The Incredible Bias of the American Media


Mar 7, 2005
Exactly How Biased is the American Media? The Sad Hard Facts
By JB Williams (08/22/08)

The average American voter is starting to come to grips with the fact that those who control the flow of their information, "the media," are neither independent nor unbiased.

In a September 2007 Gallup survey of American voters, 45% said the media is too liberal, compared to only 18% who said the media is too conservative and 35% who said the media is about right.

The results of that survey demonstrate how far left 18% of Americans are today, and how uninformed another 35% are. Only 45% have a good sense of just how biased the media really is, before they follow the money and confirm their suspicions.

It's the information age, so the media is made up of several sectors today. American thought patterns and political sentiments are influenced almost entirely by a combination of all of these sectors, collectively referred to as the media.

The Media Sectors and their to-date 2008 Political Investments

* Computer & Internet - $24,255,207 (62% to Democrats)
* Books, Magazines & Papers - $12,187,548 (78% to Democrats)
* Computer Software - $8,922,053 (61% to Democrats)
* Motion Picture Industry - $7,523,136 (88% to Democrats)
* Cable & Satellite TV - $6,303,046 (63% to Democrats)
* Music Recording Industry - $2,983,755 (79% to Democrats)
* Television Production and Distribution - $2,322,587 (86% to Democrats)

These numbers are 2008 total individual and PAC donations coming from the people who make up these media sector industries. But the picture is even more convincing when we begin to look at individual organizations.

Ever wonder why our education system is slanted hard left?

Here are some of the biggest publishers of educational materials.

* Reed Elsevier Inc. - $135,250 (69% to democrats) - Publisher and information provider, operating in four core segments: science and medical, legal, education, and business.
* Houghton Mifflin - $132,000 (97% to democrats) - Major publisher of textbooks, reference works, fiction, non-fiction, and educational software and video.
* National Geographic Society - $79,463 (95% to democrats) - provides free maps, photos, videos and daily news stories.

Ever wonder why the news media has a hard left bent?

* General Electric/NBC/MSNBC/CNBC - (88% to democrats)
* Disney - (86% to democrats) - Walt Disney Studios, Touchstone, Hollywood Pictures, and Miramax; owns television interests including ABC, the Disney Channel and ESPN; runs dozens of local television and radio stations.
* ABC News - (99% to democrats)
* BBC International - (62% to democrats)
* CBS News – (99% to democrats)
* CNN News – (99% to democrats and Ron Paul)
* Newsweb Corp - (100% to democrats) - a publisher of ethnic and alternative newspapers in the United States, based in Chicago, Illinois.
* Cox Newspapers - (100% to democrats) - Publishers of sixteen local newspapers in Georgia, North Carolina, Texas, Florida, and Ohio.
* Time Inc - (66% to democrats) - the largest magazine publisher in the US.
* News Corp - (95% to democrats) – Rupert Murdoch's global vertically integrated media company includes properties in film, television, cable.
* (Donor facts provided by Open Secrets)

Think the internet is more fair and balanced?

Guess who manipulates search engine results (aka online headlines)?

Google Inc. - (81% to democrats) – Biggest search engine and online news source.

Yahoo! Inc - (86% to democrats) – Search engine and online news source.

MSN – (91% to democrats) - Search engine and online news source.

In case you think the money trail doesn't prove anything… a glance at the last 18 years of political funding will change your mind!

Abortion is alive and well at the expense of a million innocent children a year because the pro-abortion lobby has spent $16,497,110 since 1990, 81% of it with Democrats while the pro-life lobby has spent only $5,906,234 during the same period, 94% of it with Republicans. Ever heard that the squeaky wheel gets the oil?

Americans still have the right to keep and bear arms thanks to the gun lobby spending $19,746,376 since 1990, 85% of it with Republicans while the gun control lobby has only spent $1,739,542 during the same period, 94% of it with Democrats.

Our public education system is still a mess because the teacher union lobby has spent $146,422,869 since 1990 to keep it that way, 71% of it with Democrats who are protecting union thugs instead of protecting students, many of whom can't even read their high school diploma. But teachers who won't teach have tenure…making sure they can continue to turn out illiterate voters who will undoubtedly become reliable leftist adults.

Health Care professionals have spent $418,899,866 since 1990 trying to improve health care in America, 57% of it with Republicans.

But trial lawyers eager to reach into the deep pockets of health care providers and their employers spent $935,326,123, 73% of it with Democrats, making sure that the right to sue supersedes the right to affordable quality health care.

Our children are indoctrinated with leftwing secular socialist garbage 24/7 from every direction they turn because the entertainment industry (TV, Movies and Music) has spent $231,936,767 since 1990 to buy their right to fill our kid's heads with secular socialist hogwash, 69% of it with Democrats.

And those nasty lobbyists that everyone loves to hate, continue to influence peddle for a mere $143,792,645 since 1990, 52% of it with Democrats who claim to oppose lobbyists.

Ever study Hedge Funds? Do so and find out why Hedge Fund managers like George Soros, who almost single handedly bankrupted the British currency a few years ago, have invested $30,716,248 in American politics since 1990, $12,025,977 in 2008 alone, 70% of it with Democrats.

The average American voter relies upon his "eyes and ears" (the mass media) for the information he/she will use to make decisions about the future of their country. Public sentiment is developed by the flow of information and he who controls the flow of that information, controls public sentiment and in a democratic republic, public policy.

The fact that the American mass media is made up of leftwing nuts who control the news room, TV, Movies, Book and Magazine, Computer and Internet industries, should explain to every American why the majority of Americans no longer support the concept of victory in the ongoing war on terror. After seven years of media coverage limited to seven years of doom and gloom body counts, who could possibly support that?

49% of Americans say they believe the mass media is in the bag for Barack Obama as opposed to the 14% who think the media is pro-McCain. How perceptive! But what will average Americans do with this new found information?

Will they use the knowledge of an overly biased mass propaganda system to fight against the tide of a leftist media establishment, or will they follow along like blind sheep on their way to slaughter?

Above all else, the 2008 election cycle will provide the answer to this question. Barack Obama, the most under-qualified individual to ever seek the Oval Office is quite clearly the chosen one of the American mass media establishment. Even the Clintons found this out the hard way.

Now that American voters know who is controlling their information, what will they do with this information?

Ignorance is the absence of information. But stupidity is the possession of information and the refusal to use it wisely.

Just in case you still need more hard evidence, here's the latest Media Research Center study on campaign coverage for the 2008 election.

Article URL: Copyright ©2007 AmericanDaily.Com

Aug 17, 2008
If 1 year ago you would have told me that Hillary Clinton would NOT be the democratic nomination for president, I would have called you crazy.

Rx .Junior
Feb 24, 2005
I would hardly call Rupert Murdoch and Fox News 95% to democrats believeable...

a poor me republican Opinion piece... where is AM Radio on there?

Mar 7, 2005
Lou Dobbs: 'My Colleagues in the Media Are Absolutely Biased'
By Noel Sheppard (Bio | Archive)
August 25, 2008 - 09:50 ET

An astonishing thing happened on CNN Sunday evening: Lou DOBBS told his guests, "My colleagues in the national media are absolutely biased, in the tank supporting the Obama candidacy while claiming the mantle of objectivity," and they agreed.

I kid you not. [audio clip available here]

Joining DOBBS in this extraordinary discussion about liberal bias at America's leading press outlets were syndicated columnist and CNN contributor Diana West, syndicated columnist Miguel Perez, and Democratic strategist Hank Sheinkopf.

Readers should prepare themselves for an alternate reality (partial transcript follows, h/t NB reader Chris John):
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LOU DOBBS, HOST: You know, it's really not working because the fact is we have a tied race here. You know, with all the national media, as I've been saying here for months, in the tanks. My colleagues in the national media are absolutely biased, in the tank supporting the Obama candidacy while claiming the mantle of objectivity. Whether they're in the front page of "The Washington Post," "The New York Times," whether it's any one of the news casts, I mean, it's ridiculous.

Now we have a situation where everything is tied up here, Diana. Is it possible, however, for Senator McCain to actually gain a significant lead here?

DIANA WEST, CNN CONTRIBUTOR: Well, I think it is possible. I mean, it's really, it's really hard to say exactly how these things are going, but this kind of superficial attack from the Obama campaign is not helping him at all. You have to remember that this particular attack came within 24 hours of another Obama ad that was trying to link McCain to Ralph Reed, to the convicted lobbyist Jack Abramoff.

DOBBS: They have 527s. They've got 527s all over the town -

WEST: Exactly, and the McCain campaign came back with another huge response talking about if you want to play guilt by association, let's talk some more about former weatherman -

DOBBS: What happened to the post partisan lofty elevated discourse we're going to have, Miguel?

MIGUEL PEREZ, SYNDICATED COLUMNIST: I'm still waiting for it, unfortunately.

WEST: But who wants it?

PEREZ: Look, what the media has failed at here is putting pressure on Obama, especially, because McCain wanted to do those meetings together with Obama, those public forums.

DOBBS: The town hall meetings.

PEREZ: Yes, and Obama has really evaded the issue and the media has not been after him for it. And I think that's disgraceful.

DOBBS: Well, I think the way the national media in this country right is performing, is disgraceful. And I mean, when we - "The Washington Post" had the courage to admit that it - Deborah Howell, the public editor, the ombudsman for the "Washington Post" ran a piece this past Sunday acknowledging that "The Washington Post" has put Barack Obama on the front pages of the Washington Post three times as many times as Senator McCain. "Time" magazine has run seven covers with Obama. McCain two. I mean, this is not close, folks. And it is ugly. It is nasty. And I guarantee you, we are watching a shift in the way in which the media in this country, which is already reviled by the public, I believe it's going to be even worse.

I'm an advocacy journalist. I'm an independent populist. When I speak, people know where I'm coming from. When these news organizations are doing this and trying to pretend cloaking themselves in the mantle of objectivity, you know, they're silly, (trulish), absolutely in my opinion, despicable phonies. They need to step out, they need to be objective or get their opinions out where it can be examined. We're going to be right back. Next, Hank Sheinkopf. He'll tell us about what he thinks of media bias. We'll be right back.

DOBBS: Well, we're back and I want to take a look at the "Time" magazine cover. Seven times, seven times in the past year, Barack Obama has been placed on the cover of "Time" magazine. Now, John McCain twice. Hank Sheinkopf, that is rather typical of the inundation of affection, the inundation of Barack Obama with the affection of the national media. What is your reaction as a democratic strategist?

HANK SHEINKOPF, DEMOCRATIC STRATEGIST: Good for democrats, not so good for the nation in the long term. Barack Obama is interesting, he's new, therefore he is news. OK. The fact that a black man can reach that pinnacle of success, raise the amount of money, run this kind of organization, beat Hillary Clinton is big news. At some point there has to be some fairness in the discussion. The problem here from the beginning is from day Obama showed up, I was wondering when the reporters will start chiseling his face on to Mt. Rushmore and the guy hadn't even won the nomination yet. That's the danger here, Lou. And people know it and they're not stupid. Average guy says wait a second, I want news and he isn't getting it.

DOBBS: He's not getting it. He's not getting it for a lot of reasons, and she's not getting it. We're not getting it, because budgets have been cut by corporate, main stream media. We have fewer people making any point of fact, in many cases, making less money to do even bigger job in a more complex society. Miguel, your reaction?

PEREZ: Oh, look, in reaction to what both of you are saying, and what Hank just said about what's new. I went to journalism school. I teach journalism. You have to put aside what's new in terms of, when it comes to fairness. And when you're covering an election, you definitely have to be fair to both sides. And what's new is not a valid argument for the media. So you know, as a member of the media, I can tell you it's wrong to be doing that, you know, absolutely wrong.

DOBBS: I mean, I've said for some time, Diana West, that I believe, because I issue from time to time, like you, a few strong opinions. But as I say, everyone knows where I come from and I'm making no bones about what I'm doing. I'm an advocacy journalist. But I truly believe, Diana West, that every - I like you all to think about this, maybe every reporter on television, every editor, every reporter in the newspapers and magazines and on the web, there ought to be a little identification like we put on the lower third of the screen for an elected official, D or republican from Iowa or Des Moines or whatever, put that under there, we're journalist, declare yourself.

PEREZ: That's why newspapers have an opinion page.

DOBBS: Right.

PEREZ: It should be, opinions should be left to that page, not to the front page.

DOBBS: Right. Well, you and I know that. The editors of "The New York Times," "The Washington Post" and "The Los Angeles Times," it's a crying shame. "The Washington Times" as well, Diana West.

WEST: Well, you know, "The Washington Times" is - certainly has been covering news from a more conservative angle. But in terms of the -

DOBBS: I think that's a gentle way to put it. That's like saying "The New York Times" has a more liberal angle.

WEST: Well, yes. I mean -

DOBBS: Come on, you're -

WEST: If you actually - No, no, no. I don't actually work for "The Washington Times" anymore.

DOBBS: I know that. But you should have an independent view.

WEST: I do. I have a very independent view.

DOBBS: Go get them.

WEST: I would say if you had a tally of that news room, you would find that it probably represents a conservative democratic split that's much closer to the national average than any other of the other news rooms you're talking about. That said, what we're seeing with the Obama - I think it will eventually ricochet on Obama. I think that people are getting very distressed and irritated about it. But the bias continues and, you know, it even came out with the coverage of these back and forth on gas this week in terms of the heirs connection, because most of the papers was reading, "USA Today," "The Associated Press," they were not covering the challenge that the -

DOBBS: We got to wrap this up very quickly.

Absolutely amazing. Bravo, folks.

Nov 9, 2005
Thanks MJ. It's amazing how biased the MSM is. I think the american public is tired of it, and we are seeing it in the poll numbers!!

Mar 7, 2005
Thanks MJ. It's amazing how biased the MSM is. I think the american public is tired of it, and we are seeing it in the poll numbers!!

I think you nailed it. :toast:

Once again the left over plays its hand....they honestly think they can just push it down peoples throats...American's don't like that.

Mar 7, 2005
The old lefty dinosaur media is dead...thank God for Fox News and talk radio.:aktion033

New York Times Co. July revenue falls 10.1%

By Jim Romenesko

Associated Press | New York Times release
Overall Internet revenue rose 2.6% with online ad revenue adding 5.5%. The print edition New York Times had 15.3% lower ad revenue, while July ad revenue for the New England media group, which includes The Boston Globe, dropped 24.5%.


Sep 22, 2004
....they honestly think they can just push it down peoples throats...American's don't like that.
I don't know.
People never seem to tire of racist stuff.
Iswamic tewwowists.
Blacks about to start running America.

Seems to be good copy if you ask me.:drink:

Rx .Junior
Feb 24, 2005
The old lefty dinosaur media is dead...thank God for Fox News and talk radio.:aktion033

New York Times Co. July revenue falls 10.1%

By Jim Romenesko

Associated Press | New York Times release
Overall Internet revenue rose 2.6% with online ad revenue adding 5.5%. The print edition New York Times had 15.3% lower ad revenue, while July ad revenue for the New England media group, which includes The Boston Globe, dropped 24.5%.


Yeah without Fox News and AM radio.. How would you EVER think on your own?? :lol:

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