Let me clarify the most important Clarification that I will make, within the entire history of my life
on this planet
We will not injure them seriously.
We will not shoot them.
We will not
hurt them, physically, if this can be avoided.
We will
not fail here
to incorporate the Message that Dr. King left us.
we are going to see these No Muscle Tone having faggots get beaten down in the streets.
^^^^ Should have been accompanied by Clarification that they are not to be seriously harmed but, rather, made to understand that We the Children of those who made this country possible for them are done listening to their shit.
Just as your Mode of dealing with a bratty 2-year old suffering Colic would not be to beat that child to death, in the street
nor shall our method of dealing with these people be that, either.
Under No Circumstances should We hurt them, where that can be avoided
and the avoidance of hurting them must be our Primary Objective.
It Must Be.
For more than One Reason, others explained later but mainly and now:
They are, many of them, acting as they do rejecting us
bcuz of what the Ritalin, Adderal and so many other Drugs did to their brains.
that they got put on, as kids, so that Big Pharma could make Billions.
Why Post this stuff here?
on RX
some Obscure Gambling Forum
Bcuz there is 7 Children amongst You....
Seven Kids that have Dads, Uncles, Grand-Dads whatever that will see some of what I typed here
and as Result, that Man is going to make sure that kid grows up well.
Then.....wWhat happens is that this Child, eventually, becomes a key cog in finally accomplishing Peace here.
Well...more accurately stated.....a whole lot Less War.
"So you're, like...Nostrodumbass right? you can see the Future."
Nope. 'Course not. RX was ID'd as result of a "Keyword Search" that alerted to a phrase posted online, anywhere and everywhere
that certain Combo of Keywords go posted
This Forum was one of 11 (Eleven) places that Combo of words got posted, by "The Father....that male relative, to that eventual Great Hero.
Strangely enough RX Forum was the only place in all of Cyberspace that
TWO DIFFERENT POSTERS posted the sought combo of words exact, phrase....
Yeah.....its sort of a "John Connor" type deal but its not my fault that Hollywood has a few fucking geniuses writing shit
and your World is very much Like, HERE, cuz of what was shown in Star Trek: Genesis.
Oxygen was injected into this Atmosphere.
By "somebody".
I could possible care less if you fuckers believe anything that I say.
It would be literally impossible for me to care less.
Whether you believe Me cuz me?
I am just a greased up ball in the wheel.
a grain of sand on the Beach.
Look into your Child's Eyes.
Your Niece's Eyes....Nephew....
Your Grandbaby....
Guide Them.
When Peace finally comes here you and I will be very Old.
Look into their Eyes now, while you're still relatively Young at least compared to how Old you'll be later then Raise them in a manner that will some day later cause your own eyes to swell up with Tears of Pride
and then make you Cry Harder than you ever did,
with Joy.
Make you Cry in a way that will feel like your gonna implode
deep deep deep
deep deep
deepest maybe cry you ever had
Look into her eyes.
you will know the only
True and Possible path to Freedom.
all we ever wanted.
and also what this life was "for".
the answer to that eternal question of why you were here