Scotty- its about the feeling that theres not gonna be any elections. GTC has about 48hrs and my prediction to get through. If they have the guts to do something BEFORE the elections- thereby rendering them at least postponed- or removed from the realm of possibility with an act so horrendous it it would make 9/11 look like a Halloween prank in comparison. Or steal the election?
Do THEY have the guts to do it- either one -must be weighing heavily on his mind. If not- consider if McCain were to win.
Look at the situstion- Obama leads big. No - not big- BIG. voter turn out is huge- and from the looks of the size rallies for Obama vs. McCains sleepovers even the most jaded of Repubs on this board dont think that this doesnt mean anything- have anything to do with the votes to come.
If they use their evil satanic magic on the Diebold Machines with its patented "negative function" written into the source code- its over for OBAMA. And the streets will be full of angry disenfranchised broke ass people who have woken up on 11/5 to a world in which Bush is still in power with a Malaki like McCain as their new symbolic leader. Just as Putin still rules Russia even though Medvenev or whatever his name is technically the new president.
GTC doesnt get his paid vacation donated by various odius neocon slimebuckets on this Forum (you know who you are:lolBIG
That is enough to bring any man to a point of a need for adeep philosophical reflection on what would this mean to him- to his countyr- to his bankroll?
Im all for a day of silence over this issue. Keep your ears open- your eyes open- while the question for the next 48hrs is answered- can this shithole get any stinkier without a necessary flush?:nohead:
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