The Greatest Week in Golf.... The Masters


Self appointed RX World Champion Handicapper
Nov 20, 2001
the changes at 7 were idiotic ... that fairway is so narrow .

also , 240 yard 4th hole is a joke. 210 would be plenty .
Oct 21, 2004
<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="560"><tbody><tr><td width="555"><table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tbody><tr valign="top"><td>Amen Corner Live</td> <td width="5"> </td> <td><script language="JavaScript"><!--// var dclkFeaturesponsor=''+vTag+';'+vTarget+';'+uID+';sz=234x60;tile=5;ord='+random+'?'; if (switchDclk != 'off') { if ('DCLK')>-1) document.write('<input type="text" value="'+dclkFeaturesponsor+'" style="width:234px">
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It's one of the most eagerly awaited stretches of holes in golf -- Nos. 11, 12 and 13 at Augusta National Golf Club. Welcome to Amen Corner.
Golf history has been made at these holes. Now it's your turn to watch the drama unfold everyday at this year's Masters as each group passes through one of the most difficult stretches of holes in golf. Watch as players tackle No. 11, one of Augusta National's most difficult par 4s. The excitement increases on No. 12, the scenic par 3 bordered by Rae's Creek. Then it's on to No. 13, a par 5 that's a great eagle oppurtunity and has helped decide many Masters over the years.
<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tbody><tr> <td colspan="2"> Approximate Broadcast Schedule (weather permitting): </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="5">·</td> <td>Thursday, April 6: 10:30 a.m. - 5 p.m. ET</td> </tr> <tr> <td width="5">·</td> <td>Friday, April 7: 10:30 a.m. - 5 p.m. ET</td> </tr> <tr> <td width="5">·</td> <td>Saturday, April 8: 12:30 p.m. - 5 p.m. ET</td> </tr> <tr> <td width="5">·</td> <td>Sunday, April 9: 1:30 p.m. - 6 p.m. ET</td> </tr> </tbody></table>

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New member
Sep 21, 2004
My thouhgts -

Robert Allenby - has the length and patience for Augusta. A great long shot choice

Woods head is still all f'd up and his swing is just not there.
Singh - fighting a bad takeaway and putting poorly - not good for Augusta this year
Phil - hard to argue with last week's performance. Good short game will keep him close. If wife Amy lets Lefty do her tonight, he has a solid shot.
Adam Scott - solid choice
Toms - not nearly long enough even with a good short game

Olazabal - excellent choice as well. Been putting great and has the length.
Oct 21, 2004
Good commentary from a PGA Tour Member ...

n the condition of anonymity a PGA Tour pro evaluates the changes made to Augusta National -- length will be even more important but so will chipping and putting -- and ranks the top 10 contenders (in ascending order) to win the Masters 10. DAVID HOWELL
Age: 30
World Rank: 13th
Worldwide Wins: 5
I don't know much about him, to be honest, but I know two things that matter: Howell's a great putter, and he beat Tiger Woods in November in Shanghai. If you can stand up to Tiger, you can win a major. This guy is terrific around the greens. He reminds me of Curtis Strange in his prime because he has no weaknesses and the sum of his game is greater than the parts. Howell came from nowhere to crack the top 15 in the World Ranking last year despite missing two months with a torn stomach muscle. Watch out, Sergio: Your reign as the top-ranked European may be over.
Final Fore: I'm not sure he has a Masters win in him, but I'm not sure he doesn't. I do know he'll be one tough opponent in the Ryder Cup.
Age: 40
World Rank: 22nd
Worldwide Wins: 29
It's counterintuitive, but the National's changes could help José María. If the course plays longer and players miss more greens, the tournament will turn into a short-game contest, and that plays into Ollie's hand. The good news is, he's hitting the driver -- his longtime problem club -- longer and straighter. The bad news is, he's 40 (an old 40, if you know what I mean). He's not automatic on the four-footers. He missed one at Torrey Pines when he lost to Tiger Woods and missed at least two in Atlanta last year when he lost to Phil Mickelson in a playoff.
Final Fore: How can you win the Masters twice and still come in under the radar? If you've tamed Augusta before, you can do it again.
Age: 43
World Rank: 2nd
Worldwide Wins: 50
The National is guaranteed to expose your weakness, especially if it's putting. Vijay's putting stats aren't as bad as I thought (he ranks tk in putts per green hit in regulation), but he's not making anything that matters. I don't think he's a good putter. His long, languid swing doesn't translate well into a putting stroke -- he's mechanical and rigid, and his body language makes him look like a guy who suspects he's about to miss. (Trust me, I've been there.) You know Vijay will hit it well, and he's not going to lose any shots left. I wouldn't be surprised if he notched another backdoor top 10 because his ball striking is so extraordinary, but you don't win a major in the Tiger Woods era without a phenomenal putting week.
Final Fore: I don't see his putter giving him a chance to win unless he has a miraculous turnaround. In fact, I have a feeling that his putting could totally blow up on him.
Age: 37
World Rank: 11th
Worldwide Wins: 4
Chris is the perennial Masters dark horse. He's a bulldog, the new Corey Pavin. He's the guy always nipping at your heels. I'm afraid the National's added length may tip the scales against him. He's the last guy I thought I'd see in the fitness trailer, but he has gotten off the couch and worked to get stronger because he knew the National got longer. He says he has picked up eight or 10 yards off the tee, but these days they lengthen Augusta National in 50-yard chunks. Chris is a terrific iron player and a great scrambler, but he doesn't spin the ball much. That was O.K. hitting a six- or seven-iron into these greens, but maybe not O.K. if he's hitting a four- or five-iron. That could be a big difference.
Final Fore: It defies logic that Chris, a medium-length hitter, has almost won a couple of Masters. Forget logic and stick with history. If he keeps that claw grip working with the putter, Chris will find a way to contend even if they stretch the National to 9,000 yards.

Age: 26
World Rank: 6th
Worldwide Wins: 16
The one giant question mark for Sergio, as usual, is putting. I think he's gotten better, but he ranked 196th on Tour last year. Wow! That is startlingly ugly for a player of his caliber. There's a premium on pitching and putting at the National, and maybe if Sergio's shortcomings are exposed, he'll realize how much better he needs to be if he wants to play on Tiger's level. People say, "Give him time, he's only 26." I say, He's been out here a long time -- this is his seventh full year -- and he's been dining off the memory of the 1999 PGA long enough.
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Age: 34
World Rank: 25th
Worldwide Wins: 11
Last year was a write-off for Padraig. He pulled out of the British after his father died following a long illness. He also missed the cut in the other three majors. Padraig is 34, and he's been the Davis Love of Europe -- a guy who plays consistently well, comes close a lot (26 seconds) and wins now and then. Padraig's a thinker and a little swing-conscious and overly mechanical at times. However, he's one of the best putters in Europe and an excellent scrambler -- two things a Masters champion must be.
Final Fore: It's time for him to step up in the majors. He seems determined. He's playing for his father this year, and that would be a great story.
Age: 3
World Rank: 8th
Worldwide Wins: 11
David missed the cut the last two years at Augusta, and believe me, players remember stuff like that. Sure, he wants to contend, but his first goal is going to be simply getting to the weekend. He's not in the upper echelon in length, but his iron play is terrific and he's a great putter. Lengthening the course will hurt David a little. His pitch shots may be a tad suspect, but then again, he doesn't miss many greens. DT had a hot start this year -- he won in Hawaii and came close at Doral and the Honda. If I had to pick the second-best player in the world right now, it might be David. Last year he got sidetracked by a lawsuit (against his former agent), Hurricane Katrina and heart surgery. I'd rate him as supermotivated after all that, and so far it shows.
Final Fore: If a medium-length hitter can step up and challenge Tiger, David is the guy. Can I see him in a green jacket? Yes, definitely.
Age: 36
World Rank: 5th
Worldwide Wins: 57
The Big Easy literally wiped out in '05. Not only was he not a factor in the first three majors, he also blew out his knee riding one of those hot-dogging inner tubes pulled by a boat, underwent surgery and missed the PGA, which may have been a blessing in disguise. I think that forced layoff and a chance to stay home were just what golf's globe-trottingest player needed. Now Ernie is mentally fresh and reenergized, and it showed when he won the Dunhill Links, his first tournament back in Europe. He also dunked a shot in the water in Dubai to lose a playoff to Tiger, so I guess the time off didn't cure everything. Ernie's tempo is so good it can mask a few swing flaws, but he has amazing touch around the greens and generally makes this game look annoyingly easy.
Final Fore: Continuing the nautical theme, I think Ernie's boating mishap may lead to his ship finally coming in at Augusta. He's due to catch a good wave.
Age: 35
World Rank: 4th
Worldwide Wins: 28
In winning at Augusta two years ago, Phil hit on something that works for him in majors -- give up a little distance and use a controlled cut off the tee. The incongruity is that goes against everything Phil stands for and is probably why he got away from that plan until the PGA at Baltusrol. Phil's all about length -- he hates it when anybody blows it past him. I hear he's been tinkering with a 47-inch driver, but Phil doesn't need extra distance. He's driving the ball better this year and keeping it in play. His short game is as sharp as I've ever seen it. He is extremely good at pitch shots, which is key at Augusta. Touch and feel are his strong suits. He needs to guard against overpreparing. He wears himself out checking every blade of grass with short-game expert Dave Pelz.
Final Fore: Phil's short game is so good that it'll be an upset if he's not in the top three.
And the winner is..
Age: 30
World Rank: 1st
Worldwide Wins: 58
I'm sure Tiger didn't shed a tear when they announced the changes to Augusta National. I bet he was probably applauding. With his length, the changes play right into his hands. His short game is winning tournaments for him now -- boring, but true. Seriously, his short game is second to none, and that's a big reason he'll win again. He really improved his chipping during the off-season. (It may have slipped because he worked so hard on swing changes last year.) Because of the course changes, I think you'll see players pitching from different spots than they're used to, and who's better at getting up and down from a garbage can? (I'm sure the Augusta folks would refer to it as a refuse containment system.) Tiger's loose shots are a little looser than they used to be; he hits too many flares to the right. I don't think he's back to the level he reached in 2000, when he was in total control of his game (he wasn't finishing bogey-bogey to win tournaments back then), but it doesn't matter. Now he can dominate with his short game.
Final Fore: I get tired of picking Tiger to win, but hey, he's the best in the world by a big margin. And by lengthening the course, Augusta National has finally succeeded not in Tiger-proofing the Masters but in Tiger-sealing it: Nobody but Tiger may ever win again.
Issue date: April 4, 2006

Nov 15, 2005
This is the best time of the year for sports...I love to watch and the fact that there is only 4 minutes of commercials is awesome...Time for the green jackets boys and girls


Professional At All Times
Dec 3, 2003
Tee Times (EST)

<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 border=0><TBODY><TR vAlign=top><TD>Tee Times </TD><TD width=5> </TD><TD><SCRIPT language=JavaScript><!--//var dclkFeaturesponsor=''+vTag+';'+vTarget+';'+uID+';sz=234x60;tile=5;ord='+random+'?';if (switchDclk != 'off') { if ('DCLK')>-1) document.write('<input type="text" value="'+dclkFeaturesponsor+'" style="width:234px">
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First-round tee times
<TABLE cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=2 width="100%"><TBODY><TR class=bg0><TD>Time</TD><TD colSpan=3>Players</TD></TR><TR class=bg2><TD>8:00 AM</TD><TD>Rod Pampling</TD><TD>Lucas Glover</TD><TD>Olin Browne</TD></TR><TR class=bg2><TD>8:11 AM</TD><TD>Larry Mize</TD><TD>Ben Crane</TD><TD>David Duval</TD></TR><TR class=bg2><TD>8:22 AM</TD><TD>Ben Crenshaw</TD><TD>Clay Ogden</TD><TD>Trevor Immelman</TD></TR><TR class=bg2><TD>8:33 AM</TD><TD>Nick Faldo</TD><TD>Miguel Angel Jimenez</TD><TD>Rich Beem</TD></TR><TR class=bg2><TD>8:44 AM</TD><TD>Ray Floyd</TD><TD>Vaughn Taylor</TD><TD>Rocco Mediate</TD></TR><TR class=bg2><TD>8:55 AM</TD><TD>Gary Player</TD><TD>Dillon Dougherty</TD><TD>Rory Sabbatini</TD></TR><TR class=bg2><TD>9:06 AM</TD><TD>Fuzzy Zoeller</TD><TD>Charles Howell III</TD><TD>Paul McGinley</TD></TR><TR class=bg2><TD>9:17 AM</TD><TD>Tom Watson</TD><TD>Brian McElhinney</TD><TD>Michael Campbell</TD></TR><TR class=bg2><TD>9:28 AM</TD><TD>Ian Woosnam</TD><TD>Tim Clark</TD><TD>Tom Lehman</TD></TR><TR class=bg2><TD>9:39 AM</TD><TD>Mark Calcavecchia</TD><TD>David Howell</TD><TD>Thongchai Jaidee</TD></TR><TR class=bg2><TD>9:50 AM</TD><TD>Mike Weir</TD><TD>Retief Goosen</TD><TD>Todd Hamilton</TD></TR><TR class=bg2><TD>10:01 AM</TD><TD>Jose Maria Olazabal</TD><TD>David Toms</TD><TD>Luke Donald</TD></TR><TR class=bg2><TD>10:12 AM</TD><TD>Vijay Singh</TD><TD>Henrik Stenson</TD><TD>Arron Oberholser</TD></TR><TR class=bg2><TD>10:23 AM</TD><TD>Tiger Woods</TD><TD>Edoardo Molinari</TD><TD>Robert Allenby</TD></TR><TR class=bg2><TD>10:34 AM</TD><TD>Fred Couples</TD><TD>Jim Furyk</TD><TD>Shigeki Maruyama</TD></TR><TR class=bg2><TD>10:56 AM</TD><TD>Charles Coody</TD><TD>Ted Purdy</TD><TD>Brandt Jobe</TD></TR><TR class=bg2><TD>11:07 AM</TD><TD>Tim Herron</TD><TD>Nick O'Hern</TD><TD>Mark Hensby</TD></TR><TR class=bg2><TD>11:18 AM</TD><TD>Justin Leonard</TD><TD>Stephen Ames</TD><TD>Sean O'Hair</TD></TR><TR class=bg2><TD>11:29 AM</TD><TD>Bernhard Langer</TD><TD>Zach Johnson</TD><TD>Bart Bryant</TD></TR><TR class=bg2><TD>11:40 AM</TD><TD>Scott Verplank</TD><TD>Colin Montgomerie</TD><TD>Joe Ogilvie</TD></TR><TR class=bg2><TD>11:51 AM</TD><TD>Shaun Micheel </TD><TD>Lee Westwood</TD><TD>Ben Curtis</TD></TR><TR class=bg2><TD>12:02 PM</TD><TD>Sandy Lyle</TD><TD>Billy Mayfair</TD><TD>Peter Lonard</TD></TR><TR class=bg2><TD>12:24 PM</TD><TD>John Daly</TD><TD>Carl Pettersson</TD><TD>Jason Bohn</TD></TR><TR class=bg2><TD>12:35 PM</TD><TD>Mark O'Meara</TD><TD>Thomas Levet</TD><TD>Darren Clarke</TD></TR><TR class=bg2><TD>12:46 PM</TD><TD>Fred Funk</TD><TD>Stuart Appleby</TD><TD>Chad Campbell</TD></TR><TR class=bg2><TD>12:57 PM</TD><TD>Stewart Cink</TD><TD>Thomas Bjorn</TD><TD>K.J. Choi</TD></TR><TR class=bg2><TD>1:08 PM</TD><TD>Chris DiMarco</TD><TD>Sergio Garcia</TD><TD>Geoff Ogilvy</TD></TR><TR class=bg2><TD>1:19 PM</TD><TD>Craig Stadler</TD><TD>Kevin Marsh</TD><TD>Padraig Harrington</TD></TR><TR class=bg2><TD>1:30 PM</TD><TD>Phil Mickelson</TD><TD>Shingo Katayama</TD><TD>Ernie Els</TD></TR><TR class=bg2><TD>1:41 PM</TD><TD>Davis Love III</TD><TD>Angel Cabrera</TD><TD>Adam Scott</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
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Simply the best
Sep 20, 2001
My early plays from Betjm

Golf Events - The 2006 Masters - April 06 - 09 - The Masters - Group Betting - 731 Round the World - Best Final Score - Shigeki Maruyama +500

Longshot but Shigeki needs to beat Wier, Choi, Harrington and Jimenez

Golf Events - The 2006 Masters - April 06 - 09 - The Masters - Group Betting - 701 Top Stars - Best Final Score - Tiger Woods +165

Tiger needs to beat the best to cash this ticket. The best are Phil, Retief, VJ and Ernie.

Golf Events - The 2006 Masters - April 06 - 09 - The Masters - General Props - 512 Will a Past Champion Win the 2006 Masters - Yes -120

At -120 this seems like a reasonable play.

Golf Events - The 2006 Masters - April 06 - 09 - The Masters - Finishing Position - 611 Will Sergio Garcia finish in the Top 14 - Yes -105

I like Sergio, he has talent but can seriously choke at times.

Golf Events - The 2006 Masters - April 06 - 09 - The Masters - Finishing Position - 605 Will Retief Goosen finish in the Top 8 - Yes -120

Goosen can play these glass greens with anyone.

GLTA ...

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