I click the SIGN UP link just for kicks and its a scam man
It says this
For only a small, $79.99 enrollment fee, you can now get a full year's membership privileges in ClassActionAmerica. This is a savings of almost $60.00 off our regular price.
I think it probably is a scam. But honestly from the way I see it--IF lawyers are involved ANYTHING is possible. For instance, in the city of Virginia Beach, Va. there are lawyers attempting to sue the government over plane noise. Unbelievable. Housing prises rise in this area by the day!!!!
But if there is a dollar in it--
Whether it proceeds is irrelevant. The case is obviously without merit and the defendants are protected by free speech (I think that still applies unless they are guilty of money laudering to support terrorism or something if the Feds get involved).
Yes, we have the same $10,000 declaration at the border, only it's worth less for us. However income from gambling is not taxed and we don't have a region of the country where the police roll poker players for the money they are carrying and make them show it was obtained legally. All we need to do is say it's poker winnings.
Reading Woody's post is making me think Canada is a great place to be....especially if you lived near the border and could sneak across and buy a few things a bit cheaper here....
Only problem with Canada is it turns into a glacier during winter...
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Marco:
Only problem with Canada is it turns into a glacier during winter...
Not on the We(s)t coast. We have to put our duck's feet on in November. Snow on the mountains, including Whistler, though.