what's causing it? nobody can be certain, but we can address the two biggest beliefs / myths floating around out there.
1) Was it President Bush removing executive restrictions on offshore drilling? plausible.
Since the price started to drop the day he removed such restrictions, proving the commitment to tap our own resources is real. If speculation is a driving force (I believe it is part of the equation), long term speculators can't be happy about the real potential for increased supply. I've said many times that prices would drop as soon as we talk about tapping our own reserves.
2) Was it concerns about a recession?
Is news about a sluggish economy new? The individuals that believe it's because of poor economic news have been emphasizing bad economic news for a long time now. The markets are miles ahead of the news.
I especially love the suggestion that the Treasury Secretary saying there was inflationary pressures hurting the economy that brought the price down. Do you think traders didn't know rising energy prices would cause inflation? Is that really what people were thinking?
The President's actions? possible
Bad economic news? not a chance in hell
1) Was it President Bush removing executive restrictions on offshore drilling? plausible.
Since the price started to drop the day he removed such restrictions, proving the commitment to tap our own resources is real. If speculation is a driving force (I believe it is part of the equation), long term speculators can't be happy about the real potential for increased supply. I've said many times that prices would drop as soon as we talk about tapping our own reserves.
2) Was it concerns about a recession?
Is news about a sluggish economy new? The individuals that believe it's because of poor economic news have been emphasizing bad economic news for a long time now. The markets are miles ahead of the news.
I especially love the suggestion that the Treasury Secretary saying there was inflationary pressures hurting the economy that brought the price down. Do you think traders didn't know rising energy prices would cause inflation? Is that really what people were thinking?
The President's actions? possible
Bad economic news? not a chance in hell