Blah, blah, blah, blah!
What a bunch of blather!
Two points -
First, if the country could get through the Jimmy Carter term and recover without permanent damage, it could go through just about anything!
Second, When Ronnie Reagan became President, the left was screaming death and degradation for the poor; while the middle class blossomed and the poor were better off than ever before under Reagans teflon hand.
When Bill Clinton assumed control of the Oval Office, the right screamed that the morals of the USA and the great Reagan economy would go down in flames - and the country prospered even more while Monicagate held our rapt attention.
According to both sides, this great nation should have imploded in economic depression and religious or class rebellion. We continue to have the most powerful economy in the history of the world; class distinctions are almost invisible; the middle class continues to expand; and the extremes continue to dominate the news.
There are some things I both like and dislike about Junior, and I prefer him over the war hero who turned on his own, but lets all face it - - excepting the possibility of another Jimmy Carter, they're all pretty much the same.