The DEATH of Rovian Politics.


Rx .Junior
Feb 24, 2005
Age has finally become an issue for John McCain. But the problem isn't the candidate's 72 years; it's the antediluvian approach of his campaign.
McCain is running a textbook Rovian race: fear-based, smear-based, anything goes. But it isn't working. The glitch in the well-oiled machine? The Internet.
"We are witnessing the end of Rovian politics," Eric Schmidt, CEO of Google told me. And YouTube, which Google bought in 2006 for $1.65 billion, is one of the causes of its demise.
Thanks to YouTube -- and blogging and instant fact-checking and viral emails -- it is getting harder and harder to get away with repeating brazen lies without paying a price, or to run under-the-radar smear campaigns without being exposed.
But the McCain campaign hasn't gotten the message, hence the blizzard of racist, alarmist, xenophobic, innuendo-laden accusations being splattered at Obama.
And it seems that the worse McCain is doing in the polls, the more his team is relying on the same gutter tactics. So over the next 15 days, look for the McCain campaign to become even uglier. That's what happens when following Rovian politics is your only strategy -- and Rovian politics isn't working.
McCain has stockpiled his campaign with Rove henchmen, including not one but three of the people responsible for the political mugging inflicted on him in 2000.
Just last week he brought on Warren Tompkins in an "unofficial" capacity to see how receptive North Carolina would be to some Rovian slime. After all, it's right next door to South Carolina, where in 2000 Tomkins and his buddies in the Bush campaign spread race-baiting rumors about McCain having an illegitimate black daughter (referring to McCain's adopted Bangladeshi daughter Bridget).
And those disgraceful robo-calls that McCain is running? They were done with the help of Jeff Larson and his firm FLS-Connect -- the same firm that created the robo-calls smearing McCain in 2000.
At the time, McCain's reaction to the attacks on him was: "I believe that there is a special place in hell for people like these."
His reaction now? I have a special place in my campaign for people like these!
So the Karl Rove specials keep coming. Obama and Ayers. Obama the Socialist. Obama and ACORN "destroying the fabric of democracy." Palin (herself the manifestation of Rovian decision-making) delineating which parts of "this great nation of ours" are "pro-American." (Interestingly, the sites of the 9/11 attacks didn't make the list.)
And, did you hear, Obama is also... black! And he wants to give your money to all the poor black people! McCain didn't come right out and say that, but it's surely what he insinuated in his radio address this weekend: "Barack Obama's tax plan would convert the IRS into a giant welfare agency." Somewhere, Karl Rove is smiling, Richard Nixon's southern strategy is waxing nostalgic, and John McCain's missing moral compass is getting steamed about John Lewis' evocation of the civil rights struggle.
But there is a diamond amidst all this dung: the lack of traction this Rovian politics is getting. It's as if Rove and his political arsonists keep lighting fires, only to see them doused by the powerful information spray the Internet has made possible.
The Internet has enabled the public to get to know candidates in a much fuller and more intimate way than in the old days (i.e. four years ago), when voters got to know them largely through 30-second campaign ads and quick sound bites chosen by TV news producers.
Compare that to the way over 6 million viewers (on YouTube alone) were able to watch the entirety of Obama's 37-minute speech on race -- or the thousands of other videos posted by the campaign and its supporters.
Back in the Dark Ages of 2004, when YouTube (and HuffPost, for that matter) didn't exist, a campaign could tell a brazen lie, and the media might call them on it. But if they kept repeating the lie again and again and again, the media would eventually let it go (see the Swiftboating of John Kerry). Traditional media like moving on to the next shiny thing. But bloggers love revisiting a story. So when Palin kept repeating her bridge to nowhere lie, bloggers kept calling her on it. Andrew Sullivan, for one, has made a cottage industry of calling Palin on her lies. And eventually, the truth filtered up and cost McCain credibility with his true base: journalists.
The Internet may make it easier to disseminate character smears, but it also makes it much less likely that these smears will stick.
As a result, the McCain campaign's insinuation-laden "Who is Barack Obama?" was rendered more comical than spooky. Who is Barack Obama? The guy we've been watching over and over and over during the last two years. We've seen him. We know him. And we can remind ourselves about him with a quick Google search and a mouse click.
Obama "has shown the same untroubled self-confidence day after day," and "over the past two years, Obama has clearly worn well with voters." Those are the words of David Brooks, who has gotten to know Obama just like the rest of us.
Four years ago, McCain's Rovian race-based appeals to our darker demons might have worked. This year, they are blowing up in McCain's face. And in the face of the entire GOP.
Colin Powell's endorsement of Obama as "a transformational figure" was powerful. But even more powerful was his withering indictment of the state of the Republican Party and the cancer of Rovian politics.
It was similar to the diagnosis of Christopher Buckley following his endorsement of Obama: "To paraphrase a real conservative, Ronald Reagan, I haven't left the Republican Party. It left me."
There are many other anti-Rove Republicans abandoning their party. I've had several Republican friends tell me privately what Powell and Buckley told the world publicly: that they're voting for Obama. Most of them not because they like Obama, but because they can't stand what Bush, Rove and now McCain and Palin have done to their party.
Rovian politics may or may not end up destroying the GOP. But, thanks to the Internet, with a bit of luck it will no longer have the power to befoul our democracy.

Age has finally become an issue for John McCain. But the problem isn't the candidate's 72 years; it's the antediluvian approach of his campaign. McCain is running a textbook Rovian race: fear-base...
Age has finally become an issue for John McCain. But the problem isn't the candidate's 72 years; it's the antediluvian approach of his campaign. McCain is running a textbook Rovian race: fear-base...

<!-- chicklets -->

-Ariana Huffington

L5Y, USC is 4-0 vs SEC, outscoring them 167-48!!!
Sep 20, 2004
Its a generational shift Sweetlou. Out with the old in the with new.

Officially Punching out Nov 25th
Sep 21, 2004
As much as you want to despise Rove...he was brilliant.

Every Politician needs a mud slinging, evil strategist

There's no such thing as leftover crack
Apr 2, 2005
A healthy chunk of Colin Powell's endorsement of Obama was a denouncement of Rovian politics. Democracy should have a restraining order against Karl Rove.

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New member
Dec 31, 2004
Yeah, Rove is constantly whining about "liberal bloggers" which are actually people calling him on his bullshit.

L5Y, USC is 4-0 vs SEC, outscoring them 167-48!!!
Sep 20, 2004
I wonder if its Rove's strategy for McCain to campaigning in Pennsylvania where he's down double digits with 13 days left and a few pennies left in the bank? :nohead:

Nevermind that there's 9 other states he's behind that he should be holding.

Honey Badger Don't Give A Shit
Sep 21, 2004
To coin a phrase from one of our long time Politico Pubsters...

"As I've been saying all along...

The Republican party - especially at the national level - continues to vastly underestimate the power of the Internet.

It was certainly a factor in 2006 as they were crushed in the midterm Congressional races and it remains a factor two years later.

As recently as five years ago, the www was still viewed as little more than the Land of Kooks and such a perception was not without merit in many cases.

But today, as the most staunch and longtime mainstream media outlets are rechanneling increasing resources to their online products, it's clear that the www is in fact where an increasing number of Americans turn for their news and opinion regarding important issues of the day.

Likely the biggest and most underappreciated contribution to public knowledge provided by the www is how with each passing day it becomes increasingly more difficult for national level politicians to lie.

Reagan and his cronies were able to lie to the public with an utterly straight face because they knew that unless they were caught by one of the three mainstream television networks, they were scot-free.

Clinton and his crowd got away with a lesser level of malfeasance during their years, but it certainly began to unravel late in the second term as public outrage fueled by the then emerging www inspired Republican legislators to stay persistent in pursuing him on the Lewinsky allegations.

And we all know just how insidious the level of bullshit has been during Bush's first four years. Had the Democrats not been so stuck in the status quo during 2003-4 and put their energies behind someone other than a 30year US Senator and former state prosecutor John Kerry, they would likely have been able to toss Bush on his ass.

Unfortunately of course that didn't happen and it wasn't until 2006 that the first strong wave of dumping lying, disingenious Republicans hit.

Now as we move forward in 2008, expect to see continued turnover in Washington. And not just in Republicans (led by McCain's defeat). I expect to see a fair share of incumbent Democrats defeated next month as well, though the total +/- should leave the Dems in firm control of the US Congress.

As we then proceed to 2010 and 2012, it will be the candidates who most willingly acknowledge the power of the Internet who will be most successful.

If you and your associates are backing anyone not in touch with this seemingly obvious social paradigm shift, you better think twice because your guy (or gal) is incredibly behind the curve.

Rx Junior
Oct 4, 2008
So who gets the credit for running Obama's campaign?

I have seen the fella, on tv (i think he is the same guy who run his campaigns back in chicago)

But ultimately i am amazed that the guy just managed to pull the rag out from underneath Hilary Clinton. That is one of the biggest chess plays in the history of American politics. I am dying to buy the book he writes on this issue because i love politics and i would love to know exactly what went on behind the campaigns (It would be doubly great if the publisher found a clinto insider to co-author the book so as to give the reader a proper perspective on the different trains of thought inside the campaigns)

I think that would be a best seller for years to come, which would be read by CEOs, prospective politicians and strategists of every kind.

(though to be fair, he had a golden child of sorts in Obama and cant get credit for everything. Kinda like over rating phil jackson coaching Micheal Jordan)

L5Y, USC is 4-0 vs SEC, outscoring them 167-48!!!
Sep 20, 2004
Obama's campaign killed it on the internet.

Honey Badger Don't Give A Shit
Sep 21, 2004
Obama's campaign killed it on the internet.

And the www was certainly the driving force behind Ron Paul being able to get his core messages out to millions of real live voters. Most notable was his message that the preeminent Republicans in Washington are in most cases very faux "conservatives" and thus not worthy of full fledged support from fiscally conservative voters.

Had McCain or even Romney been wise enough to show Paul's message and supporters some semblance of respect, they could likely have had an additional several million votes which will now instead go to either Barr, Baldwin or even Obama.

New member
Nov 8, 2006
I have seen the fella, on tv (i think he is the same guy who run his campaigns back in chicago)

But ultimately i am amazed that the guy just managed to pull the rag out from underneath Hilary Clinton. That is one of the biggest chess plays in the history of American politics. I am dying to buy the book he writes on this issue because i love politics and i would love to know exactly what went on behind the campaigns (It would be doubly great if the publisher found a clinto insider to co-author the book so as to give the reader a proper perspective on the different trains of thought inside the campaigns)

I think that would be a best seller for years to come, which would be read by CEOs, prospective politicians and strategists of every kind.

(though to be fair, he had a golden child of sorts in Obama and cant get credit for everything. Kinda like over rating phil jackson coaching Micheal Jordan)

Great post and super analogy.

New member
Oct 20, 2005
And the www was certainly the driving force behind Ron Paul being able to get his core messages out to millions of real live voters. Most notable was his message that the preeminent Republicans in Washington are in most cases very faux "conservatives" and thus not worthy of full fledged support from fiscally conservative voters.

Had McCain or even Romney been wise enough to show Paul's message and supporters some semblance of respect, they could likely have had an additional several million votes which will now instead go to either Barr, Baldwin or even Obama.

Well said you fucking hippie. :smoking:

Feb 22, 2005
Rovian politics is alive and well. Its just that Obama has a much better personality than Mccain and pretty much all attacks just bounce off him
Nothing sticks unlike the way it did for John Kerry in '04
If Mccain were to use these tactics against John Kerry, Mccain would be winning by a wide margin

L5Y, USC is 4-0 vs SEC, outscoring them 167-48!!!
Sep 20, 2004
I have seen the fella, on tv (i think he is the same guy who run his campaigns back in chicago)

But ultimately i am amazed that the guy just managed to pull the rag out from underneath Hilary Clinton. That is one of the biggest chess plays in the history of American politics. I am dying to buy the book he writes on this issue because i love politics and i would love to know exactly what went on behind the campaigns (It would be doubly great if the publisher found a clinto insider to co-author the book so as to give the reader a proper perspective on the different trains of thought inside the campaigns)

I think that would be a best seller for years to come, which would be read by CEOs, prospective politicians and strategists of every kind.

(though to be fair, he had a golden child of sorts in Obama and cant get credit for everything. Kinda like over rating phil jackson coaching Micheal Jordan)

Were you talking about the campaign chair's David Ploufee and David Axlerod?

L5Y, USC is 4-0 vs SEC, outscoring them 167-48!!!
Sep 20, 2004
Rovian politics is alive and well. Its just that Obama has a much better personality than Mccain and pretty much all attacks just bounce off him
Nothing sticks unlike the way it did for John Kerry in '04
If Mccain were to use these tactics against John Kerry, Mccain would be winning by a wide margin

No..the problem with Kerry's campaign was they didn't respond fast enough to the swift boating and the 527's. This time around the campaign was prepared. Responses were delt within minutes of accusations, or contra ad's were run in advance of what was coming. and this time around there was more offensive campaigning

Also.. the Sarah Palin played huge. SNL was conveniently the democrats swiftboat machine with all the Sarah Palin parody.

Mar 7, 2005
I wonder if its Rove's strategy for McCain to campaigning in Pennsylvania where he's down double digits with 13 days left and a few pennies left in the bank? :nohead:

Nevermind that there's 9 other states he's behind that he should be holding.

You must have missed Murtha's back to back redneck roundup.

Yee Hah...they be clinging to their guns and religions agin. :missingte

L5Y, USC is 4-0 vs SEC, outscoring them 167-48!!!
Sep 20, 2004
You must have missed Murtha's back to back redneck roundup.

Yee Hah...they be clinging to their guns and religions agin. :missingte

oh yea. And a damaging effect it had. Thats why Murtha's state just went from +8% to +10% for Obama.

Polling DataPoll Date Sample MoE Obama (D) McCain (R) Spread
RCP Average 10/11 - 10/20 -- -- 51.7 40.7 Obama +11.0
Morning Call 10/16 - 10/20 600 LV 4.0 52 42 Obama +10
Susquehanna 10/16 - 10/18 700 LV 3.7 48 40 Obama +8

We're really sweating now! :smoking:

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