I go to PSU and now a vast good amount of the PSU football players. The uninformed in this thread is pretty mind boggling. Then again, you guys do watch ESPN.
I firstly want to address this.
joe pa had his pick of any north east kid for years. now he has competition from rutgers, bc, md, and w va.. a couple losing years and he has to recruit questionable players. it's easy when there is no competition, but he is failing now with the stiff competition.
Such an idiotic post. He has to recruit questionable players? What is this? Sources? It's just hearsay, everyone recruited at PSU has no history or bad background. Don't get uninformed. PSU hasn't had the 'pick of any north east kid for years' in a LONG time. Know your facts.
The only 'character issue' player they've recruited coming out of high school in the past 4 years is LeSean McCoy, who they pulled his scholarship and that's why he's at Pitt. This guy's getting into trouble (Chris Bell, Chris Baker, Phil Taylor) were two 4* and a 3* players. No 'troubled background'. Baker was just a fringe recruit, and by fringe I mean talent ability. Taylor and Bell were both solid recruits, who were recruited by everybody on the East coast.
Now lets get into some of this, since I have a better know than any shit ESPN Outside the Lines reporter. Situations that occured this year..
This INSANE apartment party at PSU that you would have thought death occured at. First off, we're the #3 party school.. it's a very wild party school. Biggest party school not in SEC territory. Secondly, Anthony Scirrito's girlfriend was ridiculed and called a whore on the streets of PSU. If I were drunk, and my girlfriend was ridiculed on a bus for 5 minutes and called a whore for 10 more minutes after, they would have been assualted as well. The fight that occured was just that, a fight. If that means that Scirrito is somehow interpreted into a thug now kinda baffles me. And I don't even like defending football players.
Austin Scott 'raping' a girl. I mean, I know the female personally. She is a whore, but to be honest.. this isn't her 1st time of claiming rape then admit to lying and charges being dropped (which, they were but now his reputation is ruined). Actually, no Scott made our team better. He blew. Oh and for my wonderful Huskers friend, he was a 5* recruit recruited by everyone. Oh? And no troubled pass during HS. *shurgs*
HUB incident. HUB's our 'student center', huge place. 4 or 5 players, Bell, Baker were there as well.. got into a scuffle with a group of guys. It was premediatated they got into a fight with a black fraternity. I'm in a fraternity here at PSU and the football players/black fraternities don't get along. A frat guy from Temple was the one who initiated the fight. This story's much worse than the apartment story, but never was talked about on ESPN.
There was even an incident last week here at Arts Fest.. at a pool party that again hasn't been on news yet. Girls got into a fight, get all gangster and shit and bloodied up a place because a girl got thrown into a pool. Heh. No football players were involved though.
So that's it for our school year. Couple in a few DUIs here and there, and that's it.
As for Paterno, he doesn't know what goes on. He's an old man who's out of touch. To say it's 'ruining his reputation' by a few fights, is viciously retarded. Uhm, he and our President don't get along. I don't see him coming back after 08.
So that's it, real honest talk not some ESPN spun bullshit.