The Dumbest Generation: How the Digital Age Stupefies Young Americans and Jeopardizes


Militant Birther
Nov 29, 2005
The Dumbest Generation: How the Digital Age Stupefies Young Americans and Jeopardizes Our Future (Or, Don't Trust Anyone Under 30)


Product Description

This shocking, lively exposure of the intellectual vacuity of today’s under thirty set reveals the disturbing and, ultimately, incontrovertible truth: cyberculture is turning us into a nation of know-nothings.

Can a nation continue to enjoy political and economic predominance if its citizens refuse to grow up?

For decades, concern has been brewing about the dumbed-down popular culture available to young people and the impact it has on their futures. At the dawn of the digital age, many believed they saw a hopeful answer: The Internet, e-mail, blogs, and interactive and hyper-realistic video games promised to yield a generation of sharper, more aware, and intellectually sophisticated children. The terms “information superhighway” and “knowledge economy” entered the lexicon, and we assumed that teens would use their knowledge and understanding of technology to set themselves apart as the vanguards of this new digital era.

That was the promise. But the enlightenment didn’t happen. The technology that was supposed to make young adults more astute, diversify their tastes, and improve their verbal skills has had the opposite effect. According to recent reports, most young people in the United States do not read literature, visit museums, or vote. They cannot explain basic scientific methods, recount basic American history, name their local political representatives, or locate Iraq or Israel on a map. The Dumbest Generation is a startling examination of the intellectual life of young adults and a timely warning of its consequences for American culture and democracy.

Drawing upon exhaustive research, personal anecdotes, and historical and social analysis, Mark Bauerline presents an uncompromisingly realistic portrait of the young American mind at this critical juncture, and lays out a compelling vision of how we might address its deficiencies.


Fantastic book if you want to understand what's going on in America right now, and why your taxes could very well end up being more than 60% in 2009 if the Dumbest Generation succeeds in getting their man into the White House.

Are you under 35 and politically active, believing you have it all figured out? SHAME ON YOU! :nono5:

"Yes we can!" :ohno:

Sep 22, 2004
Considering the educational levels of the 1000 channel 24/7 modern mass media in America today this hardly comes as a surprise.

Things have been dumbed down to the lowest level possible to maximise advertising revenue.


Honey Badger Don't Give A Shit
Sep 21, 2004
Americans sure are dumb.

Americans sure are easy to dupe.

Americans sure are soft and immoral.



Mark L Contrarian

New member
Feb 1, 2005
do not read literature, visit museums, or vote. They cannot explain basic scientific methods, recount basic American history, name their local political representatives, or locate Iraq or Israel on a map.

Other than the voting part, he might as well be describing the the murderer in chief.

Snatches Defeat from the Jaws of Victory...
Apr 9, 2006
I can't see how this guy can't see that the youth of America, while I agree aren't ALWAYS sharp and are quite often disrespectful, have AT LEAST finally figured out that George Bush has TAKEN their country from them, and has for 8 years, LOVED the fact that they were too stupid to pay attention!!
Wake up, man!! You're no longer in the majority anymore, as Bushie's approval ratings are lower than John Holmes' Pecker Measurement!!

Militant Birther
Nov 29, 2005
while I agree aren't ALWAYS sharp and are quite often disrespectful...

Ain't that the truth -- many young people today have no healthy fear and respect for any kind of authority or their elders.

Bringing back the strap would do wonders for the "what-are-they-gonna-do-ta-me?" punks ruining our schools. Unfortunately, the loony left believes in this asinine concept called "children's rights."'s_rights

Children's rights are the human rights of children with particular attention to the rights of special protection and care afforded to the young,[1] including their right to association with both biological parents, human identity as well as the basic needs for food, universal state-paid education, health care and criminal laws appropriate for the age and development of the child.[2] Applications of children's rights range from allowing children to do whatever they wish to the enforcement of children being physically, mentally and emotionally free from abuse. Other definitions include the rights to care and nurturing.[3]


Honey Badger Don't Give A Shit
Sep 21, 2004
Mark L's Step One in How2CureAmerica

1) Introduce your kids to physical violence and refresh their memories often by personally dealing out some of the pain.

Coming Soon To a BookStore Near You, except for Mark only writes this sillyness on a SportsHandicapping Politico Forum with a couple dozen readers. We'll let you know when he gets the courage to try real life venues with his latest Rap O' the Day.

Is that a moonbat in my sites?
Oct 20, 2001
Ain't that the truth -- many young people today have no healthy fear and respect for any kind of authority or their elders.

Bringing back the strap would do wonders for the "what-are-they-gonna-do-ta-me?" punks ruining our schools. Unfortunately, the loony left believes in this asinine concept called "children's rights."


They quickly learn once they hit the job market and find out they won't earn big bucks avoiding work and giving the boss a hard time.

I see that a few of the resident moonbats jumped right in and blamed everything on Bush - typical loonie leftwing lockstep response

The people who get screwed the worst are the very kids who need the disciplines to become a success in life.

I'm dis-heartened that we have a Republican Party that's more beholden to special interests than it is to the party platform. A Republican party that has helped to create this mess.

New member
Jan 20, 2006
many "kids" know much more about electronics then their parents. When you can explain why the adult is asking the kid to reprogram the DVD TV or set up the computer so it does not do this or that, then I will believe you.

We are able to do things with much more simplicity then we were before. And to me that is progress, who cares if it is dumbed down or not.

Then you have read literature and visit museums. I would venture to guess that kids know more about their world today then kids did in the past. They know much more about current events. They read a ton and now also write a ton online. Museums, ha. I would bet a lot that thanks to the TV and internet many young people see more of the world then their parents who did go to the museum every so often.

Voting is a little different, and I dont have anything to back that up. And Thanks to all the hidden camera shows we know it is not just our young people who cannot find the middle east on a map.

Honey Badger Don't Give A Shit
Sep 21, 2004

Then you have read literature and visit museums. I would venture to guess that kids know more about their world today then kids did in the past. They know much more about current events. They read a ton and now also write a ton online. Museums, ha. I would bet a lot that thanks to the TV and internet many young people see more of the world then their parents who did go to the museum every so often.

Excellent point BMB

I (a somewhat younger American at my age of 48) was in Washington last summer for a campaign strategy session with MPP and DPA. While visiting the Smithsonian, I was intrigued by how 90% of the people in attendance were eagerly using their various digital cameras and phone cameras to photograph the various items on display.

They would politely elbow their way to the front (the Hope Diamond was the most crowded) so they could take a photo image of an item that is already visible online in literally thousands of venues.

Museums will always be a valuable resource in any community.

But the days of needing to visit one in order to be exposed to the content therein are long past.

If anyone doubts the above, simply web surf over to The Smithsonian and for the next few months enjoy your virtual tour of all things therein. And you'll never even have to spend the time and money to travel to Washington DC

Oct 16, 2004
Voting for Lil Bush twice doesn't say much for the intelligence of the OLDER generation either.

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