The Sharapova Big 5 Going Forward Challenge..College Hoops


New member
Feb 21, 2002
this challenge started last night.and here
are the results so far.
Biff's almanac 2-0,+2 units
Ny Reb.........3-1,+1.9 units
ny sports......3-2,+0.8 units
pat mcirish....0-1,-1.1 units
college gurn...2-3,-1.3 units

if i made an error please let me know

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[This message was edited by Maria Sharapova on 02-06-03 at 11:34 AM.]

New member
Feb 21, 2002
ny sports,sorry for the slight.just experienced a momentary memory lapse whilst composing that
post. As for the record keeping,i'm calculating
every game as risking 1.1 units to win 1 unit.
If you don't care to be involved with such
parameters,just let me know and i will drop
you from the list.

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New member
Sep 1, 2002

Thanks for taking the time to do this!!
Should prove to be very entertaining and enlightening, going forward of course.

Maria - LOL. Where did this come from? Unfortunately I am going to be posting my plays at another forum now. Nothing against this place (I still like it here) but they are going to go in partnership with touts soon. Nothing wrong with it but I don't want to be rubbing elbows with these kind of people or competing with them. I only compete and try to beat the books, not concerned with which tout can sell the suckers their plays or not. Anyway not sure if I am in the thing since my plays won't be posted here but if Fresno loses I am 1-1 for the night. They were up by 20 but looks like they won't cover now.....

Anyway they were "posted across the street" in the appropriate pick forum. Can I get odds on me finishing last?
Maria- those are some hilarious reviews of that guy's album. LMAO

ciao from hammy

College Guru
Sep 21, 2004
Hey Maria, appreicate you taking the time to clear the air on this matter, so to speak. It's not just a win for free cappers to have this at our disposal, it's a win for all of humanity. Somewhere Jesus sheds a single tear of joy. Also, the song "Hot Shot City" is particularly good.
Irish- Can you tell me more about the tout service starting here such and when and how it works? I feel the same as you do about touts.
Raiders - all I can tell you for sure is it's definitely coming. I don't know any more than that. Ask Peep and maybe he can fill you in, it's not a secret or anything, just he may not have all the fine details worked out yet. Since it's all-star break and all it's a good time for me to break in at a new place.....

I am still going to post here in the Rubber Room and off-shore, I'm not against the site or anything, I'm just out of the pick forums. I'm not interested in selling my plays or comparing dick size with touts who will be looking to make themselves look like the king. There's only so many suckers who will send money so they will be forced to bash everyone in sight in hot pursuit of it. I was here for the books money, not other posters money.

Anyway going to be a whole lot of competing for the $$$ around here soon. Touts are too much for me to take already......
i just hope nothing changes here in the RR.

couldn't care less about the sports forums as these are a complete joke anyways.

if rr changes its look, donnay boy from montreal is out.


New member
Sep 20, 2004
if the site operators think that people who visit here have a big interest in touts, i think they should consider the page views that they 'site promotions' pages get. its laughable, the average page views there is in the single digits an a lot of posts get no views at all. i could be wrong but i seriously doubt that becoming more tout friendly in any way will increase traffic at this site. i assume it would look something like interesting that the <guys across the street> are launching a new stats site soon too, i wonder how far off a merger or acquisition is.
Pat- Why such a short post about such a serious matter? I was expecting to see a link to the full length article.

Just kidding you man...would be a shame to lose you to an inferior forum.

'nuff said

dm- LMAO, I don't think that RR will ever change

New member
Feb 21, 2002
Okay pat, i'll open your spot in the challenge
to other nominees.Barring that I'll amend the
moniker to the BIG 4 Going Forward Challenge.
Hopefully,the sponsors (hasselhoof& the review
guy) will not withdraw their support.
the whole thing is just for a giggle,which
is one of the reasons i have it in the rubber
room.the other concern is that people following
cappers in the hoops forum might be confused
by the disparity between the records kept here
and the one's cappers list in their own threads.
anyway here's the updated standing

NY Reb...... 3-1, +1.9 hasselhoff's
college guru 5-3, +1.8 hasselhoff's
Bif's almanac 2-1, +0.9 hasselhoff's
NY sport..... 3-2, +0.8 hassefhoff's
Pat Mcirish.. Late Scratch


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Maria - You must have given these guys the spark they needed. Everyone is on the plus side. Keep it up guys.

New member
Feb 21, 2002
table update including feb.7

ny reb..... 4-2, +1.8 hasselhoffs
whif's almanac 2-1, +0.9 hasselhoffs
ny sport..... 3-2, +0.8 hasselhoffs
college guru. 5-4, +0.6 hasselhoffs

still taking applications for 5th contestant.
Must already possess decent record in hoops

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I'm struggling in hoops but I'd love to get in the challenge. Here's my resume

89-60 overall 1-2 today
53-29 football
26-27 CBB 1-2 today
9-3 NBA
1-1 NHL +.05 units

New member
Sep 20, 2004
i was just coming in to make a nomination when saw your post on GoUH, seems like a good choice. my nomination was for 'jonruns' who seems pretty sharp too.

[This message was edited by mjred on 02-08-03 at 05:29 AM.]
Maria- I was just looking for something to motivate me in hoops. I always struggle with it. Now when it comes to football and baseball I'll guarentee that there are none better.

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