1. What Pence did was completely legal
2. Pence was using a private account
3. There was no private server involved
4. Pence was not emailing classified information
5. Pence is archiving these emails and turning them in to the state per regulations. Hillary's emails were purposely destroyed.
Pence: "Hillary shouldn't use a private server"
Fact: Pence didn't use a private email server
Retard: "See the hypocrisy here!!!???"
There was no "hypocrisy" you utter dumb fuck.
Why do you even comment here? Is it prove how low your IQ is?
Prove that using a private email/server was illegal, moron.
It's obvious you flunked basic math and basic English. An albino Eminem accusing another of being unfit to be President when he used private email to conduct official government business himself is the height of hypocrisy.
But I wouldn't expect a simpleton such as yourself to understand something so simple. Afterall, you're the clueless moron who posted such gems as.....
"Trump never said he would hire a special prosecutor to jail Hillary!!!!" Of course there's video of Trump saying exactly that.
"Timothy McVeigh was atheist!!!!" Of course he was raised Catholic, attended church regularly, said he held Christian values and received last rites at his execution but he's atheist this moron claims.
And of course your dumbest claim of all: 5 + 11 = 11
How does it feel being the certifiable village idiot?