If Obama wants to create change we can believe in and streamline government to save money, then lets start with an across the board pay cut for all federal employees, to include eliminating health care, retirement, and expense accounts for a start. Then we can disband the secret service and do away with the executive fleet of planes choppers and limos.
The last time I checked those scumbags work for us, and until I get free health care, armed escorts and free trips anywhere I want to go, then they shouldn't either. They work for us!!! We are loosing our jobs, our homes, and our rights at an alarming rate, but thats ok because we have a slightly less than white president?
Make these scum work for a living, take the perks out of the job and put real people in those positions instead of talking heads filled with Hagalian ideology imparted to them in their ivy league temples of capitalism and globalization.
If you dont think there is an agenda toward the dissolution of the US as we have always known it then you are foolish or ignorant. An anti gun AG, an anti gun SS, a bow to a foreign leader, and a ceremony honoring Janet "hitler" Reno are all the information anyone needs to draw the correct conclusion. We are under attack from within our own government.
You can hate W all you want, I do too, but don't give this guy or his handlers an inch, or they will take the whole thing away and you will never know what hit you! As it stands we will never in our lifetimes out live the new debt incurred during the first hundred days of this reign of stupidity, all of which will go to the very people who made this mess in the first place.
Put the bailout proposals on a ballot and see how that turns out. But Geithner has favors to repay and an agenda to keep, globalization and the destruction of US sovereignty. We are revenue machines to the government, just like slaves always are.
The last time I checked those scumbags work for us, and until I get free health care, armed escorts and free trips anywhere I want to go, then they shouldn't either. They work for us!!! We are loosing our jobs, our homes, and our rights at an alarming rate, but thats ok because we have a slightly less than white president?
Make these scum work for a living, take the perks out of the job and put real people in those positions instead of talking heads filled with Hagalian ideology imparted to them in their ivy league temples of capitalism and globalization.
If you dont think there is an agenda toward the dissolution of the US as we have always known it then you are foolish or ignorant. An anti gun AG, an anti gun SS, a bow to a foreign leader, and a ceremony honoring Janet "hitler" Reno are all the information anyone needs to draw the correct conclusion. We are under attack from within our own government.
You can hate W all you want, I do too, but don't give this guy or his handlers an inch, or they will take the whole thing away and you will never know what hit you! As it stands we will never in our lifetimes out live the new debt incurred during the first hundred days of this reign of stupidity, all of which will go to the very people who made this mess in the first place.
Put the bailout proposals on a ballot and see how that turns out. But Geithner has favors to repay and an agenda to keep, globalization and the destruction of US sovereignty. We are revenue machines to the government, just like slaves always are.