Dear Sir,with all do respect to Wager-1 and OFFSHORE BETTING,here is my dilemma as following:Wagers were placed for the Foot Lock 3 Point Shoot Out.The lines were extremely high on all given players in the match up.This was a "WIN WIN" situation for anybody even with the Lowest Math Skills to figure out."OPPS", except for the knowledgeable skilled experts at WAGER-1.EX: As posted in the match up,LENARD + 550 vs. KORVER + 350.I can go on and on with all of the players in this section but I believe you understand this was a win situation with all the other players as well.Let me continue.I called Wager-1 by phone and asked if this was the match up,as denoted above as well as the others and they stated yes.I placed my bets they were accepted and confirm.After the games I viewed my account history only to see it was then cancelled. I called them by phone and asked why.They stated it was a Human Error and will not PAY-OUT.These are your " SO -CALLED EXPERTS".They should live by the rules as I must do so.Wager placed & accept the wager confirmation that wager is final &can not be revered.I myself at one point in time made an error in confirming a bet with wager-1(with odds being the same) hours before the game could not undo the bet.They stated once confirmed,A valid wager cannot be changed by myself or anyone.I took my lumps and paid the price,as well as they should.After speaking to a manager,they show no signs in reciprocating.So my question to you,what recourse if any do I have to collect,or can they be SHUT DOWN.FEED BACK PLEASE.Thank you for your concern in the above matter.Cordiality Yours,Dennis.......................... HERE IS THE POST AS STATED TO SHRINK@ THE PRESCRIPTION.I'M NEW ON THIS SITE I THOUGHT THIS POST WAS SENT TO THE BOARD.