Its unfortunate that rumors have to be considered in this game but truth is they do. One cannot wait for facts as it will always be too late. It is also true that rumors can be completely false and turn into truth. You can really start an evacuation of a village by yelling fire weather there is one or not.
What I really hate about this shit is people making their arguments based on whos mouth it came out of. People say something and then it is discredited or credited by the integrity level of the voice. Why isnt this industry controlled by actions?
Why is it that when a book rebounds from being for sale or taken over that the assurances we getting are from industry voices that say "ok we are good to go here" or "stay away".
No one wants us to listen to negative rumors yet no concrete numbers on paper tell otherwise.
I persoanlly am sick of this, He said she said attitude I'm expecting to base my bankroll on. Im sick of all the insiders saying "trust me" with a wink icon. next to it. All I need is for one shop to go under or slow pay me for 6 mos and my profits (or whats left after my losses) are gone. 200,000 hours wasted.
Its unfortunate that people have to yell fire when they smell smoke even when it may be a cigar being lit up vs the house on fire but it has to be done.
I Personally take all the information and make my decision based on overall risk but also consider recent actions and happenings and find it insulting when people get mad at your for questioning allegations.
Its my money and I will question everything until one of 3 things happen. The industry gets regulated, industry insiders will divulge their sources (defending or accusing) or books start showing financial records to the pulic. Nobody should be shooting down a legitimate concern without a fact for or against. There is too much "trust me" BS. This isnt directed to any site in particular or any person but its just what ticks me off. Its like insider trading. When a big wig knows something negative he can empty his stocks and causee an avalanche or he can build up a company by investing into shit then pulling out.
So yeah we kinda have the guilty till proven innocent thing going here. But as I said we have to look at actions..
There are some books coming off hard times or starting to do things uncharacteristic of a respectful operation. Now we are supposed to go by hear say.
What I really hate about this shit is people making their arguments based on whos mouth it came out of. People say something and then it is discredited or credited by the integrity level of the voice. Why isnt this industry controlled by actions?
Why is it that when a book rebounds from being for sale or taken over that the assurances we getting are from industry voices that say "ok we are good to go here" or "stay away".
No one wants us to listen to negative rumors yet no concrete numbers on paper tell otherwise.
I persoanlly am sick of this, He said she said attitude I'm expecting to base my bankroll on. Im sick of all the insiders saying "trust me" with a wink icon. next to it. All I need is for one shop to go under or slow pay me for 6 mos and my profits (or whats left after my losses) are gone. 200,000 hours wasted.
Its unfortunate that people have to yell fire when they smell smoke even when it may be a cigar being lit up vs the house on fire but it has to be done.
I Personally take all the information and make my decision based on overall risk but also consider recent actions and happenings and find it insulting when people get mad at your for questioning allegations.
Its my money and I will question everything until one of 3 things happen. The industry gets regulated, industry insiders will divulge their sources (defending or accusing) or books start showing financial records to the pulic. Nobody should be shooting down a legitimate concern without a fact for or against. There is too much "trust me" BS. This isnt directed to any site in particular or any person but its just what ticks me off. Its like insider trading. When a big wig knows something negative he can empty his stocks and causee an avalanche or he can build up a company by investing into shit then pulling out.
So yeah we kinda have the guilty till proven innocent thing going here. But as I said we have to look at actions..
There are some books coming off hard times or starting to do things uncharacteristic of a respectful operation. Now we are supposed to go by hear say.