likes making ambiguous, generic statements.

He thinks he's funny and/or making a valid point. He's not.

Active member
Nov 23, 2011
Have a friend in Atlanta whose wife is an infectious disease nurse, she has stated people need to get out and build up immunities, of course taking precautions to those at high risk to catch. Staying in is worse thing for it
Feb 20, 2002
"This flu like all previous viral flues will give way only to herd immunity, whether through natural propagation of an extremely infectious pathogen, or through the success of one of the hundreds of vaccine projects."

Or conceivably "herd immunity" will never be achieved & a vaccine will never be created. Then what?

Then - maybe - a "cure" will be found.

Note: no vaccine has ever been created for any of the corona-viruses.

Herd immunity may not be achievable:

C-19 may keep coming back each year like the flu:
Feb 20, 2002
"While the death rate is low, many survivors have long recoveries; some interviewed said the worst experience of their lives. More recently, younger 30-year-olds have bad strokes and heart attacks due to clotting with no underlying conditions just out of the blue. One young athlete had his leg amputated because of a clot. The COVID-19 is like no other virus we have seen since the 1918 flu thing. It is so easy to transmit and for the unlucky attacks, many body parts - not just the lungs. Why is still a mystery."

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