The first is here, time to shape up!


Let's get down to brass tacks. How much for the ap
Jul 5, 2006
GD I would recommend going on the soup diet. You may laugh at this but a few months back I weighed 186. I did the week diet lost 15lbs. started going to the gym doing cardio 3-5 days a week and lifting weights. I've done the diet 3 times and have lost at least 10lbs everytime and have managed to keep it off. I weighed in at 160 this morning. Try it you wont be dissapointed. Here's the link

it's easy to follow and the soup is pretty good.

New member
Jun 13, 2007
I don't know your exact situation or how bad the pain is, but check this out. A few times a week I see this old man at the local gym. This guy looks like he is at least 75. He has a noticeable limp and uses a cane.

To get to the workout area, one must negotiate about 20 steps. It must take the old man close to 4 minutes to make that journey. Yet, he climbs those steps at least twice a week. After he makes it up there, he goes around and does his workout. I believe he avoids any exercise that works the legs.

So GD, is your condition so bad that you can't do any sort of exercise?

One thing I forgot to mention. The old man walks right past the elevator on his way to the stairs.
heck of a little story presto......attitude really is matter what happens,if if you can keep a good frame of mind,youre gonna be ok.....hang in there greendoberman....'keep the continue'

New member
Sep 11, 2005
I would say my waist size is 37 right now. Considering when I was in top shape I could get into 30's and 32 is ideal. I look like a pregnant woman expecting twins and I have man-boobies Phil Mickelson would be jealous of.

Short-term I want to get under 200. I never hit that and when I did I exploded for another 15-20. Ideally I'll take 165 and 12% or less body fat. If it takes a year, so be it. I have the time. Right now I have two months of hardcore discipline and mental toughness to get decent. Come December I am visiting the family and hopefully heading to Costa Rica. I want people to be able to tell me I look like I've lost weight and say it honestly.
How tall are you? If you are 31% bodyfat at 215lbs, you have to be around 5'9 or so. If your waist was 30-32 at 5'9 when your were skinny (considering my waist is 34 now and i'm 215lbs), I'm having a hard time believing you were only 5%-6% bodyfat, essentially a 6 pack.

If you really were, only drink water, cut all fast food out of your diet, limit artificial sugars and you should be able to return to normal in a year.

Rx. Senior
Sep 20, 2003
I'm 5-10 1/2 levi.

When I had low body fat, I was training and running in marathons, half-marathons, 5k's etc. Eating perfect and I worked part-time at a gym so exercised 6 days a week.

Was a long time ago and don't have any illusions of my older body getting back to the point of running 60 miles a week.

I'm struggling right now, but am going to keep fighting.

Stories like Presto's help me to stay motivated.

Rx. Senior
Sep 20, 2003
Weighed myself again tonight and tipped the scales at 211.0. 3 pound loss from last week. Pretty good considering I did not exercise.

I am only drinking one day a week on my cheat day, but I'm sure drinking entirely too much when I do. That needs to be improved on my part.

Still some pain in the knee and am going to rest it for another week. Will do some lifting of the upper body and continue to try and eat and drink right.

Drinking-wise I've been having more green tea. Mostly that and water, coupled with a glass of some kind of juice every now and then. Very little soda and when it is it is diet soda.

New member
Dec 7, 2005
3 pounds without exercise is good. You must be doing something right.

Going from (I guess) many nights of drinking to only one night a week is quite an accomplishment in itself. Hopefully as you become more in shape your desire to over-drink will lessen and your will power to stay the healthy course will get stronger.

My weakness is sugar. I still have a fair amount daily, but have cut back over the years. It just drags on the body the following day, much like alcohol. Like the saying goes, anything in moderation is okay. If it were just that easy.

Is it your position that diet soda is bad? I don't drink a lot , but I was under the impression that it is fairly benign. I prefer the carbonated flavored water (sams club). It has zero calories and is an okay beverage.

Rx. Senior
Sep 20, 2003
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3 pounds without exercise is good. You must be doing something right.

Going from (I guess) many nights of drinking to only one night a week is quite an accomplishment in itself. Hopefully as you become more in shape your desire to over-drink will lessen and your will power to stay the healthy course will get stronger.

My weakness is sugar. I still have a fair amount daily, but have cut back over the years. It just drags on the body the following day, much like alcohol. Like the saying goes, anything in moderation is okay. If it were just that easy.

Is it your position that diet soda is bad? I don't drink a lot , but I was under the impression that it is fairly benign. I prefer the carbonated flavored water (sams club). It has zero calories and is an okay beverage.

If you are comparing diet soda to regular soda it is a great option.
I do think that water is the best thing you can drink.
I don't believe caffeine is good for you and if I drink diet I tend to drink those with caffeine.
I think sugared sodas are about the worst thing you can put in your body. Beer is healthier than soda.

I'm trying to drink mostly water with some green tea. I have an occasional diet soda and will sometimes have juice in the morning or the afternoon.
If I can keep that habit and limit the alcohol consumption to one day a week and more importantly less than 5 drinks on that day then I will have won the beverage battle.

Rx. Senior
Sep 20, 2003
10-25-2007, 02:56 PM #67 bigbet1234
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How's it going doberman? you hanging in there?

To update:
Not much has happened as I have purposefully been resting my leg. Went grocery shopping today and my leg felt much better. Going to rest it the weekend and give the stationary bike or treadmill a try on Monday.

Eating a lot more vegetables and more healthful meals. Cooking a lot more and trying to shy away from the microwave and fast foods. I do slip up from time to time, but know it is part of the big picture.

I expect I may gain weight this week due to inactivity, but hope that I am laying the right habits for the long run.

New member
Jun 13, 2007
where you at greendoberman..most aggravatin thing in the world is a bum leg or knee..especially when youre tryin to change those bad habits..buuut,you are doin all the right things,and eventually,and i did say eventually,youll get to where you want to be...even if you had only one leg,if you keep the same attitude,you wont be denied good health...the truth is,it takes a long time to change from a couch potato,to a healthy active lifestyle,all we can do,is the best we can do,every day,one day at a time....i started liftin weights back in april,and im just beginning to notice a big difference...the fact is,it take several months,to get in good enough condition,for a person to do some serious exercise...thats why people quit,they think its always goin to be this hard,and say to hell with it...,in my experience,after about 6 months,all this walkin and weight liftin,changed from being a job,to somethin i enjoy the heck out of....'keep the continue'

Rx. Senior
Sep 20, 2003
Weighed myself yesterday and was at 210.5, lost a half-pound last week. Actually was a pleasant surprise since I was relatively inactive and my eating was probably the worst since I have started.

Of greater concern is my knee. I'm starting to think it is something else. When I rest it, it feels fine. But going out and walking on it, it flares up. Even something as simple as going to the grocery store will make it known. My legs actually almost buckled today at the mall when I was walking.

I have three options: 1) continue to try and rest it and treat it, 2) suck it up and exercise through the pain and stop being a *****, 3) go to the doctor to have it checked out and possibly an MRI.

Either way, I'm doing fairly well healthwise other than that and my eating habits have improved dramatically. If I can get over this stumbling block and "keep the continue" so to speak, I'm sure I can develop good habits that will be longstanding.

Rx. Senior
Sep 20, 2003
It's been one month now so time to give a progress report:

Started the month weighing 215.0 lbs.
Ended the month weighing 212.0 lbs.

A loss of three pounds, which on the surface doesn't seem like much. However, at that pace that is 36 pounds for a year. Since this is more a lifestyle change than a quick fix diet, those results are encouraging.

Eating: Changed my eating habits dramatically. Lots more fruits and vegetables. More balanced meals and less fast food. This is the biggest positive I have seen.

Drinking: Only had two slip up days and had the least amount of drinks in a month for quite a while. This is encouraging while still a work in progress. I'd like to enjoy a beer every now and then or a glass of wine with dinner, but have to be very careful about this. Lots of water and introduced green tea into the diet.

Exercise: Started off like gangbusters and came to an abrupt halt. My knee injury pretty much curtailed any thoughts of strenuous exercise. While still a huge concern, one of my goals this month is to incorporate more exercise into my routine.

Mental: It was far from a perfect first month but Rome wasn't built in a day. I feel like I laid the groundwork for something that will be successful long term.

Goals for this month: Continue proper nutrition and limit drinking even more. Get some more exercise but do not push too hard. Ideally, I would like to be under 200 at the end of this month, knowing I will be traveling in December and the holidays usually do not help the battle of the bulge. Realistically, another month and another three pounds off would be fine. Let's shoot for 5 to 7 as our goal.

Sep 21, 2004
3 pounds, take a shit and weigh youself after not before next time. LOL.

Use the CR trip as motivation for when you are at the beach enjoying a nice diet and RUM.


Rx. Senior
Sep 20, 2003
Got on the stationary bike as I said fuck it, even if the pain in my knees is there I might as well try a little exercise. If it is too bad I'll stop, otherwise I am right where I'm at doing nothing lying around.

Did 30 minutes on bike and that was a start. Will see how I feel and hopefully jump back into exercise again tomorrow.

New member
Jun 13, 2007
Got on the stationary bike as I said fuck it, even if the pain in my knees is there I might as well try a little exercise. If it is too bad I'll stop, otherwise I am right where I'm at doing nothing lying around.

Did 30 minutes on bike and that was a start. Will see how I feel and hopefully jump back into exercise again tomorrow.
hang in there greendoberman..its so easy to get off track,especially with that fkn halloween candy layin around! and now,here comes thanksgivin and christmas....i put on 5 pounds just thinkin about it....hmmm..lets go for a walk!...'keep the continue'

New member
Sep 21, 2004
GD...I know you have a gym in your complex, If you want I can get you a 30 day pass at 24-hour if you are interested. Getting out of your comfort zone can be a major motivator if you know what I mean.

I know you know how to do it, time to execute the plan brother. But wait until after your vacation and the holidays. You are far to young and healthy to not kick this into high gear, and you know you are going to have to dojust that once the knee is heeled up. There's a lot more you can do even with a bum knee. Give me a shout, I can help you get to 190 or less in 3 months, easy. Once you get on a serious program and can see and feel the results you will be motivated to keep losing/maintain going into summer, and there will be no guilt about knocking some drinks back or a good steak fact, if you do it, both are on me.

Rx. Senior
Sep 20, 2003
I will update later. Currently my weight is at 209.5. This despite lack of exercise. I have been eating much better lately and am still keeping up the fight.

With a long vacation coming up in December and the holidays it will be tough. But I am in this for the long haul.

New member
Dec 7, 2005
What's this vacation BS? One's body never gets a day off and neither does your health.
The knee thing is unfortunate, but remember, some people would kill to have that as their only physical barrier to exercise.

Can you swim or ride a bike out in the Red Rock area? I finally made it out there last trip, and that looks like a fun place.

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