First of all, credit where credit is due for this disaster:
Thanks for giving the NK nutjobs nukes and kicking the can down the road, Bubba! :>(
On a similar note, kudos to the Kenyan for repeating the exact same mistake with the Islamonazis in Tehran. One day in the not too distant future, some unlucky president will have to confront them and fix yet another Hussein clusterfuck.
Moving on...
Why is the Uniparty inside the swamp hellbent on making Russia an enemy? The cold war is over. The Russians are NOT an adversary. They have their interests, sure, just like we have ours, many of them common. But they are not an expansionist empire like the Soviets were. So why are these gutless clueless politicians from BOTH parties doing everything in their power to provoke Russia, drawing childish phony "red lines" and imposing sanctions on their people?
Because Putin 'interfered' with the US election??!?! ointer:
What a disaster the community organizer has been!
If we end up at war, thank Crooked Hillary, John Kerry and Hussein!
Here's how to solve the Clinton-induced NK crisis:
Contact Putin and propose a real Russian 'reset'. They decapitate the North Korean regime and in exchange we lift all sanctions against Russia unconditionally. It would take real diplomacy, guts and leadership but it can be done.
Then we move forward and rebuild our relations with the Russian people working together on our common interests.
Newsflash: Democrats and RINOs lighting fires all over the world with their UN fetish and asinine interventionist FP and activist BIG GOVERNMENT agenda at home are a much bigger a threat to the American people than anything the Russians can throw at us.
Thanks for giving the NK nutjobs nukes and kicking the can down the road, Bubba! :>(
On a similar note, kudos to the Kenyan for repeating the exact same mistake with the Islamonazis in Tehran. One day in the not too distant future, some unlucky president will have to confront them and fix yet another Hussein clusterfuck.
Moving on...
Why is the Uniparty inside the swamp hellbent on making Russia an enemy? The cold war is over. The Russians are NOT an adversary. They have their interests, sure, just like we have ours, many of them common. But they are not an expansionist empire like the Soviets were. So why are these gutless clueless politicians from BOTH parties doing everything in their power to provoke Russia, drawing childish phony "red lines" and imposing sanctions on their people?
Because Putin 'interfered' with the US election??!?! ointer:
What a disaster the community organizer has been!
If we end up at war, thank Crooked Hillary, John Kerry and Hussein!
Here's how to solve the Clinton-induced NK crisis:
Contact Putin and propose a real Russian 'reset'. They decapitate the North Korean regime and in exchange we lift all sanctions against Russia unconditionally. It would take real diplomacy, guts and leadership but it can be done.
Then we move forward and rebuild our relations with the Russian people working together on our common interests.
Newsflash: Democrats and RINOs lighting fires all over the world with their UN fetish and asinine interventionist FP and activist BIG GOVERNMENT agenda at home are a much bigger a threat to the American people than anything the Russians can throw at us.