Top winners are...
#1 MarinerIslanderSean won $3000
#2 randyrohm won $1000
#3 scripter won $500
All have won betting accounts with International Island Sportsbook, Reduced Juice Internet Betting!
There is a prize for the 4th & 5th place still on going as well between theguesser, pete54, &
mr obvious. Good luck Men.
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Thanks iisportsbook
#1 MarinerIslanderSean won $3000
#2 randyrohm won $1000
#3 scripter won $500
All have won betting accounts with International Island Sportsbook, Reduced Juice Internet Betting!
There is a prize for the 4th & 5th place still on going as well between theguesser, pete54, &
mr obvious. Good luck Men.
Please visit and take a look around.
Thanks iisportsbook