I didn't bet them, but I saw several lines held by NASA offshoots thet were very strange. They were put up for the calendar year 2000, you'd place the bet in december 1999 and collect in January 2001.
Some of them were (this comes from memory):
Will Ricky Martin and Oscar de la Hoya declare that they are lovers publicly? NO -5000
Who will do a nude pictorial first? the list included many celebrities, such as Sarah Michelle Ghellar and Britney Spears.
Will one of the members of N'Sync come out of the closet?
Will Kid Rock beat Pammela Anderson before Dec. 31st? (this was when they just got together)
They had Latin american props. My favorite one:
Will Vincente Fox (the then newly elected president of Mexico) be assasinated in a terrorist attempt before Dec. 31st?
I never actually saw this one, but I heard some British book had odds on where the next suicide bomber would strike. You'd pick areas of Jerusalem, and if yours got hit you won.