Dateline: Austin, Texas
A man named Doc "Chicken Little" Mercer is suing the Federal government for 83.6 billion dollars for mental suffering because the sky is falling.
In a statement to the press, Doc Little stated that "The sky is falling and it it's the fault of the evil policies and corrupt administation of the Bush government. The evil Bush minions of Gone Asscroft, Darned Redrumsfeld, and Condolences Ricin are now in the process of undermining the elements that support the sky."
When questioned why the sky was falling and when he expected it to crash to earth, Doc Little explained the this was a result of poor managment of our natural resources by the evil and horrible Bush people and the growing deficit due to the murderous tax cuts that Bush fathered. He went on to explain "If the Democrats don't get control of the congress in the next elections, we will face a catastrophe unlike any in the history of the human race - people will be dying in the streets and everyone will lose their homes to the evil corporate gangsters that work for the Bush Empire. The second the sky hits the earth, Bush will have himself crowned as King of the Empire of Bushtopia"
The interview ended when several men in white coats carried a screeming Doc "Chicken Little" Mercer away.
A man named Doc "Chicken Little" Mercer is suing the Federal government for 83.6 billion dollars for mental suffering because the sky is falling.
In a statement to the press, Doc Little stated that "The sky is falling and it it's the fault of the evil policies and corrupt administation of the Bush government. The evil Bush minions of Gone Asscroft, Darned Redrumsfeld, and Condolences Ricin are now in the process of undermining the elements that support the sky."
When questioned why the sky was falling and when he expected it to crash to earth, Doc Little explained the this was a result of poor managment of our natural resources by the evil and horrible Bush people and the growing deficit due to the murderous tax cuts that Bush fathered. He went on to explain "If the Democrats don't get control of the congress in the next elections, we will face a catastrophe unlike any in the history of the human race - people will be dying in the streets and everyone will lose their homes to the evil corporate gangsters that work for the Bush Empire. The second the sky hits the earth, Bush will have himself crowned as King of the Empire of Bushtopia"
The interview ended when several men in white coats carried a screeming Doc "Chicken Little" Mercer away.