The Most Overrated Word in the Offshore World.


New member
Jan 1, 2001
I just stepped out for an hourly lunch and while enjoying a delicious rigatoni with eggplant I thought how overrated the word 'bankroll' really is.

The word bankroll is used daily by almost all gamblers, bookies alike. We use it during regular conversations, we post about it but I dont think it really means much of anything. What is a bankroll, specifically, what is your bankroll?

It is widespread knowledge that no bet should exceed 1 or 2 percent of your bankroll, that you should never have more than 10 percent of your bankroll on one given night. In theory, this sounds like a smart idea, however, once we get down to the details, I think the word bankroll breaks down and falls apart.

First, we have to decide what each persons bank roll is. Will it be 100, 1000, 5000 or 20,000 dollars? What criteria is used to come up with such a figure? Is it simply how much you can afford to lose? No, I dont think so, your financial situation is never the same, thus you can afford to lose more or less at any given moment. What then do you use as criteria to set your bankroll?

Now, you start wagering, your bankroll goes up, your bankroll goes down. Two things can happen that might alter your bankroll. One, you win alot, in which case you start thinking of taking a payout, thus reducing your bankroll significantly. What happens to the bankroll then? Do you put the money back in when the balance of your account starts going down?

The second option is, your bankroll starts going down, and ultimately, your bankroll becomes somebody else's bankroll. What happens then? Is that it? No more betting for you? This is very very hardly the case as the 'bankroll' was whatever you wanted it to be in the first place. Why not make it 25% more than what it originally was?

To make matters more complicated, setting up your bankroll where you can play is as complicated as it gets. Throw in the time, effort and fees, and you're looking at very distorted figures. Do you send all your bankroll offshore at once? Do you send 25% of it? Do you put 20% in one book and 20% in another? Getting paid is not as easy as it seems and that can work as a deterrent in a books favor. I know its a hassle to go get your picture taken, fax your ID, etc etc so some might think it twice before asking for that payout.

In general, the factor that makes the word bankroll, the most overrated word in the offshore world is the fact that, like I said, your bankroll is whatever you want it to be. Just like that, it can change overnight, or from one game to the next. I think there is no exact definition of what a bankroll really is and that, 99% of the time, is a recipe for D I S A S T E R .

Opinion are welcome.


New member
Feb 4, 2003
My bankroll is the amount of money I have offshore, or in Neteller. If you keep your money in reputable books, you don't have to worry about pulling it out every time. This is what I base my wager size on. If I want to add to it, I do. If I want to withdraw, I do.

Money in these accounts is not used to pay bills, go out to dinner, pay bar tabs, etc. It stays there, just like any other investment like a CD or savings account. If my financial situation changes, I'll add or subtract from my bankroll, but as rarely as possible.

I keep accurate records of the amount I have and use this to determine wager size. 1% = 1 unit, etc. Of course, if 1% is 59.68, then I just round up or down to the nearest closest number. In actuality, my unit size is probably 0.75-1.5% of bankroll at any given time.

New member
Jan 1, 2001
Its almost a science, durnkguy, very very thin line there between success and trouble. It isnt impossible to figure out but you seem to have a good grasp of the situation. Dont think everyone's mind is as clear though

New member
Feb 4, 2003
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by -SLIM-:
Its almost a science, durnkguy, very very thin line there between success and trouble. It isnt impossible to figure out but you seem to have a good grasp of the situation. Dont think everyone's mind is as clear though

Agreed. Good topic. I'm glad you brought it up - I'm sure it will help some people, or at elast get them thinking about it.


New member
Sep 21, 2004
I also agree that 'bankroll' is an overrated word in terms of gambling. What happens when someone's bankroll is G-O-N-E? They just get another bankroll somehow. Over your whole life, all of your gambling is really just with one big bankroll. Some gamblers set up thinking of a bankroll in terms of how much they can lose in a season, a year, etc. But really it comes down to how much can you lose in a lifetime. I think that not enough people out there really get that.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
bankroll in my mind is the amount of money from which i bet. it is held in a seperate bank account that is used for nothing else - no money is withdrawn except at the end of your betting year. all bets being a percentage of bankroll minimises losses through bad runs and maximises profits through good runs.bankroll as a word doesn't mean a great deal to me but the discipline and technique used in operating it is a science and is the basis for all profitable gambling. this is not just what books say, its common sense.

Sep 20, 2004
You hit the nail on the head....i would bet (there`s that word) that 95% send all the money they wager into ONE BOOK at a time...and bet 10% of their bankroll?

Most overrated word is B O N U S!

Another Day, Another Dollar
Mar 1, 2002
Nice post slim.

I rank Stand-up guy up there too. Seems everyone is a stand-up guy, but we know better

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