Regarding the "birth announcement." address listed.why didnt this woman calmly assert say that Obama, his mama, and his ‘papa’ never ever lived there and ask David Schuster to prove he did? Because the proof he did not live in that house is indisputable.
Clearly another excellent opportunity for you to take your act mainstream.
Detail your proof in a cover letter and send it to all the MM news outlets and I'll bet you're on live interviews within 24 hours.
For bonus impetus, include in your cover letter your proof that no airplanes hit the WTC and that the entire world was duped by high-tech holograms projected from locations unknown by Them.
I would suggest that you NOT make any mention of your having assured your faithful followers that the entire American currency system would be "eliminated in late June 2009 and replaced by the (mythical) Amero".
Any inclusion of that gem could fuck up your shot for the Big Time.
Oh...make sure and drop at least a couple references to "The RxForum sports handicapping website" when you're being interviewed by FOXNews and CNN. I'll see to it that you get an official RxForum polo shirt delivered ASAP in exchange for the plug