I call'em the way I see'em.
I like Scott, but he needs to 'stiffen' up (lol) and stop falling for the PC 'multicultural' bullshit. Ask the crusaders, Islam is the scourge of the Earth.
It's not just the "few militants"
Remember, tolerance is a two way street - no country with Muslim majority respects or tolerates ANYONE. That is a fact libtards cannot refute. When Muslims start letting us build churches, synagogues in their countries...when Muslims allow atheists to speak their minds and stop stoning sodomites...when people aren't afraid to make jokes about Mohammed without getting killed...when they stop teaching their kids to hate and dressing them up in cameo...then come back to me and lecture me about 'tolerance'
Muslims are as 'tolerant' as Nazis and should be treated accordingly.
Woe to Muslims the world over if the West grows a spine and elects
real leaders.