The Osama Litmus Test...NY Times


Beach House On The Moon
Mar 20, 2001
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October 30, 2004

<NYT_KICKER>[size=-1]OP-ED COLUMNIST[/size] </NYT_KICKER><NYT_HEADLINE type=" " version="1.0">

The Osama Litmus Test

</NYT_HEADLINE><NYT_BYLINE type=" " version="1.0">[size=-1]By DAVID BROOKS[/size]
</NYT_BYLINE><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 align=right border=0><TBODY><TR><TD></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><NYT_TEXT>

he nuisance is back!

Remember when <ALT-CODE idsrc="nyt-per-pol" value="Kerry, John F" />John Kerry told Matt Bai of The Times Magazine that he wanted to reduce the terrorists to a nuisance? Kerry vowed to mitigate the problem of terrorism until it became another regrettable and tolerable fact of life, like gambling, organized crime and prostitution.

That was the interview in which he said Sept. 11 "didn't change me much at all." He said it confirmed in him a sense of urgency, "of doing the things we thought we needed to be doing."

Well, the Osama bin Laden we saw last night was not a problem that needs to be mitigated. He was not the leader of a movement that can be reduced to a nuisance.

What we saw last night was revolting. I suspect that more than anything else, he reminded everyone of the moral indignation we all felt on and after Sept. 11.

Here was this monster who killed 3,000 of our fellows showing up on our TV screens, trying to insert himself into our election, trying to lecture us on who is lying and who is telling the truth. Here was this villain traipsing through his own propaganda spiel with copycat Michael Moore rhetoric about <ALT-CODE idsrc="nyt-per-pol" value="Bush, George W" />George Bush in the schoolroom, and Jeb Bush and the 2000 Florida election.

Here was this deranged killer spreading absurd theories about the American monarchy and threatening to murder more of us unless we do what he says.

One felt all the old emotions. Who does he think he is, and who does he think we are?

One of the crucial issues of this election is, Which candidate fundamentally gets the evil represented by this man? Which of these two guys understands it deep in his gut - not just in his brain or in his policy statements, but who feels it so deep in his soul that it consumes him?

It's quite clear from the polls that most Americans fundamentally think Bush does get this. Last March, Americans preferred Bush over Kerry in fighting terrorism by 60 percent to 33 percent, according to the Gallup Poll. Now, after a furious campaign and months of criticism, that number is unchanged. Bush is untouched on this issue.

Bush's response yesterday to the video was exactly right. He said we would not be intimidated. He tried to take the video out of the realm of crass politics by mentioning Kerry by name and assuring the country that he was sure Kerry agreed with him.

Kerry did say that we are all united in the fight against bin Laden, but he just couldn't help himself. His first instinct was to get political.

On Milwaukee television, he used the video as an occasion to attack the president: "He didn't choose to use American forces to hunt down Osama bin Laden. He outsourced the job." Kerry continued with a little riff from his stump speech, "I am absolutely confident I have the ability to make America safer."

Even in this shocking moment, this echo of Sept. 11, Kerry saw his political opportunities and he took 'em. There's such a thing as being so nakedly ambitious that you offend the people you hope to impress.

But politics has shaped Kerry's approach to this whole issue. Back in December 2001, when bin Laden was apparently hiding in Tora Bora, Kerry supported the strategy of using Afghans to hunt him down. He told Larry King that our strategy "is having its impact, and it is the best way to protect our troops and sort of minimalize the proximity, if you will. I think we have been doing this pretty effectively, and we should continue to do it that way."

But then the political wind shifted, and Kerry recalculated. Now Kerry calls the strategy he supported "outsourcing." When we rely on allies everywhere else around the world, that's multilateral cooperation, but when Bush does it in Afghanistan, it's "outsourcing." In Iraq, Kerry supports using local troops to chase insurgents, but in Afghanistan he is in post hoc opposition.

This is why Kerry is not cleaning Bush's clock in this election. Many people are not sure that he gets the fundamental moral confrontation. Many people are not sure he feels it, or feels anything. Since he joined the Senate, what cause has he taken a political risk for? Has he devoted himself selflessly and passionately to any movement larger than himself?

We are revealed by what we hate. When it comes to Osama bin Laden, Kerry hasn't revealed whatever it is that lies inside.

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New member
Sep 21, 2004
you have just exposed two very, very evil men, have they no shame,? have they no morals? have they nothing but their own vanity?

Beach House On The Moon
Mar 20, 2001
Hey Darryl, until the election is settled I think offshore is an OnShore issue...if this page was limited to offshore issues instead of general political,NFL,NCAA,NBA.WNBA, and new posters, then the offShore thread count would still be at 100K....This is the best offshore,onshore,political, gambling opinion site on the Web.....Pro-Bush, Pro-Kerry, who cares as long as the facts are right. An informed decision is all a pollster wants.

There's always next year, like in 75, 90-93, 99 &
Sep 20, 2004
What an oddity that the op-ed propaganda left out -

"I truly am not that concerned about him [Osama bin Laden]," the president said, according to the official White House transcript.

Clearly the better man to defend America from terror is the incompitent twit that diverted troops away from the terrorists and their mastermind, thus allowing bin Laden to stay alive and plot more attacks on our country.

Sometimes I get the feeling that your eyeglasses are made of lead, and your radio is stuck on hypocryite turned drug-addict, Rush.

New member
Sep 20, 2004

I agree that so close to election time anything relevant to the elections is quite acceptable in Offshore. My comments were related to a lot of selective editing in the past few weeks in which pro-Kerry material was left alone while pro-Bush was moved to Politics.

Beach House On The Moon
Mar 20, 2001
Yes Darryl, I have noticed some selective thread moving in the past few weeks, too. The good news is that it has seemed to stop....Good luck, G

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