The Long List of Reasons why Democrats and the DNC Sucks Ass


Never bet against America.
Jul 3, 2014
Liberal behavior is difficult to understand in that it rebels against all that is good, right, and just plain common sense. I get that the weak minded vote for power hungry Democrats but what good is this power if you’re king of the sewer? Liberals suck in so many facets in life they just don’t get it. It really is mental illness and I’m just thankful to the Lord our God I don’t suffer from that disease.
Sep 21, 2004
[ Reason #35, DemoScum would rather protect illegal alien rapists and murderers than protect US citizens ]

[h=1]Illegal immigrants with sex, robbery convictions among those who evaded capture after Dem mayor's warning[/h]

By Adam Shaw | Fox News

[h=4]Will DOJ charge Oakland mayor with obstruction of justice?[/h]Does Department of Justice have a case against Oakland mayor who warned illegals about ICE raids? Criminal defense attorney Jonna Spilbor reacts on 'Fox & Friends First.'

A Democratic mayor’s warning to illegal immigrants of an incoming ICE raid in northern California may have led to a number of illegal immigrants with violent and sex-related convictions evading capture and deportation.
Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf tweeted out an impending warning of the four-day raid last week, alerting targeted individuals to the imminent arrests, and infuriating Immigrations and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officials, who say that many more could have been caught if they hadn't been warned.
The raid led to the arrest of 232 illegal immigrants in the San Francisco Bay Area, 180 of which ICE said “were either convicted criminals, had been issued a final order of removal and failed to depart the United States, or had been previously removed” from the country and had come back illegally.
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The arrests included 115 who "had prior felony convictions for serious or violent offenses, such as child sex crimes, weapons charges and assault, or had past convictions for significant or multiple misdemeanors."
But acting ICE Director Tom Homan said on "Fox & Friends" that Schaaf’s warning meant there are roughly 800 illegal immigrants they were unable to locate.
"What she did is no better than a gang lookout yelling 'police' when a police cruiser comes in the neighborhood, except she did it to an entire community. This is beyond the pale," he said.
"This is a whole new low, to intentionally warn criminals that law enforcement is coming," he added.
[COLOR=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2)]Video
[h=4]Acting ICE Director Tom Homan: We're not going away[/h]

A spokesperson for ICE gave Fox News examples of some of the unsavory characters who evaded officals during the raid.
One Mexican citizen had convictions for unlawful sexual intercourse with a minor and a conviction for driving under the influence (DUI), and had been deported in 2003.
Another who evaded capture had a conviction for sodomizing a drugged victim in 2012, as well as a DUI from this year -- that Mexican citizen had also been previously deported in 2013.
Another illegal immigrant from Mexico, previously deported in 2014 for a conviction for armed robbery, also evaded capture.
While the individuals dodged authorities, it is also not clear if there was a definitive link between Schaaf’s statement and their disappearance.
An official briefed on the plans at the Department of Homeland Security told The New York Times that ICE agents typically find only about 30 percent of their targets during a sweep, meaning that many of the 800 who evaded capture may not have been caught either way.
Schaaf came under intense national pressure, including from the White House, for her actions. White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders said the DOJ was conducting a review. But Schaaf stood by what she did.
"I did what I believe was right for my community as well as to protect public safety," Schaaf said Friday, according to NBC Bay Area. "People should be able to live without fear or panic and know their rights and responsibilities as well as their recourses."
Among those caught in the raid were immigrants with a lengthy list of convictions, including aggravated assault, murder, hit-run, lewd acts with a minor, burglary, cruelty toward a child, indecent exposure, domestic violence, drug trafficking, battery, sex offenses and false imprisonment.
In a press release, ICE pointed to the case of Armando Nunez-Salgado, a Mexican gang member who had been deported four times and had convictions including assault with a deadly weapon, burglary, hit-and-run causing injury and evasion of a police officer.
Another deportee was a Mexican gang member with convictions for, among other things, possession of a dangerous weapon, spousal abuse, burglary and battery on a police officer.
[COLOR=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2)]Video
[h=4]Oakland mayor stands by choice to share ICE raid information[/h]

In that statement, ICE also said that recent so-called "sanctuary city" legislation has hurt the agency’s ability to enforce immigration laws.
“Recent legislation has negatively impacted ICE operations in California by nearly eliminating all cooperation and communication with our law enforcement partners in the state by prohibiting local law enforcement from contracting with the federal government to house detainees,” the statement said.
“Ultimately, efforts by local politicians have shielded removable criminal aliens from immigration enforcement and created another magnet for more illegal immigration, all at the expense of the safety and security of the very people it purports to protect,” it said.


Sep 21, 2004
[ Reason #36, this vile hypocritical DemoScum sexual pervert abuser ]

[h=1]Eric Schneiderman Resigns as New York Attorney General Amid Assault Claims by 4 Women[/h]Image

Eric T. Schneiderman, the New York attorney general, had assumed a prominent role in the #MeToo movement.CreditDrew Angerer/Getty Images
Sep 21, 2004
[ Reason #37, this vile piece of shit was a treasonous traitor in Vietnam, and the amoral DemoScum were stupid enough to make him
Secretary of State. Now the piece of shit should be put in jail for violating the Logan Act in his dealings with Iran. ]

Report: John Kerry Should Be in Prison for Violating Logan Act

News Commentary
By Thomas | Featured Commentator | May 7, 2018 10:57AM


There are only a few days before the May 12th deadline for the Trump administration to re-certify the faulty Iran nuclear deal. Many senior former Obama-era officials tied to the Joint Plan of Comprehensive Action (JCPOA) apparently feel personally invested in the deal’s continuation. That’s because Obama’s dubious foreign policy legacy, along with their own credibility, hangs in the balance.

Ultimately, it’s up to President Donald J. Trump and his foreign policy team to stay or withdraw. And while you might think everyone understands this, Secretary of State John Kerry clearly does not! We’re now learning of a secret meeting with Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif in New York and strategizing with them in ways that are clearly meant to limit Trump’s options.
This is treason of the highest order. Kerry has spent a long career in the highest levels of government with access to highly classified documents. Now, he’s using his influence to purposefully undermine the sitting President of the United States, ensuring failure in negotiations with a hostile regime that is quickly developing nuclear arms… if they don’t secretly have them already!
This is in violation of the Logan Act (18 U.S.C. 953), which states:
Any citizen of the United States, wherever he may be, who, without authority of the United States, directly or indirectly commences or carries on any correspondence or intercourse with any foreign government or any officer or agent thereof, with intent to influence the measures or conduct of any foreign government or of any officer or agent thereof, in relation to any disputes or controversies with the United States, or to defeat the measures of the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.
Kerry knows exactly what he’s doing and is deliberately conspiring against his own country’s foreign policy interests.

That’s why Charles Hurt of the Washington Times wrote a piece entitled, “Throw John Kerry in jail.”
As Hurt opines:
Try to imagine for a second if some unelected diplomat from the Jimmy Carter administration had tried to interfere with President Reagan’s efforts to end the Cold War. Or if Condoleezza Rice had huddled with leaders from Iraq and Afghanistan to undermine President Obama’s policies in the region.
Of course, you cannot imagine that because it is unimaginable that even Jimmy Carter would have ever hired such a buffoon so utterly committed to hurting America.
Well, now that we are all so whipped up into such a frenzy over anyone who might be colluding with a foreign enemy to undermine the free will of the people and hijack the American political process, we should certainly take a hard look at Mr. Kerry.
And if he sets foot back at the United Nations are anywhere else Iran’s terror leaders can be found, Mr. Kerry should be arrested and thrown in jail.
As former New York City mayor and attorney to President Donald Trump, Rudy Giuliani, asked on ABC’s “This Week”, why does no one “seems to care” about former secretary of state John Kerry “violating the Logan Act?”

Sep 21, 2004
Reason #38 Harvey Weinstein and Reason #39 NBC News, who will cover up a rape, as long as it's a DemoSCUM that is the rapist.

Reports: NBC News Covered Up ‘Credible’ Rape Allegation Against Harvey Weinstein


AFP/File EDUARDO MUNOZ ALVAREZ31 Aug 2018479NBC News covered up a credible rape allegation against Harvey Weinstein, according to sources who spoke to the New York Times and Daily Beast.

“Three days before Ronan [Farrow] and I were going to head to L.A. to interview a woman with a credible rape allegation against Harvey Weinstein, I was ordered to stop, not to interview this woman,” an NBC News whistleblower told the far-left New York Times. “And to stand down on the story altogether.”
“Farrow was prepared to fly to California to interview a woman who was going to claim in silhouette on camera that Weinstein had raped her,” reports the far-left Daily Beast. “Farrow wanted to publish this interview and what he had already gathered, but network higher-ups said he needed more and would not allow Farrow to use an NBC News crew for the interview[.]”
The NBC News whistleblower is Rich McHugh, a 43-year-old producer who worked closely with Farrow on the Weinstein story. He left his job at NBC’s investigative unit some two weeks ago for an opportunity to work for Al Gore on a climate change documentary.
In order to tell his Weinstein story, Farrow was eventually forced to take his reporting to the New Yorker, where it was published two months later and won a Pulitzer Prize. Farrow felt he had no choice because NBC refused to run the story, kept putting him off, kept telling him the story was not solid enough.
This, of course, is ridiculous. Before he left, Farrow spent eight long months putting together his story, and by the time he left NBC he not only had the rape accuser, he had audio tape from a police undercover operation where Weinstein admitted to groping a model and other women.
Noah Oppenheim, the president of NBC News, told the New York Times Farrow “was never told to stop in the way he’s implying.”
Oppenheim, however, has yet to explain why audio tape of Weinstein (a big-time Democrat player and Clinton supporter, and the most powerful man in Hollywood at the time) admitting to groping women was not in and of itself a legitimate story.
As Breitbart News reported previously, Oppenheim’s conflicts of interest are jaw-dropping. Not only does Oppenheim moonlight as a screenwriter, he shared a table with Weinstein at the Time 100 Gala in April of 2017, which, according to the timeline above, happened months after Farrow had started his investigation.
According to the Daily Beast, Oppenheim is blaming his boss, NBC News Chairman Andy Lack, for making him the scapegoat.
Numerous outlets have reported this week that Lack is already on the chopping block over his mishandling of the Matt Lauer sexual harassment scandal and the hiring of Megyn Kelly, one of the most expensive duds in media history.
NBC News itself has also been under fire after the far-left network circled the wagons for MSNBC anchor Joy Reid, who serial lied as a means to blame a supposed hacker (that does not exist) for homophobic ravings published on her personal blog a decade ago.
In each of these instances, rather than bring in outside investigators to fully vet the scandal (as Fox News has done), NBC News chose to investigate NBC News, and each and every time NBC News was able to report that it found no wrongdoing at NBC News.
Chuck Todd, moderator of NBC’s Meet the Press, recently blamed Fox News for the public’s lack of faith in the establishment media. The current accusations against NBC News, the accusation NBC News covered up a credible rape allegation, come from two left-wing media outlets and a producer who now works for Al Gore.
Chuck Todd has yet to explain how Fox News orchestrated all of this.
Sep 21, 2004
Reason #40: It's ok to be a pedophile fag, if you are a DemoScum.

[h=1]Robin Wright on Kevin Spacey Allegations: I Believe in ‘Second Chances’[/h]

Netflix/IMDB 31 Aug 2018183
[h=2]Actress Robin Wright commented on sexual abuse allegations against her former House of Card’s co-star Kevin Spacey in an interview with Porter Edit published Friday.[/h]When asked by reporter whether Kevin Spacey deserved a “career reprieve,” Wright commented, “I don’t know how to comment on that, I really don’t.”
“I believe every human being has the ability to reform. Has the ability to reform. In that sense, second chances, or whatever you are going to call it – absolutely, I believe in that. It’s called growth,” she added.
She was also asked whether she feels sorry for Spacey “I feel sorry for anybody whose life is in the public arena. It’s a nightmare, can you imagine?” she replied.
Wright and Spacey starred together in the hit Netflix series House of Cards.
“We do a job, we share [a performance] with viewers. Why does our private life have to be public? I hate that part of this industry. It’s so invasive. I believe everyone’s personal life should be personal. Positive, negative, neutral, whatever – I don’t believe it should be anybody’s business,” she also told Porter Edit.
Last October, Spacey was accused of making a sexual advance on a 14-year-old, an accusation that he responded to in part by coming out as a “gay man.”
Following the initial accusation, Spacey was hit with multiple other accusations. He was eventually let go from House of Cards.
Sep 21, 2004
Reason #41, the worst fucking President of all time.

[h=1]Obama Complains Trump Getting Credit for ‘Economic Miracle’[/h]
Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images7 Sep 20183,160[h=2]Former President Barack Obama appeared upset on Friday that President Donald Trump was getting credit for the booming economy.[/h]The former president made his remarks at the University of Illinois after the United States economy posted more positive news; over 200,000 jobs created and a 3.9 percent unemployment rate in August.
Obama reminded students that they were probably too young to remember how the economy was on the brink of depression when he took office.
“When you hear how great the economy is doing right now, let’s just remember when this recovery started,” he said.

“When you hear about this economic miracle that’s been going on… when the job numbers come out … suddenly Republicans are saying, ‘It’s a miracle,'” he said. “I have to kind of remind them, actually those job numbers are the same as they were in 2015 and 2016.”

Active member
Jun 18, 2007
Sep 21, 2004
Reason #42 -> DemoScum love and embrace Voter Fraud

Election Fraud Expert Reveals Brenda Snipes “Found Ballots” in 2012 Too

November 13, 2018


Brenda Snipes is at the center of the contentious Florida recount. Snipes is the Broward County Election Supervisor, who is shrouded in controversy for her past performance and inability to provide transparency or finish vote counts on time.
Snipes is no stranger to scandal. As the Sun Sentinel reports, for 15 years, Snipes has served as Broward County’s elections chief, with mixed results. Long lines and vote counts that continued long after polls closed marred elections in 2002, 2004, 2006, 2012, 2016 and, of course, this year.

Among other issues:
— A court ruled she had broken election law when she destroyed ballots from the 2016 election 12 months after it, instead of the 22 months required by federal law.
— A medical marijuana amendment was left off some ballots in 2016.
— Election results in the 2016 primary were posted on the elections office’s website before polls closed, another violation of election law.
— In 2012, almost 1,000 uncounted ballots were discovered a week after the election
— In 2004, some 58,000 mail-in ballots were not delivered to voters, leaving election officials to scramble to send new ones.
Now, we’re also learning that back in 2012, Snipes was also accused of “finding new ballots.”
From Breitbart
Broward County, Florida election official Brenda Snipes — who is continuing to find new ballots in the recent statewide midterm elections for Governor and the U.S. Senate — was previously accused of finding ballots after an election in 2012.
Sep 21, 2004
Reason #4:

Pedophile Joe Biden


[h=1]Joe Biden Lied in 1987 with Claim He Marched in Civil Rights Movement[/h]

AP PhotoMATTHEW BOYLE3 Jun 2019Washington, D.C.
[h=2]Former Vice President Joe Biden, the 2020 Democrat frontrunner for president, lied in 1987 during his first of many runs for the Oval Office by claiming he marched in the Civil Rights Movement–something he never did.[/h]The New York Times‘ Matt Flegenheimer, in a Monday report, resurfaced the 1987 lie by Biden before an audience in New Hampshire, where he was campaigning for the Democrat nomination for president for the first time in his long political career.
“When I marched in the civil rights movement, I did not march with a 12-point program,” Biden said in New Hampshire in February 1987, according to the Times. “I marched with tens of thousands of others to change attitudes. And we changed attitudes.”
Flegenheimer, in describing the incident, writes that Biden was “riffing again,” including “an R.F.K. anecdote, a word about ‘civil wrongs,’ a meandering joke about the baseball commissioner,” and that Biden’s “aides knew enough to worry a little” given his tendency to make gaffes that severely hurt his political opportunities.
And when Biden made that false claim that he had marched in the Civil Rights Movement when in fact he had not done any such marching, his aides cringed, per the Times’Flegenheimer.
“More than once, advisers had gently reminded Mr. Biden of the problem with this formulation: He had not actually marched during the civil rights movement,” Flegenheimer wrote. “And more than once, Mr. Biden assured them he understood — and kept telling the story anyway.”
A few months later, in September 1987, Flegenheimer writes that Biden’s lies and “recklessness as a candidate” had finally “caught up with him.”
“He was accused of plagiarizing in campaign speeches,” Flegenheimer wrote. “He had inflated his academic record. Reporters began calling out his exaggerated youth activism.”
On Capitol Hill, Flegenheimer writes, Biden called a “stop-the-bleeding news conference” at which he “vowed that day to fight on.”
“I’ve done some dumb things,” Biden said at that presser. “And I’ll do dumb things again.”
Despite his vow to fight through the mess and keep campaigning for the Democrat nomination for president, Flegenheimer writes, Biden “quit the race within a week.”
“Thirty-two years later, as Mr. Biden seeks the presidency for a third time, his disastrous campaign for the 1988 Democratic nomination offers a revealing look at the personal tics and political flaws of the front-runner in the 2020 race — traits that, in many ways, continue to color Mr. Biden’s public life,” Flegenheimer writes.
These revelations about Biden falsely claiming to have marched in the Civil Rights Movement come on the heels of other recently resurfaced comments that Biden made in 1973, when as a newly elected U.S. Senator he made a number of racially insensitive remarks.
In addition to lecturing the City Club in Cleveland on what Biden believed was “good for the Negro,” the then newly-elected U.S. Senator laid out his ardent opposition to being held accountable for racial divisions in America. The comments surfaced in a book published by Ryan Grim, a leftist journalist and editor at the Intercept.
“Joe Biden, elected to the Senate in 1972, was a leading voice in the attempt to win back white working-class voters by showing them how tough Democrats could be against affirmative [action], school integration, and other priorities of the civil rights movement,” Grim writes in a section of his book. He added:
I do not buy the concept, popular in the ’60s, which said, “We have suppressed the black man for 300 years and the white man is now far ahead in the race for everything our society offers. In order to even the score, we must now give the black man a head start, or even hold the white man back, to even the race. I don’t buy that,” Biden told a Delaware weekly newspaper in 1975. “I don’t feel responsible for the sins of my father and grandfather.I feel responsible for what the situation is today, for the sins of my own generation. And I’ll be damned if I feel responsible to pay for what happened 300 years ago.”
Grim, in the next paragraph, continues by turning to the speech Biden gave to Cleveland’s City Club in 1973, in which he gave his opinion on what he thought is “good for the Negro.”
“In 1973, during a speech at the City Club in Cleveland, Biden told an audience that the Nixon-era resurgence of Republicans in the South was a good thing,” Grim writes:
“I think the two-party system,” he said, “although my Democratic colleagues won’t like my saying this, is good for the South and good for the Negro, good for the black in the South. Other than the fact that [southern Senators] still call me boy, I think they’ve changed their mind a little bit.”
Biden’s “swaggering” style of shoot-from-the-hip first, ask questions and plan tight messaging later, Flegenheimer writes in Monday’s Times piece, is how he has always been.
“Biden allies insist this run will succeed where his others failed,” Flegenheimer writes. “His discipline has improved, they say. He is now widely known and admired in the Democratic Party, affording him more latitude for slip-ups. For the first time, he enters the race as a genuine favorite, requiring no introduction.”

But there is concern, Flegenheimer writes, that Biden’s style may not be disciplined enough for Democrats badly in need of a win and against a formidable candidate himself in incumbent GOP President Donald Trump.
“Can he credibly present himself as a man in step with the times without sounding off-key or stretching the truth, as he did while gilding his 1960s-era biography?” Flegenheimer writes. “Can he win while mounting another campaign premised as much on personal characteristics — his decency, his integrity, his presumed electability — as any particular policy platform?”
Flegenheimer’s piece carries on with many other details of Biden’s 1988 bid–which ended before 1988 even came, in 1987–like how aides used to distribute prepared remarks to reporters of the then-senator’s planned speeches”with a semi-wry warning in capital letters atop the page,” which was: “Senator may stray from prepared remarks.”
The question for Biden now, moving forward, is whether or not he can avoid these pitfalls and mistakes, or if his gaffe-proneness will come back to haunt him. He has already made a number of mistakes, particularly with regard to unwanted touching of women, but is still standing atop the polls facing down a weak and wide field of other candidates including a number of senators. But, for now, nobody is even close to him in the polls–as he has double digit leads over everyone else. But will it last?


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