This blows my mind... some dirt on PSU:


New member
Nov 20, 1998
... and the way JoPa handled the questions did not impress me at all. First he acts like he didn't know anything about his players' 46 arrests over the past 6 years then he accuses the reporter of being on a witch hunt. I would have never thought this could be true, but now.... ???

This is some very interesting dirt I had no clue about until now.
Kick back... make some time to see this if you can.
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New member
Nov 20, 1998
Paterno's explanations and overall attitude and approach to this makes me think he's a part of some kind of secret powerful committee over there that puts their athlete's above the law. In a way, it seems almost as if the laws in Sicily (so to speak) are all that matter so the DA should steer clear. Very disturbing things coming out of that school.

I know this kind of thing goes on and I've seen similar kinds of free passes handed out to athletes that commit crimes (greater Seattle area in the past.) It's shocking to hear how things are done.

Jo Pa????

He calls it all a witch hunt. That explains nothing. This is grossing me out.

Where Taconite Is Just A Low Grade Ore
Aug 20, 2000
Listening To Him Was Shocking To Me

He appeared to be exactly what he is, an OLD man trying to keep up. JoPa & Bowden are both so afraid that the other will be #1, they're tarnishing their legacies by hanging on way too long. And neither will retire gracefully They'll have to be drug kicking and screaming from their respctive athletic compounds. I've lost some respect for Paterno, that "witch hunt" remark was bush.

New member
Nov 20, 1998
Silver, not only has he lost it, but he's creating one hell of a mess for PSU's athletic department (and AD) in the way he's handling the issues. This is something that they themselves (the AD and staff) have apparently cloaked in secrecy for years. It's scandalous and Paterno is putting himself right in the middle of it (which is probably where he is.)

That incident involving a text message (allegedly from Paterno) to all the players warning them not to cooperate or to talk to the investigators was a question that Paterno danced around a little too well to be taken at face value.

If this thing blows up, I wonder what effect this will have on their season?

New member
Nov 5, 2007
I don't think Joe Pa has the control over the team he used to have. Nor does he control recruiting like he used to. There are plenty of teams that have problems with their kids getting in trouble so I think Joe Pa feels like "why are you singling me out? Why don't you do a show on Tennessee?" Obviously, the fact that Penn St. really did a 180 is the reason they are being singled out. As far as Joe Pa goes, I think he is still coaching because of the record but I don't think he is trying to take short cuts to beat Bowden. I think the guys that really run the team should be interviewed. Not saying Joe Pa's hands are 100% clean but I don't hate the guy. All this is a pretty good indicator that Joe Pa should probably retire.

Rx. Poster
Dec 26, 2004
where are all the smug psu fans that are so quick to throw stones at other colleges that have problems. that's all i hear from psu alumni "we do things the right way, we aren't like those sec schools". LMAO!

joe pa had his pick of any north east kid for years. now he has competition from rutgers, bc, md, and w va.. a couple losing years and he has to recruit questionable players. it's easy when there is no competition, but he is failing now with the stiff competition.

New member
Aug 28, 2007
That's not even any real dirt.

There are like 100 players on college football teams and there was only 46 arrests over 6 years? That seems pretty good to me considering the environment of a HUGE college campus and town. I'd like to hear some arrest numbers from some other teams, and the average college student population before I make a real judgment, but this doesn't really seem all that bad to me.

I bet most of them were for really minor things too.

New member
Nov 20, 1998
That's not even any real dirt.

There are like 100 players on college football teams and there was only 46 arrests over 6 years? That seems pretty good to me considering the environment of a HUGE college campus and town. I'd like to hear some arrest numbers from some other teams, and the average college student population before I make a real judgment, but this doesn't really seem all that bad to me.

I bet most of them were for really minor things too.

Well then let's look at this. 46 players 27 convictions. Figure about 40-50 new players per year over 6 years means we are talking about 250 players or so figuring each one will be there 3 years or more. So that would be like you said 100s of players... say about 250-280 max. Hell that's only 20% of them get arrested but only 10% convicted. I can tell you are not one of the dad's on tape who son was mugged and flogged in his own apartment. Kids will be kids... right? May as well cover it all up and keep the newspapers out of it. Why not? Everyone else does it.

Jo Pa?

And you think this is not a big deal. Probably not even going to tarnish the sport in any way either.

New member
May 12, 2008
I go to PSU and now a vast good amount of the PSU football players. The uninformed in this thread is pretty mind boggling. Then again, you guys do watch ESPN.

I firstly want to address this.

joe pa had his pick of any north east kid for years. now he has competition from rutgers, bc, md, and w va.. a couple losing years and he has to recruit questionable players. it's easy when there is no competition, but he is failing now with the stiff competition.

Such an idiotic post. He has to recruit questionable players? What is this? Sources? It's just hearsay, everyone recruited at PSU has no history or bad background. Don't get uninformed. PSU hasn't had the 'pick of any north east kid for years' in a LONG time. Know your facts.

The only 'character issue' player they've recruited coming out of high school in the past 4 years is LeSean McCoy, who they pulled his scholarship and that's why he's at Pitt. This guy's getting into trouble (Chris Bell, Chris Baker, Phil Taylor) were two 4* and a 3* players. No 'troubled background'. Baker was just a fringe recruit, and by fringe I mean talent ability. Taylor and Bell were both solid recruits, who were recruited by everybody on the East coast.

Now lets get into some of this, since I have a better know than any shit ESPN Outside the Lines reporter. Situations that occured this year..

This INSANE apartment party at PSU that you would have thought death occured at. First off, we're the #3 party school.. it's a very wild party school. Biggest party school not in SEC territory. Secondly, Anthony Scirrito's girlfriend was ridiculed and called a whore on the streets of PSU. If I were drunk, and my girlfriend was ridiculed on a bus for 5 minutes and called a whore for 10 more minutes after, they would have been assualted as well. The fight that occured was just that, a fight. If that means that Scirrito is somehow interpreted into a thug now kinda baffles me. And I don't even like defending football players.

Austin Scott 'raping' a girl. I mean, I know the female personally. She is a whore, but to be honest.. this isn't her 1st time of claiming rape then admit to lying and charges being dropped (which, they were but now his reputation is ruined). Actually, no Scott made our team better. He blew. Oh and for my wonderful Huskers friend, he was a 5* recruit recruited by everyone. Oh? And no troubled pass during HS. *shurgs*

HUB incident. HUB's our 'student center', huge place. 4 or 5 players, Bell, Baker were there as well.. got into a scuffle with a group of guys. It was premediatated they got into a fight with a black fraternity. I'm in a fraternity here at PSU and the football players/black fraternities don't get along. A frat guy from Temple was the one who initiated the fight. This story's much worse than the apartment story, but never was talked about on ESPN.

There was even an incident last week here at Arts Fest.. at a pool party that again hasn't been on news yet. Girls got into a fight, get all gangster and shit and bloodied up a place because a girl got thrown into a pool. Heh. No football players were involved though.

So that's it for our school year. Couple in a few DUIs here and there, and that's it.

As for Paterno, he doesn't know what goes on. He's an old man who's out of touch. To say it's 'ruining his reputation' by a few fights, is viciously retarded. Uhm, he and our President don't get along. I don't see him coming back after 08.

So that's it, real honest talk not some ESPN spun bullshit.

New member
Nov 20, 1998
If Paterno had kicked a few of the bad guys off the team for what they did like ANY other coach who was looking out for his players, there'd be no questions asked. But instead, he gives a dozen or so players "pick-up" detention for what the rest of us might call unsportsmanlike behavior off the field... to wit felony assault in a public place or in a private residence.

Didn't you listen to the report? A player beat a guy unconscious in his own apartment and got nothing for it. How do you spin that? You can take a "boys will be boys" attitude about it if you wish, but other HC's like Stoops, Willingham and others have thrown a lot more than them off their teams for a lot less.

Paterno's being "out of touch" as you put it is an UNDERSTATEMENT. The statistical rise in these incidents this past decade, ESPECIALLY since the team's record has been down, reflects as poorly on the school as it does on Paterno's judgment. Do you really think PSU isn't just like any other school with a similar history? How do you think the Florida State's of this world become known for what they are if not for EXACTLY this kind of thing?

I don't hear you crying out for anyone's head after confronted with this "witch hunt" as it's already been so aptly put. You are one their side, obviously. Denial denial. Make nothing out of something. I always thought the "P" in PSU stood for Pennsylvania, not penitentiary. Fine with me if you don't care.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
i am the biggest psu fan there is an let me be the first to say this is/was an embarrassment, saying that...

it was absolutely ridiculous for ESPN to do a story on this, you have teams like ohio state and usc committing obvious recruiting violations but they let that stuff go and go after psu for something like this...

to put it in perspective a little bit, the local DA in the state college area loves to get his name in the paper, the majority of this stemmed from a fight that happened a year and a half ago where a player was out with his girl friend and she spit at a guy that she was arguing with, this guy pushed down the girl and sucker punched the guy(football player), he calls one of his boys and next thing you know it there are 20 football players getting his back....

after that if you look into these arrests and convictions you would find that the vast majority of them are underage drinking, or a fight.... where at in the country does that stuff NOT happen? it happens with football players from every school in the country! but OTL decides to go at psu about it

there were a couple convictions that were above that and more serious offenses....and the kids who were convicted of those crimes were either released from the team or werent on the team any longer anyways

in no way am i trying to condone this stuff, but before making judgement know the facts, in a way, this was a witch hunt, and fwiw, some of the "information" that espn's OTL "investigated" came DIRECTLY from an INTERNET MESSAGE BOARD... thats right, a forum similiar to this...

it was unbelievable, but say the least, embarrasing

New member
Sep 21, 2004
another note... i read above again talking about "felony assaults" take a look again, 99% of charges to the players from the fights ended up being plead to misdemeanors and i wouldnt be surprised if once these kids are out of school a couple lawsuits come back at the local DA for the charges he tried sticking these kids with...think the Duke lacrosse lawsuit but not quite as bad

New member
Sep 21, 2004
I'm going to have a tough time pulling the trigger on PSU this year, and probably until they get a new coach...

New member
Jan 18, 2008
A bunch of people trying to equate PSU with programs that are vastly different in HOW they are operating. The bottom line is you are still dealing with 17-22 year old kids and you can't control their actions sometimes; it is how they are dealt with which is what makes the difference. and oh yeah, don't forget about their graduation rate; in case you all forgot - these still are STUDENT - ATHLETES we are talking about here..... A big missing component when you talk about most schools...

JoePa is not out of touch but his time is approaching.....


New member
Nov 20, 1998
Lionman, all anyone needs to do is to watch Paterno's reactions in the interview and judge for himself how he's "in touch" or out of it. He's attempting to defend the indefensible. As I said in an earlier post, if he had dismissed some of the worst offenders (like any other school with 18-22 year olds who mess up) nobody would have a story to report, or it would just go away after a while. These things keep on coming up and biting PSU and Paterno in the ass because of how they have handled the players and incidents... specifically NOT the same as most everyone else. Look at Stoops' and Willingham's histories and you would see a clear difference in how things get done. There are no differences among the kids and the violations but a big difference in the HC's and school's approach to handling it. Aside from that, Paterno showed no class in the interview.

AKA BeavaBleeda
Sep 21, 2005
Interesting story on the Penn State front. Is it really a Happy Valley? Hell, I live in Happy Valley, OR and it ain't that happy. Will be moving soon to SE P-Town though.

Anyways, all of a sudden I think my Oregon State Beavs have a puncher's chance in their road game on September 6. This could be a VALUE DOG play on the Beavs. With all Penn State's convictions, they still have talent, preseason ranking, and the homefield advantage. I'm hoping the Beavs are a dog by more than a touchdown. If I get the hook, I'm in.

Has anyone seen a line posted for the OSU @ Penn State game? I haven't looked too hard yet.

New member
Jul 26, 2006
You know this is KILLING Paterno on the inside. He took some players to try to win, lowered his standards...and it blew up in his face.

New member
Jul 10, 2008
I am a penn state fan. He needs to retire,he doesnt have what it takes anymore.Sandusky should have been the coach years ago.When he left joe never even shook his hand goodbye.All he wants is the record for most wins.

New member
Feb 11, 2008
i dont know how this is even a thread fights and arrests happen at every school. You know how easy a fight is to get into a decent sized campus just get 3-5 guys who arnt bring any girls home and you can get someone make a comment and boom. Not to mention if one gets too drunk theres another way. If they cover it up fine and if they dont fine. This doesnt matter at all.
Is a school going to be tarnished because an athlete gets into a fight for backing up a friend or because some no talent assclown try's egging him on because he plays on saturday on ABC

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