obvioulsy we all saw it but lets think a bit about this. first this was a strange event with inches making all the difference. I know millions are hot mad about this play and the fans.
The way I see it Alou goes up (he is not yelling get away get away) he goes up and does not catch a ball that is right at the edge of the stands 12 feet up. He does not make the catch. For God sake you are still up 3-0 with things going well. HEeloses his marbles and strats yelling like a paniced dog. At times like that so you dont rattle the pitcher and other players you keep you cool, sure your fuming on the inside but he should have waved to his teammates (and Pryor) that it was his fault, no big deal, lets get the next one. you still up 3-0. He rattled Pryor BIG BIG BIG time. (Also the pitching coach should hvae come out after Alou went crazy). Prior next pitch wild.....then 0-2 and he cant deliver, then his SS screws up. I put this on Alou..... Think about it.....